More sinister than the old Provo flag.
burn down
nor blow up
More accurately, the adverse to freedom, civilization and humanity.
Could you describe what the demon was trying to do to you?
Exodus 8:2
Green is the new Red.
Might be related:
Some writers have proposed that the pyramids were built using the power of sound, vibration, or magnetism. Several investigators, such as John Keely (1827-1898) and Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), have given us an idea of the possibilities of sound activating a power capable of lifting enormously heavy objects. The power of sound has also been stressed in theosophical writings:
We say and maintain that SOUND, for one thing, is a tremendous Occult power; that it is a stupendous force, of which the electricity generated by a million of Niagaras could never counteract the smallest potentiality when directed with occult knowledge. Sound may be produced of such a nature that the pyramid of Cheops would be raised in the air, or that a dying man, nay, one at his last breath, would be revived and filled with new energy and vigour. — The Secret Doctrine 1:555
— Coen Vonk, Pyramids and Temples in Egypt
Trump Lore
I call it the “Qnosis”.
Christians don't fight against One World Religion... they compete for it.
Bring back positivity!
It's more sinister than common butchery.
They are targeting these churches, but not the Jesuits?
More damming context:
In letters that recently came up at auction, Gandhi wrote to his eldest son, Harlal, in Gujarati, a language in which he chose to express thoughts he did not want English-speakers to understand,
"Manu is telling me a number of dangerous things about you. She says that you had raped her even before she was eight years and she was so much hurt that medical treatment was also to be taken."
As he advocated non-violence, saying that a person should fall at the feet of the rapist of his sister, not fighting back as the criminal killed him, Gandhi did nothing to avenge the rape of the woman who was his adopted daughter, while he required her to sleep naked with him, and she defended these actions as a spiritual practice.
Prominent leaders of India’s freedom movement, such as Vallabhai Patel, J. B. Kriplani, and Vinobha Bhave, confronted Gandhi over his immoral abuse of vulnerable teenagers, while they split from him.
Edit: The takeaways:
- Gandhi knew his son's sex with children was "dangerous".
- He had not engaged in such behavior himself.
- But he chose to do nothing because "muh peaceful".
Chinese Buddhists have long been accusing Tibetan Buddhists of heresy... If you look at the history of Tibetan Buddhism you can find a parallel between it and Catholicism.
- Both were imposed from the top down.
- Both resulted in violence.
- Both lead to repudiation of their original doctrines.
- Both are church-states.
Nevertheless, Chinese Buddhists, and Chinese people in general, support Trump.
The Lama, just like the Pope.
"One might assume then that it is this latter society which is behind much of the popular “conspiracy theory” accusations which blame Masons for the world’s troubles, as this diverts people’s attention and suspicions away from the real culprits.
However – “Like Christianity, Freemasonry is a corpse from which the spirit long ago fled,” (p. 388) and “There are no longer any secrets left unpublished; the Order is degenerating into a convenience for selfish men to use, and bad men to debase.”
This is largely due, she maintains throughout her writings, to infiltration by the Jesuits, i.e. members of the “Society of Jesus” organisation founded by Ignatius Loyola and which is an inextricable part of the Roman Catholic Church. Such a prospect of Jesuit infiltration and destruction from within is a very real threat to all noble and potent spiritual movements and organisations, [...]"
(Yes, the comment is already one year old, but more context to this particular issue is still good.)
Or because Bolso is still in control of Brazil?
Could you elaborate what "Choice" means here?
They do this to so that show the vast mindless sheeps the true nature of the world they have been pursuing.
The truth = the light.
Who would be the backstabber this time?
Sic Semper Trannies.
He will truly need to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
For he said, "Peace is the Price". The NBP does not reward peacemakers, quite the opposite, and is an insult to actual peacemakers and a dishonor to them should they receive it.
The Great Boycott is coming...