#1 You saw this somewhere else #2 Another really dumb take by whoever first thought of this and you for repeating it.
So the Dems go out and kill some pets and picked one with three name Peanut to allude to having Carter on ice to roll him out tomorrow....to do what stope the world from caring about the biggest election on 100 years? Do you understand how pointless and stupid that sounds when you read it aloud?
Go vote and get your family and friends to vote! Peanut and Fred were killed by a government who thinks they can do no wrong and tried to prove it at the worst time These people are stupid!
Did they hire you off the street with no experience to run the crane? No, no way. No gives the most difficult job to a new guy. Your argument is nonsense. The union wants the entry level no so skill people to make the crazy starting wage. That is then used to justify wages elsewhere. It's a real trickle down.
No one cares about him where ya been?