So I seen the fenben I wasn’t confident about the reviews or origins. Are you using this and what do you think of it? It would be the legit easiest way for me to administer. The granular and liquid isn’t an easy task but he takes pills really well. I worked at a vet as a receptionist catch all lol and learned a real clever trick.
That is great news. Congrats for kicking cancers ass!!!! ❤️ Dosing seems to be all over the place and different depending on the product. Since this isn’t a super popular treatment you kind of have to play around with how you go about it. I figured since there doesn’t seem to be any real negative side effects it wouldn’t hurt to at least try! Thanks for the info!
I think I will go to an every day dose and see what happens.
Our decision was along the same lines. Quality of life is diminished by both treatments suggested anyway so spending that much money to still loose the guy or struggle for the rest of his life just isn’t reasonable. I really am hoping that this has a positive outcome.
It goes of if muscle mass? Is what my research kept coming with. If using the horse paste you would have to give a full tube and then some is my understanding that’s why I went with the goat version. I am by no means a subject matter expert though.
Hello there! I haven’t signed on in awhile, Im more of just a watcher skimmer of the site but wanted to jump on as i seen your post and wanted to chime in. I am also doing this. Our 10 year old husky was diagnosed with anal cancer 4 weeks ago. He has multiple masses that had ruptured. We can’t justify the 10k surgery no matter how many times we have went over it so my husband and I have decided to go this route.
I can’t make his food but I changed brands to something that had very little carbs and only whole grains with no protein or meat byproduct. We went the route of fenben for goats as it was the most cost effective. Turmeric was also added. He just finished the round of antibiotics for the infection that popped up at the beginning of the diagnosis.
I am doing 3 days on 4 days off, we just wrapped up the 4th week.
My observations - the masses actually look so much better while he is on the 3 days. I also seen a crazy improvement after the first day of dosing that my husband said I was crazy for thinking. During the 3 days there is no active bleeding, they look as if they are trying to heal up and shrink. By the 4th day of being off he is actively bleeding again. The pain meds are real strong, I don’t like seeing him that out of it so I only give them to him at night because that seems to be when it’s the most irritated and we wake up with blood all over the place. Depending how this next 4 days off goes I may switch it up and reduce the dosage and do an everyday type of thing. The article that was linked on your last post was actually the one I came across to give me an idea of how to go about this. I reread it and will be adding in some of the vitamin D and MCT oil. I may go the route of pill form as he is real good about taking pills. Mixing things into some canned food has proven to be difficult as he is a diva. Only dog i have ever seen that will sit down with a piece of steak and take bites from it to savor the flavor. I’m literally not even exaggerating here. He has never been one to woof down anything.
Behavior wise he doesn’t seem sick aside from laying around more then he normally does. Doesn’t seem to respond as quickly as he used to and his hind legs seem to be weaker then before. I’m assuming from the pain in his rear?
Our guy is a part of the family. My tough husband always gets caught being a softy with our dude and he was crushed as much as I was after the diagnosis. But logically 10k is just unattainable right now in our current financial climate so we are doing all that we can financially.
I am hopeful that at the very least he is as healthy and as happy as possible through the end. If I can’t extend his life I am hoping that I can give him some comfort. I’m rooting for you and please keep us all update!
Dang it was almost a good share! I had to retract it once I realized it was labeled wrong person. Lol guess I didn’t take his advice to double check first before pushing something out. Lol
They used to have access to Facebook. It’s been a couple years so this might be different but they do have email.
Wife: hey honey kids are doing great miss you tons! Sailor: man it’s been busy, Watch standing sucks, they got us doing tons of work ups as well. But they did give us Sunday off. The lobster was good but they ran out of bananas for the dessert. Said we were short like 60 or something like that. Go figure! Tell the kiddos I love and miss them. *** every married couple during deployment has code words. The banana represents how many days they got extended. One deployment for us def had a shortage of bananas 🤣😂
Spoke to hubs about this he said they actually try to do lobster and steak once a week when they are close to the coast. So this to him sounds like a nothing burger for right now.
I bet recruitment would go up! 😂🤣
Could this have anything to do with Covid money laundering? I mean look at the news people are being brought down all over the place. A small town back home pop maybe 5k mountain town the entire city counsel was implicated. That’s one small town that filters down because the ones they “paid” for services would be aware because they would have had to alter their records to move the money around. We could be talking thousands of our elected officials and business around the country. I don’t know I could be trying to rationalize it but there is something real wonky because there is no way they think this is a good idea if it’s for the reason we fear it is. Just makes no sense.
Literally what I was thinking. Wtf kind of statement is this?
I may be mistaken. I didn’t realize it was a federal court. It will be appealed and then eventually have to go all the way up to the top I imagine. I got a call about mine on the civilian side. We are just confirming your information, a decision hasn’t been made yet. My response was I know because it’s illegal. Hahaha lady got quite on the phone. She told me the gentleman doing it before her just “up and quit” I wonder fucking why you god damn traitor. I imagine he got real red pilled reading thousand of reasonable accommodations. My supervisor was quite impressed with mine. Being forced to take something me and my medical team have decided wasn’t for me is telling. And being threatened because of it is all anyone should need to hear. My situation alone has woken up dozens of people.
She was 73 my farther had his at 60. I know 3 under 60 and that is well before the Covid/Vaccine sham
They wouldn’t have jurisdiction over the active. They however would over the reserve
Eggs were in short supply maybe around the beginning of the year the production has def picked up and now the generic store brand you know the section that has the largest stocked shelves at the cheapest cost went from white eggs to brown “free range” eggs. I actually didn’t immediately catch the transition. I opened them up a couple days after I bought them and I assumed my daughter had just cleaned out a container and brought me eggs from her house. When she didn’t I payed closer attention to the carton writing and it said now free range and they are all like that on our top grocery store in the state or at least the ones I’ve been to since noticing the change
Must never watched ink masters lol
You can live with autoimmune. I do. Maybe they will finally sink the energy and the research they need to. For actual good for once.
Maybe it’s one of the viral medications they developed for this. They tried giving it to me. I didn’t fill the script lol
It says “Covid medication” what does that mean
We already have it all. Weather Q is real or not is insignificant. It’s how we as a population respond is what’s important. I’m personally not sure how well the new decision plays in. I’m seeing a major break in support from the moderates on this one. The biggest problem I see is everyone is reacting in emotion instead of logic and way to many people have no clue what and how the constitution works. I don’t know the answer but having an election right now would probably not be very good for conservatives. The Normies don’t understand late term abortion. They are all pro choice but conveniently forget what a late term abortion actually means. They also don’t take into account how insignificant the numbers are for those who are raped, incest or medical necessity. I might not be perceived well for this observation but the bulk majority of the population could care less what someone else does. A lot of conservatives I know don’t even care about abortion and are totally pro choice and this is rattling the groups I’ve made since this war started. I don’t know I guess we have to wait and see but we have a long ways to go still.
My sister in laws close friend is having seizures and can barely walk. She only had a mild reaction with Covid but because she’s autoimmune her doctor sent her for the antibodies
Does he have a cough? My brother was in AZ when he caught it and one of the hospitable was using the machine for COPD. It shakes the gunk out of your chest. He went from 70 to 90 after an hour of the machine. They admitted that they had been trying everything they could to fight Covid for people and this treatment seemed to be the most effective to get the junk out quick to bring up the oxygen.
My bring home from my employer is $2000. I commute 30 mile in a car, my husband commutes up to an hour each day depending on where he goes in a newer truck. The downside from living in the country. My gas a month went from roughly $300 a month to now $600. My husband $600 is now $1200. This is 💯 unsustainable.
This is a great reset! Life will never be the same no matter the outcome. How it ends is how we respond. I have faith as a whole we respond accordingly. I’ve been saying it since the beginning. When I was harassed and ridiculed to get a vaccine my doctor told me not to get. I sat in an office full of the upper eschlan at my work. While they tried to convince me of a vaccine that I destroyed their debate with facts. With the most confidence I could muster being bombarded and outnumbered, I warned them “this only ends one way. How we get there is still to be determined.” They looked at me with this face. I can’t even describe it. Almost like disbelief That I said it? maybe it was the redpill moment for them all. I’m not even sure but it was priceless. I smiled and walked out without saying another word. Needless to say I am unvaccinated and still working. 😉
I think the back of the box tells you that a study showed after two weeks of double the dosage for horses there were no side effect? I would have to verify the info but I’m sure your horsey is fine! 😜