Red cross does not care if pure bloods get poisoned. Something must be impacting the money. Which is probably the sales of blood to big pharma. The poisoned blood will not created the products big pharma uses to make meds....big pharma tells blood gatherers "pure blood only". That makes sense to me.
There is discussion of a cyber position on why it won't happen....the parasites will be blind....all the tech that protects them will be offline.....the men that know how to do everything analog, are mostly patriots.
Do/allow a cyber attack.....blind your self....."hunter becomes the hunted".
Instructor will probably start picking up on what is happening when the attendees are 40 something yo Chads/sheepdogs with a far away stare...."Safe word?....'use Unconstitutional'.....can you remember that mitch?.....i mean bitch'..."
Now hang on....flood this class with patriots, and let it be known this will be used to "pleasure" those parasites that have been so enjoying the intercourse they have been having with our culture, our faith, and our economy.
I know a few joint locks, would be good to have some rope techniques added.
I argue with myself over things like this...40 years for "offending" the judge is so whacked it will get an appeal. But the evil spirits seem to not know when to stop, they just go to such extremes that their efforts get undone.
Most of my midges have been trained not to bite, but I have one named 'Commander'...