Queen Romana will certainly see they get their milkshakes at the spa:
My step-sister used to work in a think-tank in DC, and had my step-mother go with her to a WH xmas party one year. My step-mother got a picture with the Bushes at that party and proudly displays it in her office.
I've tried to tell her about the Bush cabal connections, but she refuses to entertain the thought of it. When it all comes out, I am afraid my step-mother will collapse from the shock.
In another video Clif explains the GSM. Basically, cosmic rays bombard through space, and have areas of thick and thin based on where the solar system is on the galactic plane.
The cosmic rays impact the core of the sun and contribute to it's internal heat and overall size. Supposedly, we are in a low density medium of cosmic rays and the sun has shrinked in overall size, which means an imperceptible lower amount of solar light (in all spectrum) falling upon the planet. With less overall light warming the planet, it cools over time until the cycle reverses.
I might have it not quite right but that was the gist I came away with.
This video by Clif High explains that the Commies have been working on this plan since the 50's:
Edit: Try this link to the group.
They are all heading for the firing squad:
How strong is your faith?
Which could be argued to be a Jesuit/Jew fiction (using itself to prove it):
Queen Romana has Canada under thumb.
Get on Telegram, and join the group to become a Medbed operator. They will train you, and they're going to need a lot of people to run them.
To find it, start with Queen Romana's channel:
There is a US Medbed Channel that she set up. Search her channel to find the link to the Medbed channel. When the Military starts to roll them out, they will contact you through that channel.