Forthelead 9 points ago +9 / -0

The important thing to understand is that the ONLY reason the restrictions in Canada were suspended (not removed) is because of the Charter Challenge by Brian Peckford.

The first suspension of the in-Canada vaxx requirement happened during the discovery phase of this trial. It was an attempt to render the expensive legal proceeding meaningless as they would be challenging a law that was no longer in effect.

The recent announcement that ArriveCan would also be suspended came along with an actual mootness hearing where a judge is now deciding whether the challenge is still relevant enough to proceed to the hearing on October 31.


Forthelead 0 points ago +2 / -2

If you are going to "borrow" someone's words, the least you could do is to give them credit.


Don't be lazy. Stealing is not really part of the Great Awakening!

Forthelead 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is like a situation where Frank yells out loud enough for everyone to hear, "I'm gonna kill you, Bob!"

Then a few hours later Bob's dead body is found. Frank is now the number one suspect, and even if he didn't do it, he will need some strong evidence to get out from under the cloud of suspicion.

Forthelead 10 points ago +10 / -0

Any commentary that suggests only the USA benefits from this is disingenuous and should be disregarded. The obvious #1 benefactor (in terms of nation states) would be Ukraine, who will be running out of soldiers in the near future.

Additionally, are there any other countries in the region with pipelines that will now be used instead of N1 & N2?

Forthelead 2 points ago +2 / -0

There seems to have been a hunger for a USA-Russia conflict for some time now - not from us plebs but from the elites.

It is entirely possible that someone else other than the USA blew up pipeline, but with both Victoria Nuland (Jan 27) and Joe Biden (Feb 7) making statements that the pipeline would be stopped if Russia went into Ukraine, I think the USA will be left holding the bag on this regardless of who did sabotage.

Forthelead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there any way that this does not result in a declaration of war?

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most cultures agree and recognize the existence basic colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. This is demonstrated by the existence of equivalent words in the languages of these cultures.

However, cultures don't agree on where the dividing line between these colors is. So if you had a spectrum printed out on a strip of paper, and you asked people around the world where green ends and blue begins, you would find a variety of different color boundaries.

This is often cited in discussions about whether language changes how we see the world or whether language is a reflection of the world we see.

Some cultures, usually considered primitive, do not recognize or distinguish as many colors as English speakers and many other cultures. Russians actually have one additional color - what we would call dark blue and light blue they consider two distinct colors as different as red and orange.

If I am remembering correctly, there was a native group in the USA that didn't make a distinction between yellow and orange, so if you held up color chips and asked them to identify the different colors, they would screw up in distinguishing between these two colors. More interestingly, as they learned English, they became more proficient at distinguishing the two colors, and this proficiency correlated with their English language ability.

Sometimes things that we might assume to be universally true are only true within our own context.

How is right and wrong (truth) determined?

It seems there are only three options for determining truth:

Truth is determined by a transcendent source (e.g. laws of math for mathematical truth, divine for spiritual/moral truth.

Truth is determined by a small group of elites (e.g. the vaxx is safe and effective, mostly peaceful protests)

We each determine what is true for ourselves (which is actually a false choice - just try this in the face of those pushing option #2.

Much of the fight today is actually not about whether the grass is green or blue. That is largely irrelevant. The real fight is about the ultimate source for truth.

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a possibility, but at the moment it seems to be supported only by hope. Until there is clear evidence to the contrary, I think that OP's observation is the best explanation for what is happening right now.

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you missed the point. Sometimes things that we might assume to be universally true are only true within our own context.

How is right and wrong (truth) determined?

It seems there are only three options for determining truth:

  1. Truth is determined by a transcendent source (e.g. laws of math for mathematical truth, divine for spiritual/moral truth.

  2. Truth is determined by a small group of elites (e.g. the vaxx is safe and effective, mostly peaceful protests)

  3. We each determine what is true for ourselves (which is actually a false choice - just try this in the face of those pushing option #2.

Much of the fight today is actually not about whether the grass is green or blue. That is largely irrelevant. The real fight is about the ultimate source for truth.

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you are going to argue that entire cultures seeing traffic lights as red, yellow, and blue are wrong?

How do you know that you are not wrong? Is this determined simply by the people around you? Is it determined by the size/power of your culture?

Forthelead -3 points ago +1 / -4

Just because the donkey sees the grass as blue does not mean that the donkey is color blind or even wrong. The boundaries between colors is actually cultural, and in some cultures, the color of healthy grass (or even a 7-up can) falls firmly in blue. Some cultures recognize more colors than you, and some recognize less.

So is the grass actually green or blue?

This is a question of perspective, and some disappointments are just that. Arguing about these issues is pointless although it is important and healthy to understand and discuss the different perspectives.

Some things are not perspective-dependant. Knowing the difference between the two is important.

Forthelead 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fantastic clip. Thank you for sharing it!

Forthelead 2 points ago +2 / -0

My sense is that most people are not yet ready for this and such a move, while longed for by anons, would cause panic in the general population.

My sense is that it is more likely that the witch hunt will come to a head this fall while PDT is still outside of the White House.

by PepeSee
Forthelead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Around 10-15 years ago I saw a Ted Talk on this topic, which was very convincing.

The basic idea was that by not grazing, the dead tall grass was left standing and it dried out and oxidized. This prevented new grass from growing, and the dead roots from the old dead grass, which was still standing, could not effectively hold the soil and prevent erosion from rainfall.

His before and after photo was very convincing. After using sheep to not only trample the old dead grass but to also fertilize the grassland, the land looked lush and productive.

Forthelead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are you listening to the black pillers?

Forthelead 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you hadn't noticed, this video is part of a series, and the entire series is great although this particular episode is the best of the bunch.

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

So if I meet a stranger, Bob, who claims to live near (or have some other superficial connection to) a public figure, and Bob says this person has some terrible secrets without offering even the slightest bit of proof that the allegations are true, I should become concerned?

Of course, if Bob hadn't made the unsubstantiated claim that he lived near the public figure, his comment would have been disregard entirely, but because he made that claim, without offering any proof for either the unnamed terrible secret or the close proximity of his cabin to the public figure's, I should be concerned that he might be telling the truth.

Is that what you are saying?

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

Claim that the 10 missing children story is actually true = instant loss of credibility.

The press clippings from earlier in the video were nice, but the film makers have definitely not done their homework.

Forthelead 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Someone I had never met before and that I just bumped into by chance told me that Kari Lake was actually bad.

Although he offered no evidence to back up his claim, I felt worried that he might know something that the rest of us don't because I always believe what strangers tell me - especially when they don't have anything to support their statements."

Are you sure you aren't low T? This was a very weak effort.

Forthelead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well not exactly parts of the plane, but weren't the only identifiable objects a passport from "one of the terrorists" and someone's wedding ring?

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