You will get tired of the winning he said...
And our futures are down 500+ points. Let's hope for the best.
Bingo. I call this a win.
Philly was another plane crash.
A broken clock is still right twice a day...
If your insurance company out of the blue decides to cancel a major portion of your policy...move.
Actually, fear is one of the most powerful motivators. Covid proved that. More people act out of fear than not. Jesus was crucified due to fear. Fear makes people act daily.
So this will be its 4th or 5th eruption in the last 25 years. Sounds like a nothingburger
Good. Guinness is disgusting. I'll stick to my American bourbon.
Should already be there. Q told us Twitter was the digital battlefield.
Ironically, in the book, the explosion occurs in Denver, not the East Coast. The movie changed that detail and moved the explosion to Baltimore.
No idea. TMI was just leased to Microsoft I believe for their AI computing needs. With all the drone activity off of NJ, interesting that one of our 'doomsday planes' was up and circled Harrisburg/TMI area at least 10 times. I don't know what's up.
Q told us to protect our DNA. mRNA seems contrary to protecting our DNA.
My whole family got it. My wife was sick for 2 weeks. None of us are jabbed at all. I think something else was released recently. But we all recovered with rest and fluids.
Candace Owens knows more than DT? I think not.
Where do you actually buy these meds safely?
Lil Marco? Make sure to have some water on hand.
I forgot about the coats!! 🤣🤣
Confirmed (PA anon). Voting has been extended until 10PM in Cambria (but by provisional ballots after 8PM).
This video is lit. Could be the best hype video I've seen and shared by no other than Elon. LFG
While that's true, more importantly are that two of our most historic documents were written and signed in Philadelphia and it's where our first Continental Congress met. And let's not forget that Bucks County, PA is the site of the most daring and badass surprise attack in military history. Without Washington's success in Trenton, we wouldn't be talking about this.
Theory. PA will cheat bigly. Elon has been tracking PA for weeks, showing mathematically how Rs will win it. When D's 'win' PA bigly, Elon will become a main character in exposing it via data he has been collecting. FISA works both ways.
PA is the Keystone State. PA was vital to voting for Independence and without PA, it's likely the revolution would have stalled before it even started. Once again, our Commonwealth will have all eyes on it Tuesday.
DT visiting the heart of Amish country in PA tomorrow.