Funeral processions might be artificially low because of the limits on social gatherings. So they people could die but not have a public funeral. I've seen that happen a lot.
The COVID-19 virus had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
I've noticed that too; a lot of people driving poorly. Twice in the last month, I was merging onto the interstate when a guy in the right-hand lane played chicken and refused to let me on. I had to break to 30 mph to get on a freeway after running out of the lane to merge on. The guys shutting me out, both times, had no one in the left-hand lane so they could have just switched lanes to make room for me. Didn't do it.
Another time, a guy was behind me as we were both merging. He cut in front of me but didn't accelerate fast enough so he was cutting me out while I ran out of merging room. Almost ran me off of the road.
I think the quarantine cause people to forget how to drive or interact with others.
I dislike traditional Southern cooking so none of that sounds good to me, but nothing screams more Southern than a fried Snickers bar at the local country fairs. Or that all the vegetables will have bacon or pork in it for seasoning.
What data? They allowed the control group to be vaxed so there is no way to test if the vaccine is effective.
As a Southern woman with a BMI of 22 who lives in one of the top ten states for obesity, I would like to weigh-in on the matter.
Traditional Southern food is notoriously deep-fried and unhealthy. Being obese carries a lot of health risks. I agree with you there, but I have two points of disagreement.
You said the majority of people and the majority is a mathematical quantity greater than 50%. Even the "most obese states" are not majority obese.
I would argue that obesity, like smoking, brings "old age" to you at a younger age. The obese and smokers age faster and die younger. They get blood pressure medication and cholesterol-lowering medication at a younger age. The health-conscious, if they live long enough, will have high blood pressure in their senior years. The obese get their health problems younger. And they often die younger. I note that the obese states have a lower life expectancy than the less obese states. I believe that this could be significant.
The fat eat themselves to death. The thin can grow old enough to rack up health care expenditures on Medicare in the nursing home.
You can side step the issue and say that the mother can't give consent because she has dementia so it is elder abuse, regardless of other statue and gender identity of the rapist. As a side note, incest between mother-daughter is disgusting and should be outlawed as well.
What supplements did you take?
CDC says she passed the COVID immunity onto the baby. She has no excuse.
Are they letting other people see the kid but singling you out? Was biological mother vaxxed?
I like the Missouri Star Quilt Co tutorials but I am boycotting them for being leftists. During the 2016 election, they had a Donna Brazille voting quote for the 4th of July. I side-eyed it but just assumed that they didn't know how she cheated to help Clinton win the DNC primaries. It was a nice quote, but Donna Brazille is a hack. I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't know who she was. This year, however, they celebrated Pride Month. I got an email like this (
Did you know that a lot of the fabric companies have free patterns in their websites? I have a small stockpile of patterns from there. I also buy quilt books used online.
Paper-piecing seems hard to me. I saw a method in which the person made the templates out of freezer paper; ironed the templates onto the fabric; and used the templates to cut and piece by machine as if it was English paper piecing. I would like to try that.
I like to make stars, and I will use the 45-degree angle on my ruler to rotary cut diamond strips to make lone stars.
I too love to quilt. What sort of patterns do you like to make?
There will be an uptick in all cancer deaths from the lockdowns because access to preventative care was stopped last year.
Anyone with a brain would have seen that Bernie won the popular vote in the 2016 Democratic primary. It also doesn't matter because Clinton locked up the super delegates.
He had that position when talking to Merkel during the G7 summit, but his facial expression was amusement.
Vincent VanGogh had bipolar disorder. It is genetic and neurological. It runs in families.
She has bipolar disorder. Spending sprees are a potential side effect of a manic episode that occurs when someone has bipolar disorder. She would be in charge of her own affairs if she was poor or middle class. But her parents want to ride the gravy train and they are using her genetic illness as an excuse.
Doubt it. Other online stores are cheaper and virtue signal better.
VS is in trouble because the sex kitten sorority girl pillow party fight isnt as popular for the "skronk independent wyoman who don't need no man" crowd post #metoo.
And their bras are overpriced.
He called her a Nurse Jill instead if Dr. Jill.
It also downplays the role of a mother. Raising a child doesn't end at birth, nor should the role of a mother be limited to the pregnancy and birth. "Birthing person" is the dehumanizing language used to destroy the mother/child relationship so the state or the left can come in and own its citizens.
So they can check for vaccination status but not immigration and nationality status for employment?
Anyone with a brain can see where this is going. Struggle sessions to undo "whiteness."
What is HGH?
Have you tried the Lewis keto bread? I like to make "sticky rice" using river cauliflower and cream cheese.