FuckTyranny 6 points ago +6 / -0

He 100% LOVES being like this, and doing this, it's obvious he loves it. What a psychopath

FuckTyranny 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stop drinking in general. We should be as sharp-minded and strong-bodied as possible for the incoming shit storm. When the shit hits the fan, the normie drunks and fatbodies will be the first to die. Invest in your mental and physical wellbeing. Alcohol is poison for the body and mind.

FuckTyranny 51 points ago +51 / -0

I cannot listen to this cunt smile and lie another second. What a disgusting, vile whore. You let Americans DIE FOR PROFIT. She, Fauci, and anyone else involved in this deserve to swing from the tallest trees we can find. But she'll get a pension and nothing less. This country is truly lost if we let these people get away with this.

FuckTyranny 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hopefully they gave her the real covid shitshot on accident and her evil, black, dead heart finally stopped pumping

FuckTyranny 7 points ago +7 / -0

Norm was a treasure. Rest in peace, sweet prince

FuckTyranny 29 points ago +29 / -0

Criminals who all deserve to swing from their fucking necks. If this county wasn't lost we would have strung these evil soulless demons up from the highest tree

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
FuckTyranny 10 points ago +10 / -0

I was on a canoe trip with a couple buddies a few summers ago, we had stopped to swim and eat a snack on the bank. Out of nowhere a bald eagle swooped down and grabbed a big ass fish out of the river right in front of us, landed on a sandbar like 50 yards upstream, and proceeded to swiftly gut the fish and rip it apart and eat it. Still one of the coolest things I've ever seen

FuckTyranny 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had my suspicions early, the "bodies dropping in the streets of China" scared me at the very very beginning, but I'm also a skeptic so obviously I quickly went to "wait a second, this is the CCP being filtered through our bullshit MSM, this could all be a play". Then when they locked down small businesses and let fucking Walmart, literal cesspool of the worst of humanity, McShitters, ect, stay open and in fact make BANK during all this, I knew it was all a scam. I've been awake for a long time, my dad is a hardcore cynic, he didn't go to Nam due to knee injuries but he was around that age and lost a lot of friends over there. He saw thru the bullshit in the following years and instilled that in me as a young boy. He was subtle but looking back I can see the seeds of doubt and questioning he planted in my young brain. I've always been questioning of everything, to a fault maybe at times, but I'd rather that than have the naive belief these PTB have any of our interests or American interests in mind at all and live with my head up my ass.

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