It used to be Barry Sotero Drive before they changed its name.
Assassination outsider Carter defeats Ford by a whisker.
Carter opens House Select Committee to investigate the assassination.
Investigatory whitewash ensues.
Carter administration sabotaged out of office by Deep State.
Assassination insider HW Bush helps Reagan win White House via Iran/Contra deal.
Reagan is shot, allegedly by the black sheep son of a family friend of VP Bush.
Plot fails. Reagan recovers. Bush has to wait eight years to officially claim White House.
Pass 25th Amendment, Giving President power to appoint Vice President.
Agnew driven out of VP office.
Nixon selects Ford of Warren Commission fame to be VP
Nixon forced out, Ford becomes first POTUS never to appear on a ballot.
Ford names Nelson Rockefeller VP.
Ford gets shot at by "lone nut woman." Plot fails.
Ford gets shot at again by another "lone nut woman." Plot fails again.
Entire wars were brought to the American viewing public by Cialis.
The church of my childhood had a sign out front that said, "Love Thy Neighbor, Get Vaccinated."
I wonder if the taxpayers unwittingly funded the church's campaign.
It would have been funny to see the liberal women of America elect a penised person as the first female President just because their trusted authority figures told them to.
I believe that. You can't get the toothpaste back in the tube. Once we collectively agreed Big Mike is a tranny, the illusion was shattered forever.
You mean Romulus and Remus were noodles?
Apparently Michelle Obama has been receiving generous monthly checks from the US taxpayers since 2008.
Trust Rome to name a hospital after a noodle.
Joe Biden shoved the dildo of inflation up this guy's ass for so long, he grew to enjoy the sensation.
Notice the new Snow White's costume makes her look like the flag of Ukraine.
Everything a President does is pretend if he stole the election.
Where is Dudley Do-right when you need him?
Any flavor you steal off the shelf is a Juneteenth flavor. "Free at last . . ."
I read somewhere that not only was George H. W. Bush present at the Texas School Book Depository, as one of the principal overseers of the assassination, but that his teenage son, George W. was also present.
W. would have had no role to play that day. But his presence there would confer upon him a degree of insider status that would presumably guarantee his future and his loyalty to the cabal. It's quite possible that both Bushes joined the rank of potential Presidents that fateful day.
An excellent guess, and also an excellent cover-up explanation if anything more nefarious is going on in those rehearsal rooms. They could easily serve a dual purpose.
The Senate Democrats still feel the sting of those forty lashes she gave them with that wet noodle of hers.
Johnny Carson declared that he would not make public appearances after he retired, and he stuck to that. As the host of The Tonight Show, Carson saw plenty of superannuated celebrities making rather macabre spectacles of themselves on TV rather than retiring with dignity.
Bruce Springsteen is 75 years old. Perhaps he should take it easy from now on. For his own good, and everyone else's.
The Apostle Paul experienced an awakening.
Or Vaccine Injury Awareness Day.
Five years ago today, they shut down the USA.
Copperfield would probably rather make the Epstein List disappear.
The most beautiful First Lady in history, according to Don LeMon.