If they really did want to keep the HB1 Visa program ongoing to take advantage of, the smart thing to do would be to shut up and keep quiet about the issue rather than bringing it out into the open spotlight.
Well said.
Does he mean the whole trilogy or just one of the books?
Ah, Kyle Cucklinski of Secular Cuck.
Wouldn't Canada's provinces enter the US as states rather than the whole country entering as one giant state?
Good. Self-deportation.
I say destroy them, so they can never come back and eliminate our freedoms.
A fetus is not a person. It has no rights.
Arrest him for harbouring criminal aliens.
What three EVs did Shapiro win? And is it Ben or Josh Shapiro?
The deportations pay for themselves.
Oh, I can already hear the screeching from the pro-trans lefties.
The future is ours.
Virginia looking good! Fingers crossed.
It's over. We will be living in a Mad Max style wasteland within a couple of generations.
That is 2017 (January 20), not 2016.
I think also, on top of that, space travel tech has been purposefully stagnated to keep humanity confined to one celestial body where we can be controlled and locked out of the Final Frontier.
Musk seems to be the vassal for the technological advancement aspects of the Great Awakening. I find him to be at least as much a hero as Trump is, maybe more.
There may still be Trump rallys. They just won't be campaign rallys anymore.
I want Colorado to flip, but I don't feel like that will happen unless like, five other blue-ish states flip.
I hope nobody opens it. It would cause people to melt and explode.
Nice. Revolution by a coup.
I think Reagan was just in way over his head, and it wasn't something he realized going into the presidency.