I never went there... but stories abound.
Understood, but my point is that we go on faith for the vast majority of things that we believe are true. I don't think it makes us look bad to think outside the box and consider that there's just a epic magnitude of things we don't know about our planet, our existence, and our reality.
Maybe they're us...from the future. Maybe they have a vested interest because what happens here on Earth affects basically all of Creation.
I'm not interested in arguing with you about it. You won't be getting what you asked for.
What evidence do we have that anything we believe is exactly the way we think it is?
All I have to go on is my own discernment when taking in what others have to say, and the one person that I'm most interested in following is talking about things that make what's happening on the geo-political scene more or less moot.
I'm still interested in those things, but from a different perspective. There's no anxiety about outcome for me, only about being able to tolerate life in what's left of 3D. The Light wins. God wins...it's already done. We just wait now for the truth of our existence to become widely known.
Ismael Perez says that she's Pleiadian, and there to protect Trump.
I prefer the term, Extra-Terrestrial. Star Family works, too. Galactic is another way to describe them...
But yes, absolutely, the Q Team includes them. Anyone who doesn't think so has no idea who and what we're actually up against.
This is a frequency thing...and the beings with the highest frequency win.
Happily, (very happily) there are some heavy hitters from the highest dimensions who have a vested interest in what takes place here on Earth. The Earth Alliance and White Hats have the help of the Galactic Federation, and we all have the help of the Central races, who basically out-class everyone else in this unfolding.
Best get used to the idea...because disclosure is coming.
Yes, there have been ultra-negative ETs driven by AI at the core of the destruction to our planet and her people, and their time is O V E R.
I'm not getting a yes on them, myself.
Shouldn't this be tagged as a shitpost?
There isn't actually much in the way of joy at being right here. What satisfaction there is in people telling the truth is, unfortunately, darkly colored by the sometimes irreparable damage done through the Plandemic and its accompanying horrors.
Ooh! My first Notable! Thanks, Mods :)
That's one for the Darwin Awards, along with anyone still buying the story.
Did he say he has to have a biopsy for cancer on the day of the interview?
Dog protective services needs to step in. What a terrible karmic load for these people.
I notice that she favors that blue and white stripe...like the ones on the temples.
Patreon deleted my account without notice, and not because of what I posted there, but what I posted elsewhere on the internet.
Just sayin'...they suck.
Not to mention giving $50k to BLM after the George Floyd stupidity.
Scare tactics.
Oh I'm sure the energy drink folks are going to love this.
My first thought was that during the survey of the stuff at Mar-a-lago at a point immediately prior to the raid, official documentation of precisely what was in there was recorded.
So, not only will the FBI be vilified for the raid itself, along with the naughty judge who signed the warrant, they'll get nailed to the wall for planting evidence, should they choose to stoop that low.
Enthusiastic updoot for the cornhole naming shaming...
Hitchhiker's Guide ~ Always have your towel.
Bill Nighy was a awesome Slartifbartfast, was he not?
I'll do a happy dance that we have the truth at last, and that's the tip of a very massive and actually ancient iceberg.
Of course they're here, they have been here, and Humanity has been used, altered, manipulated, poisoned and controlled by some of them for a very long time.
As with all things of this reality, there are both positive and negative ETs.
Search Ismael Perez, Megan Rose Medium, and have a look at David Icke's work, especially recently. They're discussing how ancient and very powerful sentient AI is at the core of all the fuckery that's been happening to the people of Earth for a really long time.
The good news is that there's a space war going on that most are unaware of, and the Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation have the help of some even higher dimensional beings to help eliminate the AI that's destroyed entire universes, and has its sites set on this one.
There, now I've gone and revealed what a space freak I am. All good...and we're all going to have to get used to the idea, because disclosure isn't that far away.
Thanks for asking.
Patriot matchmaking?