Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or, operation trust….a psyop designed to make autists believe there is a plan in place. That’s still always an option that nobody here likes to entertain and that will likely get me downvoted. Keep your mind open to the alternative.

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is he crying with that same annoying high pitched voice in your head while she schlongs him..? He is in mine. It’s a heavy, heavy burden….thank you for lightening the load friend.

Gitmo-or-Bust 4 points ago +4 / -0

🤮. I can’t believe we are here. What I’m the world..? He’s crying and identifying with the plight of the attacker….? When they got home his wife schlonged him with a 12” strap-on 😝

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

I only need to see who the MSM and US Government emphatically support to know what side I should be supporting…………

Gitmo-or-Bust 4 points ago +4 / -0

We need Trump in an Orange KILLDOZER…! Rest in peace Marvin Heemayer.

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

It goes both ways unfortunately. Climb into the way back machine and remember Rachel Dolezol, the white girl who pulled off being black and obtained a teaching position. Wiki still lists her as ‘An American Instructor’. And let’s not forget Snow White Senator Fauxahontas who still won’t concede her American Indian heritage despite having been blood tested and proven a liar - damn those high cheek bones.!

Gitmo-or-Bust 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m taking pictures of Trumps plane on the tarmac at LaGuardia right now 4:13PM EST

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

See Canary Islands. Maybe the Simpsons episode prediction finally coming to fruition. I hope not as I am traveling on the East Coast this week, New York now and Maine next few days 😳

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. And then it will be reviewed and released 10 years later when it really no longer matters.

If you video something post/release it immediately and get copies into many hands to repost as your accounts are deleted-suspended.

Gitmo-or-Bust 5 points ago +5 / -0

John Goodman introduced us to the phrase ‘fuck you money’……this gal has ‘fuck you looks’ and has zero fear of being cancelled. Love it, and her.

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +5 / -3

And was the escalator descent a shot across the bow or a FF Pearl Harbor.? Who can be sure what movie we are watching and who is directing.? I Frankly don’t give a shit anymore and am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. What else can you do at this point. God speed anons!

Gitmo-or-Bust 31 points ago +36 / -5

If there is no bailout just remember it is because they do not want there to be a bailout, and the resulting narrative and forthcoming legislation (already written and waiting for years) will undoubtedly require average Americans to forego additional freedoms (cashless society - CBDC) under the guise of ‘fixing the problem’.

Sorry for the spoiler but I’ve been watching these movies for almost 50 years and they all end the same.

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

There’s always the possibility of controlled opposition; the term exists for a reason.

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