promises made, promises kept! let's go!!
i never said Jesus failed anyone. i know better. and i'm not questioning anyone's choices.
i was asking why you thought Jesus saved the one but not the other.
IMO, it's because the one Jesus did not save was not repentant of his sins and didn't believe Jesus was the Savior.
back to the reason of all of this is that you say i don't believe in forgiveness and apparently lack spiritual guidance because i won't forgive these leftards for wanting us dead. if they wake up, sure, i'll forgive but i'm not going to allow them to continue with their wicked ways without a fight. and if they still continue to want us dead, then i will continue to say they deserve everything they get.
i appreciate you giving me a very good conversation without either of us going off the rails. toche' and God bless.
problem is, i think every time a Dr orders blood work, 'they' can steal any or all of that blood they want for purposes we know nothing about.
love it!!
i hope Gaetz goes after this POS Willis and her lover.
don't do it. not all money is good money.
they are evil enough to do it.
it all goes together, you can't have it one way. either God allows us to fight for ourselves or He doesn't.
i have to keep giving you examples because you seem to only have a one train thought process.
i still need an answer about what God is going to do about Trump ordering a hit that killed a monster. apparently, Trump should have just forgave him and let him keep killing. just like you think we should allow the evil left to continue acting the high ground and keep us down, even threaten us with death.
God does NOT want His children mocked. and i'm not going to stand by and let the left mock us and not fight back.
you do what you feel God has led you to do? i'll do what He leads me to do.
maybe Jesus should have kept preaching to the one thief that kept mocking Him so he wouldn't go to hell? by my interpretations of your words Jesus himself should have never given up on the one thief.
i have no problem with forgiveness if they are sincere and have totally opened their eyes and their hearts to their evil ways.
aren't the left mocking us?
how did i change the subject?
let them live in China for a year or two. then they will see what pollution really is and who is really the villain here.
why do they have to wait for a Trump administration to deport them? the laws are there, DO IT now!
and you failed miserably.
how about this > *** Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead. He was the founder and leader of ISIS, the most ruthless and violent terror organization anywhere in the world.***
Trump gave that order. are you going to tell me that Trump is going to hell for killing this animal?
why did Jesus only take ONE of the two men that were hanging with him on the other cross's that day?? are you going to tell me that Jesus could only forgive or save ONE of them? what was the reason He only gave eternity in Heaven to the ONE?
maybe you should read your Bible.
how dare you accuse me of acting like i think God has zero control. you better check yourself.
go through the Bible yourself and read how many humans, men AND women, God uses to get the job done.
God has total control, seems like you are the one who is NOT listening to Him. or maybe you just think He wants you to sit back and do nothing? like a coward who hides and says, everyone else including God will take care of all of this for you.
Europe def needs an Ice Man!! pray God gives you a great one.
a lot of the ones that want us dead are on the lower levels (in my neighborhood) and they are mentally ill.
we can't just hug it out with this insanity. they need to pay. this can never happen again.
so you would be Ok with forgiving Hitler and not killing him?
how about all his generals and the atrocities they played a part in, you gonna just forgive and forget all of that?? and say, well, they said sorry.
if the leftards have their way with us, we would all be in concentration camps, starving, and all jabbed up on our 10th-15th booster.
God did not make us stupid.
Fight, Fight, Fight!!!
we trust that God's healing power is on display throughout the Bible. He is alive today and loves us just as much. Praise you Lord thy God for healing Zenith, giving her, and her family strength, in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.
until that day comes, it's we the people that need to protect these kids.
hopefully prison is their serverance housing, free meals, etc.