I dont trust em either but saying corey was the second shooter doesnt line up
No im saying there is 0 chance that the man who died was a second shooter. People were all around him when he was struck in the head.
This makes 0 sense both from a witness standpoint and ballistically
Trump should come out to this at the RNC. 50 should perform it live as he comes out. Meme it into existence people
Bitcoin SIDE CHAIN is the key word here. Bitcoin is fine.
Just for the record they divorced in 2007
If Trump had won in 2020 hed still be 45. If he wins this year he’ll be 47. He cannot be 46 in any scenario.
Not usually…ALWAYS
Yes they are
This is the biggest and most glaring issue with all Q posts at this point. Thats why i dont put any stock into them.
Depends on the situation…most criminals want soft targets where they know they wont meet resistance. Most armed robbers dont want a gun fight. So it just depends
Its possible thats whats happening here, but it would be an error to say thats what happens with all biblical archeology. The only historical record for Nineveh ever existing was the Bible and most historians said it was made up until they discovered its ruins in 1846 right where the Bible said it was.
Apparently they kill in the Bible as well
CNN already said they get a pen paper and water
Could be a goose though Justice Sotomayor!
This video SORT of has it right. Needing more money to buy the same things is a SYMPTOM of inflation, it is not inflation itself. Inflation is simply increasing the money supply without increasing the resource backing it. Or if nothing is backing it, simply increasing it.
Hes going on the podcast
Well this is nothing becuase if he was truly president during this time he’d still be the 45th. And if he gets elected this year itd be a 3rd term of the 45th president. In any case he cannot have been 46 as the numbers dont change until the person changes.
I dont quite get the answer…how many who?
He died in prison so he kinda did get away with murders
I didnt understand any of this?
Theyve actually done studies on this. People who have spent large amount of their life without much food who later find themselves wealthy or with abundant food often balloon up because the body figures it needs to store energy because its just to starving so it stores fat like crazy. This is the same reason why anorexic people who overcome up usually end up fat.
Id they chose to yes, but it would take months to get a retrial together. Or they can decline to try him again
No it wouldn't. Do you know how long it takes to get a retrial together. This is government were talking about here. A mistrial almost guarantees this is dead until after election
“Now thats it’s been a few years. We’ve found out. That it isn’t anywhere near as impossible to track or anonymous as first theorized and advertised.”
Uh no. Bitcoin was never thought to be impossible to track. Its a public ledger and it never pretended not to be or advertised itself that way. Anyone who has read the Bitcoin white paper knows that and anyone whoever said that it was knew nothing about Bitcoin.