I commend you for your efforts. I would only suggest 1) your father is your top priority. Its even biblical taking care of your parents. 2) When studying St Francis' teachings he said you cant change what other people think, you can only change what you think. Your brother should understand you've been taking care of your/his parents esp since he hasnt helped 1/2 time.
Leave the guilt trip behind. You forgave him; you did nothing wrong to need his forgiveness. The best you can do is pray for him - and forgive yourself.
I remember a while back a reporter (I think Laura Loomer) hired latino-looking men and with camera crew and ladder had 5 guys climb her estate wall and immediately security guards kicked them out. The reporter yelled back 'you can have a wall and guards, but we cant?' among other comments.
Funny her Chyna comment - remember when she walked the streets of Chynatown saying how wonderful they all are.
I was once told by my insurance brother that you can contact your state Inspector General with your complaint. Just a letter from them to your insurance company should scare the pants off the company because they have the authority to shut down the company during their investigation. Especially the fact that they gave no reason for the denial of coverage.
I've stopped buying Smithfield products once I learned but just recently I received a free Smithfield ham from my grocery rewards. It was the worst I have EVER seen. Though it stated it was smoked, it was not. It was raw meat. I have never had a ham with 2 inches of fat around it (yes, 2 inches all around - I measured it) but have you ever got a ham that still had pig skin on it? Of that whole ham I only got 4 pints of ham cubes out of it.
So, not only the fact that the farm is foreign owned but quality is unacceptable. How did this get by the inspectors? No wonder it was free.
Speaking of theories, I like the line that if you get the jab and still get the virus, it won't be as bad as previously.
If the variant changes every year, how can you compare 2 different virus strains esp when both are yet unknown
If I get the flu this year, how can an MD say it wont be as severe as last year ...... when I didnt get the flu last year?
The 'best of the best' line is when family say they are grateful, it could have been worse.... when the patient dies.
I keep looking at his eyes everytime he speaks. Looks like black-eyed kids eyes. When a reporter asks a question and he stares back at him, its an empty stare.
This really creeps me out because my dad died with his eyes open but its that emptiness in those eyes.
If you really want actions/results, shut down the govmint not just the parks but FROM TOP DOWN. Close/defund Congress for a period of time. After all they arent doing anything anyway. Parks groundkeepers accomplish more than politicians do.
I wonder how wars Xiden started affect climate change. Surely all those explosions suck up some oxygen.