Halya 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dont just reflect but learn and act on it. My parents survived the Holodomor, slave labor, concentration camps. One day when helping mom with cooking she said (I will never forget) 'You will never go hungry because I taught you how to eat if you only have 1 potato and maybe an onion or an apple or some kind of root'. As for my dad he taught me the correct way to eat grass and trees.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something deep inside me keeps telling me the likes of Smith and the judges need to be investigated (by us, not the 3-letter agencies). Not just their views but personal involvements, taking bribes, children, etc and then brought to light for all to see.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tom Fitton sued Allegheny county, PA a few years ago because so many dead people voted. They stalled then they had to clean up the voter rolls. When the govt saw the results they gerrymandered the surrounding counties (R) in with Allegheny county (D) and the result was Conor Lamb (Swallwell's twin) and Fetterman.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I go back as far as Eisenhower. Trump is the ONLY Prez who said outright and accomplished what he promised.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

He and his family have more $ than Congress has. Go for it. Joe.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not very surprising. Most of that is biblical end times.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard Marsha Blackburn quite sternly saying we all need to see those flight logs.

It only takes 1 lie to be labeled a liar.

Halya 1 point ago +1 / -0

And to this end, David Weiss (of 'honeypot plea deal' fame) is Hunter's PROSECUTING attorney.

Halya 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly - 'we'll give you 40 acres and a mule'.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

She can start with the CDC. FDA, WH, Congress, SCOTUS who were all exempt from being forced to take it.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

As we speak hypothetically, can Trump get a re-do 1st term because of all the false accusations, impeachments that were based on treasonous govt entities, interfering with his 1st term?

Halya 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Zelensky has so much dirt on Joe etc that he threatens to expose it all unless he gets whatever he wants.

Halya 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would they shove it up their dicks or in the A hole? I'm waiting for tons of posts of them asking how to relieve PMS.

Halya 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you catch Wray say he didnt fire those against catholics because those who put out the memo were themselves catholics. But the memo went after traditional catholics only. So according to Wray, thats ok. Besides that he violates the constitution on freedom of religion.

Halya 3 points ago +3 / -0

Long ago I did some research into Alzheimers.

When I was a kid you didnt hear much about Alzheimers. Back then sudden heart attacks was the big scare. Then doctors claimed blood clots caused the heart attacks, and watched levels of cholesterol. So they come up with statin drugs and blood cholesterol levels. OK so heart attacks were somewhat under control = watched= but the result was Alzheimers became that dirty word. I also noticed over time normal cholesterol recommended levels kept dropping.....250.....225.....200. which meant more statins were Rx'd. I am told statins are the most highly prescribed drug out there ($ Pfizer's Lipitor is the most prescribed statin). I later learned that the brain is comprised mostly of cholesterol, so taking the statins starves the brain and causes the Alzheimers. I noticed in the 'old country' my people ate foods with A LOT of fat. They never heard of Alzheimers, their most common cause of death was diabetes or cancers.

This info may not help in your family situation now but might help others. And I can help you and family with my prayers today.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

just curious - how do you sort out traditional catholics from their version of catholics. I expect every parish has some of both.

Halya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get it now. Has-been politicians make some anti Trump comments so they get interviewed ...to push book with free ads.

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