The movie Jesus Revolution will be coming out soon. The true story of a national spiritual awakening in the early 1970's and its origins within a community of teenage hippies in Southern California.
Don't be surprised. Public schools follow an agenda and dumbing the kids down seems to be part of it. They do not want an informed population because it becomes a threat to the powers that be.
Ask Jeffrey Dahmer how he's being treated in prison. Oh wait, you can't because he was killed in prison.
Those female athletes are just jealous they aren't packing a salami like Big Mike is.
Too bad a meteor doesn't wipe out that whole group.
One of the reasons the powers that be in Hollyweird want to make Mel an outcast.
That's what race baiters like to do. Take what you say and try to turn it around on you. Back in the day, people were described by their skin color. Oh, but not anymore, because that will get you labeled as a racist.
A quote I heard once, "A man with nothing to lose is a man to be feared."
"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again." - Dubya
If this was in the U.S., the family of the criminals he killed would sue him. DA's in CA would probably charge him for murder, but let the rapists go free.
How many have to die before the sheep wake up? How many family members must they bury before they say, "those anti-vaxxers were right the whole time."
Beautyyyyy and the beasssssst.
You're right. The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) would be handling this. The monthly urinalysis we used to have was random, with our SSNs generated randomly by computer. But, if the command felt that there were Soldiers using drugs, they could be directed at any time to conduct a urinalysis test.
I have had a few interactions with these guys as well when I was in the Army. They are not perfect, and there are always bad apples in every group, but I call bull on this article.
Kuntie Hobbs is despicable.
That little Somali makes Koko the monkey look like a genius.
Great, the one-eyed bastard lost.
Traitor vs. Former Traitor. Doesn't matter for Barry and Big Mike.
I bet he "died suddenly". That damn climate change is killing everyone.
Any politician against this is against America.
Hill always recommends two shots for her victims. Both to the back of the head.
Because they're faggot retard degenerates.
Gee, let's look at photos of the population back then and photos of the population today. That will tell you everything.
Can't wait for the reboot of Schindler's List with the all-black cast.
Why is Carrot Top in this picture?