Hortance 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's too much dirt on him. I'm open to being convinced, but here are the reasons I dislike him intensely:

I don't often "just trust my gut" but this dude sets my Christian discernment bells off.

He projects a NAUSEATING sanctimoniousness in every public speech or comment that I can remember.

I wanted to laugh when I read about his "never alone w/ a woman that's not his wife" routine. Direct copy from Billy Graham. I don't think grown women have anything to fear from Mike Pence.

"Mr. Perfect" physical fastidiousness combined with the ugly wife...classic "beard" scenario. And not the kind of "beard" a gay guy would want. The OTHER kind.

Question: Does anyone have an explanation of why Mike Pence doesn't get DESTROYED by the media/propaganda machine? He hits every mark for what the machine hates (his policy positions and religious expressions). AND every mark for what the media loves to go all "thou hypocrite!" on, but they just ignore him.

Hortance 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yeah. Like head of HR has been vaxxx sick for 3 years and wants to spread the misery.

Seriously, it IS malicious. Pfizer has ADMITTED it makes people sick. Would really love to know who is still extorting for the vaxxx.

Hortance 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bitch. We all knew it, but it still pisses me off to hear it.

"Group retribution" is a thing? Cool. Massively disproportionate criminality and violence...she didn't do any of it, but "String her up!"

Hortance 3 points ago +3 / -0

Squirrelly little faggot should remember he might not need any help if he'd quit vacationing all over on government planes w/ his SS entourage. Especially after he took 6 MONTHS off as "family leave" for a baby that neither he or husband had to pitch a single grunt for.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

September is when DJT can cash in stock.

DJT is betting that NON-Soros appeals courts will at least reduce fines substantially.

MORE important, dragging his feet on funding, plus using bonds allows him to bridge the short-term cash crunch the Globohomos were attempting to complicate his campaign.

W/ the big media merger, he only has to make it to September to be able to pay ALL awards plus fund his own campaign.

In reality, he will do much much better than that. He'll reverse some decisions and get a Soros judge/prosecutor or two's head on a pike.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

A bond ends up costing you about 20% of the amount pledged, so if he funded half himself his cost will be around $175 million x .5 = $87.5 million ...then x .20 = $17.5 million.

Therefor his cost $17.5 million if he wins appeals...quite possible.

Instead of coming up with $480 million @ 9%?

Trump has been winning his ass off.

Plus--5 months away...Trump cashes out the "DJT stock offering". Estimated $3.5 B...@ $30/share...currently 50.55/share = $5.7 billion in cash.

Trump can easily pay the full fines plus whatever they come up with by November, PLUS fund his entire campaign.

Bottom line...Trump played this whole thing to put in as little as possible up front, extending the time-line to his big media cash-out. Mission accomplished. Ankle-biters? Suck it hard.

Hortance 3 points ago +3 / -0

That LSU team has that attitude, for sure. I half expected someone to take a swing @ Clark after the game.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

The border deal seemed like it was ready to go and have his signature until Trump and some others made a fuss over it. A deal that built in forgiveness for many illegals and planned allowance of more over time. Illegals. I don't hate him yet, maybe he's at the mercy of realpolitik, but I don't love the compromises he's seemed willing to make.

Hortance 3 points ago +3 / -0


Dollars are fungible. Minus 6% here, minus 10% THERE...those reductions actually come out of real service to real Americans...the Shit-dealing cabal organs in those agencies experience NO LOSSES.

DJT has it figured out. Brand new Space Force.

There IS NO REFORMING institutions.

FBI? Burn it to the ground. CIA? Same. There's no other way.

Johnson's piece-meal "funding reforms" tell us 1 of 2 things:

  1. Johnson is 100% swamp and trying to avoid real reform. Run over him.


  1. Johnson isn't ABLE to even PROPOSE real changes at the Federal agencies...*(much worse...means we are very close to annihilation via fake reforms and unable to effect real changes anywhere).
Hortance 7 points ago +7 / -0

This common whore is going to do the bidding of the cabal...almost directly.

Put more $$ pressure on DJT, on top of the cabal's lawfare, and make him wait to be considered the nominee, knowing that the big $$ doesn't come until Trump is nominated. delay delay delay

All she needs to do is slow him down. And if the cabal succeeds in knocking him out in ANY way, she's the beneficiary.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0


He could get $500 million at 9% interest bond via loan from someone like Deutsche Bank. His R.E. interests pledged to the bank for 2 years.

I've also read that he could make $billions (1-4) on his interest in Truth Social, etc...

I think he waits until all the amount shakes out, then goes to SCOTUS. If that fails, he puts together a deal for himself w/ loans.

Imagine the irony if Deutsche Bank, the "victim" in the big $350million case, ended up posting his bond!!

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

His problem really started when poor Meathead "aged out".

That's when the priest and the priest's friends lost interest in little Michael.

Hortance 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember when FL passed Concealed Carry in late 80s...

All of a sudden, there was an explosion of robberies and criminal attacks on tourists, often ID'd by leaving the airport in rental cars...Criminals, making the rational decision to go after the most likely unarmed victims...tourists who'd just left the airport. (for those who don't remember, rental cars used to always have stickers..."hertz" etc...which stopped at that point, to protect their customers).

FL concealed carry, followed by the tourist attacks, is the best illustration ever of the effect of armed citizens on criminal behavior.

Hortance 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plus, Trump has the right to NOT have to spend $millions$ ALL OVER AGAIN just b/c the state used a corrupt prosecutor that ended up getting sanctioned and removed. If Willis and Co are removed, it's over.

Trump may need to MAKE that argument, but he'd win.

Hortance 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sure "it was Israel" comforts you, but sorry to say, our own FBI winds these kids up and sics them on disfavored groups. Blaming "Da Joos!" doesn't really help.

Hortance 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thats b/c the Bible predicts events in Revelation that have reached a point that one must assume we have begun the process predicted in that book.

Perhaps AI has determined that the Bible is true and that the wars, emerging political alliances and technologies predicted 2000 years ago are demonstrating the truth of the Bible...forcing the end-scenarios predicted...can't stop it now.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

It WASN'T Trump's "singular message". He also pushed ivermectin, HCQ...TREATMENT rather than vaxxx. Remember?

Recall the outrage expressed by media/NeverTrumpers/Left when Trump bragged about how well monoclonal antibodies worked for him?

The cabal likely had the deathvaxxx bioweapon in their back pocket when the virus was first released. The difference being that Trump could speed it up so that it could at least be a choice, instead of another couple of years of shut-downs, followed by Nazified American "health" establishment forcing it on everyone.

Hortance 9 points ago +9 / -0


The key here is to point out: THIS WAS AN ENGINEERED VIRUS, LAB-CREATED. NOT that it was "leaked".

THEN we can begin to assess how it was distributed to the world.

The fact that it was created in a lab is ALL that we know for sure.

ASSUMING that it was leaked/accidental? That actually relieves the bastards who created it of some culpability. WAS it accidental? We don't know that.

Hortance 7 points ago +7 / -0

He wasn't all gung ho for the new vax.

First: Trump had every right to BELIEVE the permanent health beaurocrats...

But Second: based on his existing lack of trust of vaccines (see Baron) he ALSO pushed TREATMENT:


HCQ and Ivermectin,

monoclonal antibodies (which Trump himself claimed to USE himself when HE got Covid)

The "Blame Trump for bringing out the Vaxxx" argument are the Left & DeSantis/RINO d-bags' efforts to demagogue a complicated (both the science and the political realities at the time) issue. The way they and YOU are using it here is a lie.

KEY: EVEN IF Trump suspected that the vaxxx wasn't very good, he knew that a delay would allow for MORE shut-downs --for years even-- and that Dems would likely make it MANDATORY. Then ALL of us would've been fucked.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scary part: she had to actually divorce him...when failure to consummate would've produced a much easier and less expensive annulment.

Hortance 1 point ago +1 / -0

My favorite "make it real" question:

How come (local large high school) is now demanding that athletes get treadmill test as a part of the annual sports physical?

All the big schools, especially the sports factories, are doing this.

Why do they do it, dominated as they are by the bedwetting Left? B/C as bad as it looks, its never as bad as the video visual of a kid keeling over and dying on the field.

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