Hunter_Slaptop 14 points ago +14 / -0

I had a couple of female, divorced, democrat relatives that I had to see a few times a year. They were, by all accounts, bitter, lonely, and were generally unpleasant to be around for as long as I can remember. They blamed men in general for their woes. You know the type.

The happiest I have ever seen them, by far, was the few times I interacted with them during the "pandemic" in 2020. They were practically elated at the idea of lockdowns and the ensuing despair of other people. It was unsettling.

The only thing that brought them happiness was the suffering of others, because in some sick way, it mirrored their own shitty lives and it brought some satisfaction to see otherwise happy people brought down to their level.

They are now both dead from vaccine related medical shit, although that side of the family would never admit that sucking Fauci's fauci was their cause of death.

My point is that I'm not surprised that most democrats believe that the pandemic is still around. They don't want to let it go, because that was the happiest they'd been in their whole miserable lives. They actually miss it.

Hunter_Slaptop 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would take those charges more seriously if we had something that resembled a functional justice system.

In the meantime, the real heroes evade taxes and fuck over the government any way they can.

Hunter_Slaptop 10 points ago +10 / -0

These are images of John Kerry and a Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif. They were meeting (supposedly) to discuss how to salvage the Iran deal after Trump had been elected and abandoned the agreement, which seriously fucked up their plans.

The main point of the image, and what it implies, is that Kerry was in violation of the Logan Act and FARA by working with foreign governments without official consent of the US government. Kerry was discussing foreign policy on behalf of Obama, thus the "shadow presidency" statement. Obama made similar trips "shadowing" Trumps foreign visits.


Hunter_Slaptop 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting delta considering Obama's "surprise" visit to downing street today:


This has the appearance of panic or damage control at the very least. Something is up.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't followed the devolution stuff for awhile. Care to explain how this development clashes with Patel Patriot's theory? Genuinely curious.

Hunter_Slaptop 4 points ago +4 / -0

Calvin Harris' house. Nice place:


He had it listed two years ago for 25 million after an initial purchase of 15 million in 2014. It did not sell.

If I had to guess, I'd say he has financial issues and is upside-down in a white-elephant home that won't sell. (attempt to) Torch the place as a potential way out of the property and collect insurance.

Or it was purely an accident caused by the current tenants. (House has been leased for some time.)

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no price too high for the corrupt western leaders when it comes to "protecting" Ukraine. Why?

What is in Ukraine?

Biolabs? Trafficking? Corruption?

What is going on there? Because nothing about the situation there explains the fear and desperation exhibited by western leaders.

Hunter_Slaptop 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Managed democracy offers absolute freedom; freedom from the burden of choice"


Hunter_Slaptop 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Disrupted their intimacy."

  1. Bullshit
  2. $100 says they're both on boner pills anyway
  3. I should probably get back to work
Hunter_Slaptop 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Cadets! Always remember that diversity is our stre...KABOOM".

Hunter_Slaptop 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is a letter "U" at the top right of the viewport. Click that to filter out civilian aircraft.

Heads up though, many military craft are not going to have their transponders on so they may not show up, especially fighters.

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