What they Saw wasn't Normal, He Tackles the Opponent, Gets Up and Adjusts His Helmet then Falls Backward & Requires CPR on the Field! After He is Rushed to Emergency, They Decide to End the Game! Have We Seen Anything Like This Before! Neither did any in the Stands or Viewers on TV! Sportscasters were Stunned! Lost for Words! Today, their Searching for Answers! Most of my Family & Friends are vaccinated and many Boostered! It's Very Sad to See What Comes Next!
What is even More Criminal was the Study of how They came up With the 95% efficacy! They Performed the Test on 170 Participants (8 Received Pfizer Vaccines Both Dozes & 162 Received Placebo) After Only 7 days They Gave the 95% Efficacy Results! Please Note, that When You Divide 162/170=.95 x 100=95%! This is Nothing more than a "Numbers Game", a Criminal Scam! Which is Probably Why They Chose Numbers 8+162=170 Instead of 5+95=100 or 10+190=200!
HE Participated and Funded Research for "Gain of Function" for Sars/Corona Virus. He Knew When This Planned-Demic Would Happen and What It Would Do to the Human Population That Took These Biologically Altering Ticking Time Bomb Death Shots!! "KNOWINGLY, KNOWINGLY, KNOWINGLY"! The Only Solution is When Our Creator Steps in to Stop Those that are Determined to Ruin This Earth and All Life on It!-Rev.11:18(NWT@jw.org)
IT (Bright Ball in Sky) causes 98-99% of the Carbon in Our Atmosphere! But Carbon Only Makes Up About .03-.04% of the Air Mixture We Breathe!! Of that .03-.04% of the Total Carbon Amount, Human/Animal Population Contributes less than <1%!! And "What On Earth", Benefits from the Carbon in the Atmosphere and Grows During the "Process of Photosynthesis"!! Grasses/Plants/Trees!!
Just Like there are Multiple Stages One Goes Thru for Coping with Death! I Believe People Go Thru Multiple Stages in Coming to a Knowledge of Truth! This Truth, about a Planned/Perpetrated "Genocide" that They Now Realize Involves Them, and Results They See in the World Affecting People of All Ages Is Shocking! Mind Numbing! What Level of Angry Retribution Will We See Unfold, Before Acceptance Occurs is Anybody's Guess! Why Those Asking for Amnesty are Silent? They can See the Results of Their Participation of this Extinction Event! Guilty People, with No Accountability Qualms of Conscience, Go Silent!!
If You Think MS-13 are Very Bad, Maybe You All Need to See & Read this Article Posted on "S.O.T.N.-State of the Nation", Regarding the Origins of these Groups!
KHAZARIAN CABAL: The Most Vicious and Vile, Wicked and Evil, Cruel and Ruthless, Vengeful and Vindictive, Rapacious and Avaricious, Violent and Savage, Predatory and Parasitic, Pillaging and Plundering, Raping and Ravaging Terrorist Group–EVER!!! Posted on November 25, 2022 by State of the Nation
I Like the term, "Conspiracy Analyst" as well. Considering When & Who were Involved with this other Term, "Conspiracy Theorists" is Noteworthy! 1960's, just after the "JFK Assassination" and over "Questions" of the Warren Commision Report, brought to you by the "[C]lowns [I]n [A]merica" Global Corporation!!
Agree! Taking More Time to Look into this Matter & Waiting Just a few More Months Until the Initial Reports, Would Have Been Prudent! Hindsight Unfortunately is Always 20/20!..................................... Proverbs-14:15, "The Naive Person Believes Every Word, But the Shrewd One Ponders Each Step." Proverbs-22:3,27:12, "The Shrewd One Sees the Danger and Conceals Himself, But the Inexperienced Keep Right on Going and Suffer the Consequences!"-NWT-@jw.org
It's a Delema that those who Know or Heard Some of the Very First Warnings About these Vaccinations have had to Face! Being Labelled a "Conspiracy Theorist"! Told that your Thinking is Wrong & Promoted by "Right Wing Anti-Vaxxers", Told that your Viewpoint is Unwelcome, makes for a Very Lonesome Experience Watching the Results of the Past 2 Years Slowly Come to Light! When People Finally Come to Realize the Truth of this Premeditated Murderous Crime, Will I Be Joyful or Say, See, I Told You So! NO-Since Recognizing the Deception Will be Painful Enough!! Their Need for Justice Far Outweighs My Need for Validation!! This is the Real Burden on My Mind!!
In a Discussion on T.S., My 2 cents worth is if they have Both Components A & B, then they can Threaten Everyone to do their Will. If You Refuse, they can Flip a Switch an Activate the 5G Signal & Kill anyone of your Immediate Family & Friends or even demand a Ransom! Sickening to even Consider such a hideous Scheme!!
Didn't He Just Retire from Football Recently too? Wonder Why? Current Medical Conditions?