JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +2 / -1

Works wonders for what specifically? Clearing graphene and spike protein? If so, do you have any references?

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

A disturbing but very good point.

JackieDaytona74 11 points ago +11 / -0

Joe Pags also announced today that he was swatted.

Breanna Morello is reporting that the full list of conservative influencers who have been swatted recently is much larger as many have not gone public.

The swatter(s) are ordering pizza delivery COD to their residences first, though unclear to me why they're doing that. Perhaps they're using the delivery trackers to validate that the target is home, but that's speculation on my part. In the case of Farash, the pizza arrived AFTER he was swatted.

It's either Dominos or Papa John's or in the case of Farash, both. But it's only those two delivery chains.

Breanna is also speculating that these swatting attacks may be a dry run for something larger, though she does not elaborate why she thinks that may be the case.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dear Lord this just breaks my heart.

Praying for that little man to stay healthy and praying for you to stay sane.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you proposing that the FBI should be an executive entity unto itself? One could make an argument for that, especially with the FBI in it's current form.

That form is my concern though. The FBI's charter changed under Obama's 2nd term. Since its inception, it was a law enforcement agency. Their charter changed to that of an intelligence agency. I would argue that change immediately puts the agency at odds with the American people.

In it's current form, I think an argument could be made that the FBI should be a separate entity from the DOJ. However, I would greatly prefer that the FBI return to being a law-enforcement agency under the DoJ.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not sure if I agree with you that it's that simple. JFK had many enemies for myriad reasons. I think it's reasonable to suspect that this is more complex than simply "The CIA & Lyndon Johnson conspired to murder JFK".

There's a reason that powerful people are still trying to prevent this and consequently, I suspect that there will be some surprises in the data.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Why should the head of the FBI have to go through a gatekeeper?"

The FBI is part of the DoJ. That's probably the biggest reason.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

11:53 AM CST and while X is up, it's quite flaky for me. The few replies/posts I've made have to be retried 3-4 times before going through. Same for my feed.

Not seeing any info yet on the source of the attack. Could be something significant or could be a bunch of Ukrainian script kiddies with more time than sense.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Elon wouldn't ask the question if he didn't already know the answer.

Should be very interesting when we get that answer.

by NeilS
JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen. Perhaps people at GAW are finally coming around to my message of conqueri-- er... I mean "liberating" Canada instead of this annexation nonsense.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's very true, though it doesn't excuse those who took it out of fear or even worse, gave it to their children.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Indeed. For every parent that got the Jab so that they could provide for their family, I have sympathy. But for those who got it out of fear or worse, had their children get it, I have little more than contempt.

Those two groups failed badly. That being said, lots of indictments and jail time to go around. Western governments, newspapers, news networks, media outlets, politicians and the entire Western medical apparatus was unified in getting as many people as possible to get the Jab. It takes some very, very powerful hands to pull that rope. That structure needs to be exposed. Especially since I strongly suspect it closely aligns with the hidden power structure on this planet.

JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +7 / -0

The doctors are not solely responsible, but they share a substantial amount of responsibility.

Informed Consent is a sacred tenant and one that could not possibly be adhered to by doctors and "medical professionals" dispensing that poison.

Doctors are one of the only professions where a literal oath to humanity is taken. Every doctor that administered the Jab without giving clear, detailed warnings about the dangers and lack of testing spat on that oath and they should be punished harshly for it.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

This, perhaps more than any subject is the true "the proof is in the pudding" moment for Q.

Countless books have been written about this power structure. And while we know one of the key means of control is sex and pedophilia blackmail, things start to get very hazy as we get closer to the top of that pyramid. People like George Soros are lieutenants in the Cabal army (at best).

If the power structure is exposed, it will be destroyed by the People. All we need is the truth.

But if this power structure is not exposed, the Constitutional Renaissance that's currently happening in the United States will have an expiration date. A people cannot fight a hidden enemy in perpetuity.

This power structure must be exposed. We the People can do the rest.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Speaking only for myself, I've always maintained that we should be conquering them, not annexing them.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Disturbing if true. No corroboration on the report but it seems within the realm of possibility.

This Retro Coast account is interesting. I recognize that tone; This is someone who was an insider to some degree at some point and looks to have a very personal axe to grind with the FBI and certain members (Ben Williamson gets called out in his TL).

There are MANY middle managers / station chiefs within the FBI that have quietly destroyed many lives during their tenure and this account has the scent of someone who might have been a target.

I can't take this story at face value without further corroboration, but it's definitely a story worth following to see if it's true. I don't have contacts within the FBI any longer but based on past conversations, I do not believe the organization can be saved. The "Good Rank and File" stuff is nonsense when it comes to Virginia / D.C. There are indeed some good folks within the FBI who work in stations outside of the D.C. / Virginia area, but they're relatively small in number.

90% of the body is cancerous. I can only hope that Bongino & Patel are there to manage the controlled demolition of the Bureau and to develop new ideas and protocols for a potential new organization to replace it. Step #1 should be adopting the old charter where the FBI was a law enforcement organization and not an intel agency.

This was quietly changed during the Obama era and a domestic intel agency automatically put it at odds with the American people.

Sorry for the rambling / rant, folks. This is a personal subject for me and I worry that they're going to try reform instead of dismantling.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

While I greatly appreciate these arrests, the only thing I want Patel & Bongino focused on in the near term is exposing the handlers and networks of Presidential assassins Routh & Crooks.

IMO, no issue should be more significant than publicly exposing and prosecuting the networks behind these two pieces of shit. President Trump's safety is everything, especially at this delicate time when the table is being set for the destruction of the deep state and the Cabal that controls the deep state.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the #1 subject I want Patel and Bongino focused on. The President's safety and well-being comes before everything else. Crooks & Routh's handlers and network needs to be publicly exposed and the conspirators publicly prosecuted.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

For those who may have understandably dismissed the headline as military-grade hopium and didn't click the link, the article references Biden's use of "autopen" for literally every signature (save for his highly suspicious drop out letter) for his entire Presidential term (Bills and EO's).

There is some question as to the legality of autopen, though it has generally been upheld as valid for the executive as long as he's clearly made his approval of the use of his signature. Though I'm still in the process of researching whether or not there's been any serious legal challenges to its use.

In a vacuum, I would probably dismiss this as hopium myself. However, in the context of devolution and the idea that President Trump left guardrails in place for Biden's term, it's a rather fascinating bit of news.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're 6 weeks into the administration.

Think about how far we've come in 8 years. Now consider the destruction that Trump is wreaking on the enemy. He has figuratively spent the first 6 weeks destroying their supplies and supply lines, dramatically reducing the Cabal's ability to wage war.

One doesn't destroy the enemy's supplies and supply lines as a means unto itself. It is an opening move before going in for the kill.

How often has Donald J Trump let you down? Be a happy warrior.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rather fascinating to see Trump ignore the post WW2 liberal economic order that has united the West for 80 years. One could make a very compelling argument that this "order" has not been very beneficial to the United States.

I have greatly enjoyed watching Europe's leaders lose their collective mind over Trump ignoring both them and the U.N. If there's one thing that unites all Leftists in the West, it's referring to everything they don't understand or can't comprehend as "far right politics".

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of very compelling data pointing to telepathic abilities being inherent to the autistic.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure how much value there is in thought experiments that essentially revolve around "What if Q lied to us?".

As best I can tell, we're only at phase 3 of a multi-phased war.

  1. Phase 1 was the secret war which has been waged for many years. The publicly visible element of this phase was DJT actually getting elected in 2016. But that war has obviously waged on.

  2. Phase 2 was the public campaign to wake up this country to the rot and cancer that has infested our institutions. This phase also continues as the public has still only seen part of the picture.

  3. Phase 3 began with DJT taking office, and I would view this phase as Trump destroying his enemies' means of production and supply lines. This is a critical element in winning a land war and DJT has lit some BIG fires in his first 6 weeks.

When one thinks of this as a conventional battle, it's easy to see that many phases remain, and there is much left to do with the long term phases (phases 1 & 2).

Give it time as this war will inevitably take time. Discussing failure scenarios is not conducive to winning the most important war of our lifetimes.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

We must have some French and German pedes on this board. I would greatly appreciate your perspective and a temperature check of your countrymen.

Difficult for me to believe that the French & German people find these speeches compelling but I could say that about dozens of past speeches and issues in those countries.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed. A very, very slippery slope.

Of course the broader concern here are lower courts holding the administration hostage and SCOTUS refusing to stop it. Personally I view this as an impending and very genuine constitutional crisis that threatens to undermine all that the President wants to accomplish.

The most troublesome element is all the rumors and signs of impropriety with certain members of the court. If some of these members are compromised, clandestine means of resolution are required.

And given several examples of utterly inexplicable rulings from the Trump-nominated justices over the past several years, it's difficult for me to not believe they're all compromised in some fashion.

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