JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

A smart move by the President to immediately put the past in the past.

I'm going to enjoy this news for today, but after that I'm going to do whatever I can to bring the DeSantis people into the fold. A lot of them (though not all) seem to be very low info Republican voters. Sadly, many of them seem to have learned nothing from the last 8 years so there's a lot of work to do there to make sure they vote for DJT in November.

On that note, I'm seeing a lot of the DeSantis surrogates (Bill Mitchell as an example) have been going full on "Poison the well" mode for the past few days. After DeSantis conceded, that has only increased. I've been confident for a while now that these people are being paid, but not by the DeSantis campaign.

I don't see any of them that have a big enough platform to matter....yet. Something to keep a close watch on though.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

My heart has been hardened to the point where I don't even care anymore. One less tyrannical asshole in the world. Good riddance.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

This post and most of the comments make us look like a collection of imbeciles.

I cannot believe that this JFK Jr. nonsense continues on this board.

-Even if JFK Jr. was alive (and he's fucking NOT), the impact of him suddenly appearing would be zero, zilch, nada on the current state of affairs. Half of the voters out there don't even know who the f**k JFK Jr. is.

-Q told you in no uncertain terms that JFK Jr. is sadly deceased. This is ostensibly a Q board. But I see far too many people who pick and choose what they want to believe and ignore from Q.

I do not understand the bizarre obsession with JFK Jr. being alive. This kind of nonsense hurts our ability to bring new people into the fold. The entire point of Q was to shine a light on the truth and to teach people how to think critically. Belief in JFK Jr being alive is not the result of critical thinking. It's the result of either shills trying to destroy the board, or morons with too much time on their hands who are ignoring the very real life and death events playing out every day in this battle we're in.

If you give a damn about the world your children are going to inherit, quit dicking around with this nonsense.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

Guys, watch Mitchell's account closely because he's a bellwether account for a lot of the DeSantis surrogates.

We're watching something different here that we haven't seen before.

Mitchell is openly trying to poison the well against DJT. Very unusual for Republican Primary season and it's pervasive across the DeSantis surrogates today. Silver Billy and his confederates have been openly stating this morning that they will NEVER vote for DJT and neither should any other DeSantis supporter.

I don't believe the money they're getting paid is coming from the DeSantis campaign. Strongly suspect it's coming from elsewhere. There are reasons why I say that but irresponsible to elaborate until I do more confirmation.

But bottom line, I'd advise watching this stuff closely. Seeing signs of something insidious going on here.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be very clear, I couldn't give a shit about anyone in this race other than President Trump.

That being said, I do not like seeing media outlets call these races early. Caucus counts matter, even when you don't win 1st place and this just gives ammunition to the DeSantis supporters and his oddly petulant surrogates.

They're all screaming about a conspiracy and how "the Deep State is afraid of a DeSantis Presidency".

Granted, I'm sure the Bill Mitchell's of the world would find some other baseless conspiracy to tweet out to their dozens of followers, but the media shouldn't be doing these early calls.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct, Ted Cruz won the 2016 Iowa caucus.

2020 he was the incumbent so different circumstances.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Iowa caucus is always "weird" for lack of a better word. I suspect President DJT will not win by as large of a margin as this poll suggests, but I do think he'll win the Iowa caucus (though not the end of the world if he doesn't).

My prediction is that he'll win fairly comfortably, but that DeSantis will do better than expected due to Haley's support not being real and due to this sort of thing usually happening at the Iowa Caucus. There's always a surprise.

And I agree with those posting here that it's depressing to see 40% of Iowa Republicans being asleep. Show me a DeSantis or Haley supporter, and I'll show you someone who has learned absolutely nothing from the last 8 years.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm going to recommend this post is stickied as it's very important. But there's a 2nd DJT post that I think is also important.

On Vivek: Excellent data OP on substantiating why we should not trust Vivek. But I'm going to give a much shorter reason that people shouldn't trust him: Just look at the linguistics. All of his fawning praise for President DJT is within the context of "These lawsuits are gonna get him, I'm gonna be MAGA and I'll pardon him". Vivek is a uniparty plant, period.

So in regards to the other half of this, it revolves around Chris Christie (not literally revolves around him; I mean he's fat, but he's not THAT fat). I am struggling to find the TS post from the President, but he alluded to Christie's hot mic moment, and whether it was intentional or not, and that he's warming up to liking Chris again.

It's been my belief for the past month that Christie's candidacy has been exclusively to help DJT. Christie did everything he could to fracture the TDS vote and sow division within it. And a guy of his experience getting caught in a hot mic moment of that nature? C'mon, no way. He wanted that sound clip captured.

I strongly suspect Christie went this route to help DJT because damn near anyone of high profile that tries to openly assist DJT winds up getting indicted and he wisely wanted to avoid the same fate.

Time will tell, but I strongly believe Vivek is every bit the Uniparty/Cabal plant that the OP is alluding to, and that CC is in favor of MAGA.

JackieDaytona74 24 points ago +24 / -0

I think this needs to be said:

"Following orders" is no longer an excuse.

If you're a national guardsman following illegal, un-Constitutional orders, or one of the pilots flying illegal aliens around the country, or a bus driver hauling illegal aliens, and your excuse is that "I have to feed my family", I no longer care.

All I care about is seeing you in handcuffs and perp walked while you try to hide your face.

People who carry out illegal actions are not covered by "My corrupt bosses made me do it". You're a piece of shit, you're breaking the law, and you're undermining this country. Consequently, you deserve to be in jail. I'm out of fucks to give.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting language from Scavino here in terms of alignment with previous Q drops.

My only apprehension here is that Iowa is, for lack of a better word, "weird" when it comes to the caucus.

I'm sure most of you remember that back in 2016, President GEOTUS lost by a lot to Ted Cruz. That was obviously no hindrance to DJT.

Now granted, we are at a very, very (very very) different time now than we were 8 years ago. The voters have a much stronger understanding of the stakes now than they did in 2016.

But conversely, I do not believe in 2016 the Cabal understood the threat that DJT represented. That cannot be said today. We have candidates like Haley and DeSantis that I would strongly argue are being propped up by a ton of dark money and you can bet those sources of funds are going to do everything in their power to affect the outcome of the Iowa caucus.

Because if DJT crushes this caucus, it's likely over for the rest of the field. If a DeSantis or Haley can make a surprise showing and win or come close to winning the caucus, the money and media propaganda will increase dramatically.

My personal bottom line and a request:

Bottom line: This caucus is important, but not critical. If things don't go well, we'll just have to adjust.

Request: Now sure how many Iowan pedes we have, but man oh many could we use some on the ground reporting next week.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

For any of you with dogs, I cannot recommend enough the MyPillow pet blankets: https://www.mypillow.com/pet/pet-blanket

We starting taking road trips for all of our vacations around 4 years ago because we refused to deal with the C19 travel bullshit, and because we love our Newfoundland and Australian Cattledog and want them with us on vacation.

Lindell's pet blankets are awesome. Very soft, multiple sizes and they're completely water proof. You guys know how much a Newfoundland drools on an all day road trip? The blanket stops every drop and glob.

Our dogs sleep with my wife and I at night on the bed and we have another one of these blankets on the bed to keep the comforter clean. They were worth every penny. And most importantly, I can think of few patriots that I'd rather support than Mike.

Here's the link to the pet blankets. Ours are the large size in the buffalo plaid pattern. They look great. Damn comfy for humans too.


JackieDaytona74 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bravo, sacip and bravo to the mod who stickied this post. This is an article that would have been very easy to miss or overlook. But the model that the Public Bank of North Dakota is based on is one that every state in the union should adopt. Local banking, owned by the state for the benefit of the citizens of that state.

Financial freedom is one of the most important elements of true personal freedom. That this model hasn't been duplicated in other states after over a century in business is a testament to the predatory nature of our current monetary system.

Great post sacip. This is a must read.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's why Q has intimated that people need to be pushed to the brink before they'll really change. A number of us on GAW have been talking for a very long time that it's going to get REALLY bad. Bad enough to leave a psychic scar on this nation as a reminder of how bad things can get if we don't take care of our Republic.

But I think another critical element is making a lot of secret information public. The people at the top of the pyramid have thrived in the shadows. An entire system of hidden finance and all of the infrastructure and high technology that goes along with it. In a more obvious sense, we're seeing the reveal of the kind of scum that populate the political and cultural elite of the West.

So much of the world is hidden from your average person. If they knew this information, it would be nowhere near as easy to rule us.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

God bless and keep this woman's soul.

And may we accept nothing less than vengeance against those who worked to perpetuate this mass killing and censorship of those who fought to expose it.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hardens my heart to hear something so incomprehensively grotesque as this.

No punishment is too severe.

JackieDaytona74 12 points ago +12 / -0

I find it very troubling that strangers who have never met this young man are far more interested in getting justice for him than his own family.

EDIT: Guys, to be clear: I'm very aware of the possibility/likelihood that Rich's family was paid off or threatened. I just hope that if I was murdered as a result of political machinations, someone in my family would have the guts to stand up in public.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

1:23:50 "Let me be very, very clear. The damage will be enormous." A few sentences later he says "I have tears in my eyes." "The new variant will dramatically change the scene."

I listened to this video while working a couple of weeks ago, but Dr. Bossche's language is careful and reserved enough that I did not recognize fully the scope of his concerns.

by PepeSee
JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not sure if I can be that critical of Candestine here, which I assume will pretty much get me roasted by a large number of GAW readers.

It's an unusual story and I'd be curious to hear more. But given everything else going on in the world right now, I can't criticize any investigative journalists who haven't jumped on this, and I can't criticize anyone for not hyper-ventilating over it.

It might be a story, but there's no shortage of prosaic explanations for what we currently know.

Bigger fish to fry than this until more info becomes available.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I should have been more precise with my language. I was referring only to the situation above with Fauci. Lots of grilling by folks like Rand Paul, but nothing of substance (that we can see).

But that being said, I think there's a lot of evidence to support Devolution. My comment was not meant as a complete indictment of our progress. Especially since in some ways I would argue the most important battle is the cultural war going on, and we're starting to win that war.

Plus I was crabby last night :)

JackieDaytona74 18 points ago +18 / -0

"More accountability coming soon!"

The word "more" implies that there's already been some. There's been none.

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