Jackjet10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well maybe but unless we had a high fever or rash in the 50’s/60’s USA we went to school ( and mom was home so there wasn’t a daycare issue). I started working in the early 70’s and unless you were bedridden you went to work— we actually had good immune systems back then and a work ethic and we are pretty much still here— I haven’t been ill with even a sniffle in 6-8 years and I go to retail/grocery outlets etc and rarely wash my hands unless I’m washing dishes— I am confident knowing my ancestors survived the Black Plague and I survived Measles/Mumps and Rubella and Chicken Pox without any vaccines— I also survived Pertussis ( whooping cough) as a 50 something— vaccines don’t last forever— when exposed from culturally diverse populations from south of the border ( coworkers) — getting sick isn’t always a bad thing— builds immunity and naturally alters your DNA without manipulation by people wanting to cash in..

Jackjet10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Always been so-“money talks - bullsh@t walks” what has ever changed?

Jackjet10 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m in south Texas- maybe I’ll go outside later Btw - I had 2 1/2 minutes of totality during eclipse- and nobody came - although DPS and all law enforcement was expecting a crowd— several school districts suspended classes expecting huge influx of viewers— All a big anticlimax 😂

Jackjet10 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oxen - beasts of burden - rarely turned out to pasture but shackled for work by masters

Jackjet10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good description of the entire plan- !

Jackjet10 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yes but not sure I’ll live to the end game - but my kids and grandkids will and I’m good with that!

Jackjet10 23 points ago +23 / -0

Me too so I rewrote my life ( again— fourth maybe fifth editing) . I’m lucky to be retired before death and am pouring myself into my little acre of land - dirt smells good - butterflies and songbirds and wildflowers are awesome. Pulling weeds and moving rocks are good for the soul — this adrenaline helps— at least physical activity and lots of sunshine makes you sleep well

Jackjet10 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe I’ll have to resort to fox squirrels and whitetail that live in my yard— lived solely on mule deer/ pronghorn and javelina in the 70’s — you never know how great hamburger and chicken taste until you don’t have it for years!

Jackjet10 8 points ago +9 / -1

I agree — I had an encounter with FBI way back in the mid 70’s- I had overheard a conversation from the booth behind my husband and I regarding robbing a bank/ with ski masks etc — only reason I noticed them at all was they ( all men) were harassing the young waitress including running their thumbs up her leg and more— she was polite but it caught my attention and I listened to their conversation— the next day a metro bank was robbed and I mentioned it to my husband who hadn’t paid any attention to their dialogue and he called local LEO’s that were friends of his — that evening 2 FBI agents knocked on our door — showed their badges as they introduced themselves ( 1 male/1 female) and we sat and discussed what I’d heard— they were well dressed and very professional— I realize times have changed but those guys definitely don’t look FBI legit unless the local agents have gone to crap along with the DC crew— she did exceptionally well —

Jackjet10 9 points ago +9 / -0

Geez- who’d have thought that an entire television network dedicated to young boys and girls in silly( sexual and weird scenarios) wouldn’t attract the pedos as producers and other staff — just like summer camps/ scouts organizations/ elementary school doesn’t attract these predators-

Jackjet10 5 points ago +6 / -1

Me thinks he’d be much happier in Canada or UK or perhaps Australia— this isn’t the country to fulfill his/her needs— then report back after YEARS in said countries - How DO YOU LIKE ME NOW! cringe— I’m sorry you feel so hopeless and victimized by your birth into your generation but you know every human in earth was an accident of birth and most dealt with the cards dealt or they perished— like l told my kids “life’s a bitch and then you die” that doesn’t mean find enjoyment in everyday - I just means life is difficult and you need to deal with it and still be happy and enjoy as many moments as possible— animals do — be like a cardinal or a coyote

Jackjet10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lisa - please stop — if you don’t want to live like normal people just stay home and have everything delivered and do Google meets

Jackjet10 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t have a dog in this fight either but the last 3-4 Tyson chicken products I’ve purchased in the last 2-3 years have definitely degraded— the Cornish game hens looked like someone killed them by smashing them with a boot — contusions and every wing and leg broken — ended up throwing them away after cooking cause they looked awful ( I was a taxidermist and hunted ducks/deer/ quail etc and never saw such trauma to meat in my life — one turkey same thing— also lots of pin feathers left on wings and flanks) methinks their slaughter house has changed protocols— who knows but I never purchase their poultry anymore

Jackjet10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Won’t load in Texas

Jackjet10 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plus I don’t want to eat the food they’ve possibly altered/ “infected / injected all kinds of mean nasty stuff “ ( a take from Alice’s Restaurant) 😂

Jackjet10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plus any dog person/ horse person knows that “ humping” on each other is more dominance— never sexual unless with female in estrous with intact male

Jackjet10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t get me wrong— worked alongside illegals in Texas for 50 years— most great people that I liked and respected as humans on this earth— my problem was always— I pay out the butt for healthcare insurance— they went to ER for free- and you all know the rest of the story

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