There was that one guy who said #7 went down way too smooth, and would be too obvious it was a controlled demolition
Someone should make a side by side video of #7 and another controlled demolition to see the similarities
Anything you say can and will be used against you
Any laws that go against the constitution are null and void
Dam...burned the bitch good with that one
Do fake ass Bill Michelle next!
He has bad things to say about “qanons”
A little Stewey to me...
There needs to be legislation to stop this, they are permanently taking homes out of the pipeline for average americans to own
I think the same of bitcoin
Fuck that shit, i would’ve takin that shit off road a long time ago
Got that side access road...would've done road raged and plowed some bushes if i had too Lol
Lithium ion battery fires are nasty
Airplane mode might work
Like Hannity just blow harding the low hanging fruit
Everyones entitled to their own beliefs besides us
He getting charged with white power
Keep it in the Circus!
Why is everyone supposed to worship these freaks?
Now they need to put them in check with the ever burdensome emissions rules
The un-elected agency (and california) keeps sending shockwaves thru the trucking industry
About as clear as it gets...
There was another recent Trump speech were he referred to this time as “the great pause”
Its super gay the left the V8 out for some years
The engines/drivetrains are what separates these car companies
If they all were electric, they would all be the same like nascar, but different body
This is good to hear, maybe oneday i can afford one Lol
Them entering their info on apps, facial recognition...voiceprint
Now that they are in the system, they can be tracked by big brother like everyone else
Yeah fuck it seems pretty obvious... Ol Raheem Quasom needs to expand his thinking Lol
It makes sense they would want to keep ICE around, they have invested billions over the years in development of new engines
They will take the time to make sure its up to Toyota reliability standards before they release it
Looks they partnered with this company in Canada and are taking pre orders
They posed long enough to make that headline story with their dumb tiki torches that only Feds use Lol