Yes, the FUD is way too coordinated for one hedge fund and a few billionaires to be short GME.
This is going to fuck up the elite forever. I would guess 80+% are in on it. Hell, I even heard Michael Jordan was short GME. Infinite loss potential. Infinite.
The Simpson’s trillion dollar GME ticker might not be wrong by the time they unwind this mess. Apes are transferring shares like mad to computershare with the intention of never selling. It’s become personal for many. These lying, cheating hedge fucks have manipulated and stolen retail’s money forever.
Shit is getting ready to get good.
I know exactly how drug patents work. Ivermectin is old as shit. There is no money to be made with it any longer.
Monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron and antivirals like remdesivir are where it’s at. They are pretty much dog shit by design, so you will still need the vax and quarterly boosters. That’s where the really huge money is and that’s why we are going through this.
I live this shit every single day, so yes, I know exactly how it all works.
I understand the computer modeling is bullshit. The testing is bullshit to inflate numbers. I know their is no variant, but something has changed with the infection and I personally believe it’s due to vaxxed shedders. I’m not sure what the actual bioweapon is (virus vs spike protein vs other), but there is something affecting people. Some are dying. Most have other comorbidities (fat, COPD, immunocompromised, etc), but others do not. Trump has said China released a bioweapon. Do you not believe him?
I see it every day and know young people who are getting their asses run down and feel like death in the middle of summer. That isn’t normal. Ivermectin and other drugs are helping. You think this many people are just faking shit? You may can claim overall mortality hasn’t changed, but it has gone up by a few hundred thousand. You don’t have to convince me their is shady shit going on, but I have personally seen enough first hand cases of weird shit to know something is affecting people. Saying it’s all purely psyop just isn’t true.
I wish you were correct. Yes, they are cooking the books with fake cases/false positives. However, the spike protein is real and it causes major issues, clotting being one of the most concerning.
It definitely hampers the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood. People are really dying. Needlessly in most cases because the preventative meds work. Once it advances it gets much more difficult and hospitals are doing people no favors with their intubate first collect covid bucks second approach.
If you want a 0.2mg/kg dose, you divide your weight in lbs by 2.2 to give you 106.8 kg. 106.8 x 0.2= 21.4mg dose
The horse paste is 1.87%, or 18.7 mg/g. Most come in 6g tunes. Weighing out 1.1 grams of paste would deliver the approximate dose for your horse. Alternatively, some tubes have graduated markings for delivery.
Hope he gets better.
Be sure to have your phone numbers and account info so you can place your 50 million dollar limit order for your first share. Then enjoy the show and save a few for the infinity pool. I think they will try, but ultimately fail. May just be a way to shake all the FOMO crowd who will pile in when shit starts taking off. It would potentially limit losses, but they are totally fucked by diamond hands regardless.
Political? Resident Biden is running the show now. 😂