There are a lot of ups and downs with breastfeeding. That was the feeling I got from my wife, mother of our 7 month old. So much doubt and uncertainty, but if you keep with it and monitor the babies weight every 10 days or so those first few months that can be helpful. As long as the ounces are going up you’re good! Pumping in addition is good too. Maybe you’ll be able to store some in the freezer too.
Search for the 9 hour Plotkin deposition video.
Lots of good info there. He’s a vaccine expert and developer. Aaron Siri ( the main lawyer behind ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network) asks him some amazing questions and really digs into how safe these things really are and the holes in their studies etc...
Check out Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2
Here’s a study from June 2021 about Vaccines and SIDS
You might have a sinus infection. If most of your symptoms are in your nose/sinuses/head and you have a low grade fever. It might stick for a week or 10 days. Most resolve on their own, but a small percent require antibiotics.
From what I’ve read, iodine in the modern western diet is severely lacking.
The iodized salt thing isn’t worth a damn. Most of the iodine dissolves always before you ever use it.
The various studies of the high iodine consumption in Japan and their very low cancer rates is something to keep in mind.
And as far as I know, one of the major causes of thyroid issues is actually low iodine. There are certain thyroid issues (hashimotos) where you may want to avoid supplemental iodine, but I would certainly do my own research in that case.
He should look to pay for a few antibody tests first to see if he already has antibodies.
Oh snap, looks like Webster’s might have changed another definition.