That's fucked. I just saw today ANOTHER chicken farm burned to the ground mysteriously. Time to buy chickens.
We should tell it to write a Q post and see what it spits out.
I'm a fan of Elon for now.
I didn't take it either.
The theory that Trump sped up the timeline with op warp speed to avoid lock downs and whatever else is silly. That implies he knew what they were up to. As I said the truth would have been way more effective than touting giving people poison as victory.
I've seen other ideas similar to this and it doesn't fly with me. The "vaccines" are fucking killing people.
The truth would have been more effective.
What if trump as president told everyone the virus was a man-made biological weapon released intentionally, and that the shots were dangerous as fuck.
Sure the MSM would have attacked him viciously, but they did that anyway. So what. Drop the truth bomb.
What a coincidence he just tweeted this lol
That's fucking wild. I know some have speculated Q was AI.
Too proud to admit he fucked up? IDK
I bet they won't get any prison time.
Now that was impressive.
We are their sheep, until we decide that we are sheep no more.
What does that mean?
He's entertaining in small doses. Stay sus.
He thoroughly searched the bottom of a KFC bucket.
I was already aware of most of this from following Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson.
What would be the motive for tricking everyone into thinking it's a globe?
That's how it should be. Domestic goods = no taxes.
That's what they did, yeah. Propaganda is legal. The court ruled they have title 18 imunity in other matters.
Lie, cheat, steal, all legal for the government.
It makes sense if you think about it. They get to make the laws.
I followed the guy for years. He drops some truths, some of which are profound. That pulls truth seekers in.
His persona is intentionally over the top so he can be easily discredited, and categorized as a nut job. Classic pied piper with apparent ties to the MOSAD.
Also, buy caveman bone broth.
Propaganda from the government was legalized. MSM lies came from government. They believe they are safe.
Alex Jones is sketchy as fuck, and so was the sandy hoax lawsuit. We can only speculate. It may not matter in grand scheme of things.
It's ok, they bought all the toilet paper at Dollar General. They are ready for any kind of shit.
Commenting so I can find it tomorrow.
Still trying to get her to find a guy that can hold down a job.