I am here right now, sadly the Filipino people are hooked on msm news here locally. (only free TV available) I was here when He got elected and have since seen govt. money being used to improve infrastructure, roads, flood control, no shape (meth) and far fewer brownout, Problem is the politicians are still allowed to buy votes with small cash. Libs are crazy here too! I would have loved to be the fly on the wall when DJT visited RD during his first term, meeting was closed door and RD ended up doing investment business with chyna. Trap? or distraction?
I believe RRD LOVES his country same as DJT
I'm just sayin... How does any of these cases filed get in front of a judge so quickly??? Same when they were crying russia,russia,Russia. The majority of DOJ is corrupt to the core, it's time they face comeuppance. Every time I had to appear for any case civil/criminal the docket is so backed up it was always about 6 months before you could even expect to have a judge see it... then there justice, JUST US!
I totally agree! This needs evaluated on a case-by-case basis. I have 2 children that have dual, US and Philippine Citizenship. Tha US and PH have always had strong ties since we liberated them from Japanese occupation. Why should my children be punished? Personally I am full blown, born in the US, citizen and patriot. I was so seriously concerned that the deep state players would cheat again, that I flew home just to cast my ballot in person.
Common sense isn't common these dsys.
Sounds like they'll fit right in !!