Key word = "installed"
Well this begs the questions: What did she have up until this point? Did she even have them or was she bluffing?
He probably took the jab himself, hence why he's so emotional.
"List in descending order."
Some Christians, punk.
wow what is up with her eyes!? why do they All have that blank stupid stare
Probably because she's listing to a clown feed her words through her earpiece.
Well that begs the question
What WERE they designed to do?
747's coming in under 100ft above your head
I can feel the rumble from here!
They must still be celebrating their SuperbOwl win??
Odd someone would be filming that exact flight at that exact moment, no?
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Insurrection built in
Biblical version = Christ returns in the clouds with His army (believers). The world will fight against Him (God) thinking they can defeat Him, but can't/won't.
World's (Gnostic) version = The Evil Alien Archon (Yahweh) coming to destroy them and they must fight (Armageddon) - and fight they will.
We’re this close 🤏 to a tax revolt in this country.
Yeah. This is an interesting development...
Hey! I feel good.....
Pfft....all by design
Q Post 140
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
I get what you're saying, fren, but there’s a flaw in the logic here.
You’re still excluding people - just on different terms.
If someone doesn’t agree with your “couple of ideas,” what happens to them? Do they get labeled as obstacles to progress? Do they get forced to comply? See the problem?
Exclusion is unavoidable when you're dealing with truth and morality.
Take your example - "a world without corruption." Sounds great, but what defines corruption?
Who decides?
Different worldviews define it in different ways.
Same with child abuse - 100% evil, no question. But why? If you remove an objective moral standard (like the one God gives), you're just left with social consensus. And history shows that "consensus" can shift in some pretty terrifying ways.
You compared this to banning smoking in restaurants. But that was just a policy change - it didn’t remove the desire to smoke.
The sin problem is deeper than behavior; it's a heart issue (Jeremiah 17:9). You can create laws, set rules, push ideas, but without dealing with the source of the problem, it just resurfaces in a different form.
The reality is, unity will always be limited because truth divides.
Jesus didn’t come to set up a vague "consensus"; He came to deal with sin and call people to repentance. The real question isn’t “how do we all unite,” it’s “what is actually true?” And that’s something that can’t be decided by a popularity vote.
So, what do you do with the people who don’t agree with your consensus?
Because that is where your argument runs into the same “exclusion” problem you’re trying to avoid. 🤔
THP, you realize that saying we shouldn't "filter down to religion" is itself a belief system, right? You're just swapping one worldview for another.
You're talking about unity, but unity around what?
Who decides these "handful of ideas" we all have to agree on?
If corruption is the enemy, then we gotta ask - what causes corruption? The Bible says it's sin (Jeremiah 17:9). If that's true, then no amount of human effort will fix it without dealing with the root problem.
And honestly, your response sounds a lot like pantheism or some New Age "collective consciousness" thing.
The idea that if we just pool our "wattage," we can create a perfect world? Nah, man, that's been tried before, and it never ends well (Genesis 11:1-9).
Real peace doesn't come from ignoring differences - it comes from truth. And Jesus made it clear that truth would divide (Matthew 10:34-36).
So yeah, unity apart from truth? That’s just a false peace.
You sure that’s the road you wanna go down? 🤔
There is a lot of indications that Jesus himself indeed was a gnostic.
No there's not.
And this has been debated throughout the centuries before us - and left wanting. I'll be more than happy to continue that debate if interested?
Convid = Trojan Horse for Vaxx
With all the fraud surrounding Convid, it probably didn't even exist.
Would it shock you to hear that Jesus was a Gnostic? As were all the original followers of Christ?
I'm laughing harder.
It's the location (Jerusalem) that matters. We know from Prophecy that when Christ returns He will set his feet on the Mount of Olives - which is located in Jerusalem. And all throughout the Bible, God saved a remnant who were true to Him. He knows who are His.