Let's delve deeper into the concept of the Trinity in the New Testament and explore additional verses:
Matthew 28:19 (The Great Commission):
- "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
- This verse explicitly mentions the triadic formula, indicating the coexistence of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.
John 14:16-17:
- "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth..."
- Jesus speaks of the Father sending the Holy Spirit, portraying a relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
2 Corinthians 13:14:
- "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
- This verse mentions all three persons of the Trinity: the Lord Jesus Christ, God (the Father), and the Holy Spirit.
John 1:1-14 (Prologue of John's Gospel):
- "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
- The Word (understood as Jesus) being with God from the beginning implies a pre-existent relationship within the Godhead.
Colossians 2:9:
- "For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily."
- Referring to Christ, this verse emphasizes the fullness of deity residing in Him, aligning with the Trinitarian understanding of Jesus as fully divine.
John 10:30:
- "I and the Father are one."
- Jesus asserts oneness with the Father, suggesting a profound unity in essence.
These verses collectively contribute to the New Testament's presentation of a triune Godhead, where the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist in a relational unity. While the term "Trinity" is not explicitly used, the theological implications of these passages formed the foundation for later doctrinal developments and the articulation of the Trinity in Christian creeds.
You laud the similarities of the various ancient texts, but ignore the differences. If you watch the video I linked above, it talks about how the Johannine Comma was inserted through force, and was not in the original Greek texts. Other than those few verses (John 5:7-8), the entire concept of the Trinity has extremely weak support within the book we have. It does have support in Mithraism (the religion of Constantine and many other notable people of the period and region), but is completely absent in the teachings of Jesus. Without that verse, which substantial evidence suggests was inserted after the fact, it wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Indeed, it wasn’t even a part of the doctrine until 383 AD. So yes, it was very much a “gradual” thing. I agree completely. Just because I name explicitly the 325AD event as momentous doesn’t mean I think there was nothing else that went on. What’s important is looking at the connections between events. When you look at the connections, and what was purposefully left out and/or silenced, the “organicness” of it comes into question.
A lot to unpack here but I’ll address each assertion you make:
Johannine Comma: This refers to a disputed passage in 1 John 5:7-8 regarding the Trinity. While some manuscripts include this passage, many critical editions, including modern translations, omit it due to limited manuscript support. However, the absence of this specific passage doesn't negate the broader concept of the Trinity, which is supported by various other verses in the New Testament (e.g., Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).
Support for the Trinity: While the term "Trinity" isn't explicitly used in the Bible, the concept is reflected in verses portraying Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit as distinct yet unified (e.g., John 14:16-17, 26; Matthew 28:19). Early Christian writers, such as Ignatius of Antioch and Justin Martyr, also alluded to this triune understanding.
Mithraism Influence: The assertion that the Trinity concept derives from Mithraism is debated among scholars (I know this statement will trigger you). While Mithraism and Christianity existed concurrently, drawing direct lines of influence is challenging. The development of Christian doctrine involves complex theological discussions and debates within the early Christian community.
Council of Constantinople (381 AD): The explicit declaration of the Nicene Creed, including the affirmation of the Trinity, took place during the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. This event solidified and clarified theological language but doesn't imply a sudden introduction of the concept. The discussions on Christ's divinity and the nature of God had been ongoing since earlier councils.
While specific verses or terms may not be universally present, the theological groundwork for the Trinity is discernible in various parts of the New Testament and evolved through early Christian theological deliberations. The intricacies of these developments require nuanced exploration within their historical and theological contexts.
However, you show all the signs of "trust". Trust is the enemy of investigation. I was addressing that specifically.
First, this is a caricature of my position. Borderline strawman. I have offered reasoned dialogue with you discussing the philosophical underpinnings on how to think about “scholarship,” or “experts.” Not simply “jUSt tRusT Da eXpeRtS.”
Second, you give us even more irony here because you’re actually accusing me of merely “trusting” the “experts” all the while expecting me to “trust” you and the “researchers” (the “new” experts) that you cite!
Tell me you see the self defeating nature of your position? You’re doing the very thing you’re accusing me of.
Your bringing up of Tartaria (of which I am familiar) is simply a red herring. However, I’d like to address some of your other points you make about the Trinity, but thought I should first address a presupposition you appear to bring to every conversation regarding the topics we are discussing:
School is controlled. Scholarship is controlled. Our modern day version was created and is controlled by Rockefeller. Everything since the late 19th century has had to pass that filter. It is controlled by methods of funding. But much more important, it is controlled by methods of publishing. When you start investigating how things get published, you come to realize that all publishers have been controlled for forever. No one has a voice unless the PTB wish it. Thus all commentary that makes it "mainstream" in every stream (secular, Christian, Islam, Jewish, science, history, etc., etc.) must make it past the gatekeepers.
There is a curious irony the lies veiled behind your main claims. The irony lies in the paradox of claiming all sources are controlled while simultaneously asserting a privileged perspective that transcends this control.
Criticizing scholars as controlled by certain entities implies a supposed immunity to such influence, creating a self-defeating loop where one claims authority while denouncing authority.
It's crucial to engage in constructive dialogue, recognizing the complexities of information dissemination, rather than dismissing entire fields based on assumptions of control.
I’ll respond to your other assertions later…
The early church fathers extensively quoted the biblical text in their writings, providing valuable insights into the state of the New Testament during their time.
While the exact number of quotations varies (some scholars report over 30,000 quotations), it is true that a substantial portion of the New Testament can be reconstructed from their quotes (minus roughly 11 verses).
These extensive quotations from the early church fathers provide a robust foundation for reconstructing the New Testament's content, doctrines, and teachings. It's a testament to the widespread dissemination and acceptance of these writings in the early Christian community. Even if I grant you the assertion (which I won’t) that the original manuscripts were lost, changed or edited, these quotations would serve as a substantial basis for understanding the core tenets of the Christian faith as transmitted by the apostles and disciples.
The consistency across these quotes reinforces the reliability of the biblical text.
While it’s true that Christianity, at times, intersected with influential figures, we mustn’t overlook its foundational years.
In the face of intense persecution, Christians flourished, often at great personal cost. The growth of Christianity wasn’t solely a product of those in power; rather, it often thrived against opposition, showcasing its resilience and appeal beyond political structures.
Early believers faced challenges, not only from external forces but also internal debates that shaped the diverse landscape of early Christian thought.
“There were a metric fuckton of people (according to evidence) that were not in the Pauline camp. They were all killed, or silenced, or their books burned; called "heretics" or "gnostics" or whatever. This is the reality of how the "teachings were made consistent with tradition". The tradition was forced, by bloodshed, ad hominem, and propaganda from those who had power in the community.”
While it's true that early Christian history includes theological diversity and conflicts, the assertion that non-Pauline perspectives were universally suppressed through violence is an oversimplification. Early Christian debates involved a range of theological positions, not solely those associated with Paul.
Diversity of Views: The early Christian community indeed grappled with diverse theological perspectives, reflecting the complexity of interpreting the teachings of Jesus. Disagreements on topics like Christology and salvation were not limited to a single faction.
Suppression and Conflict: There were instances of theological conflicts, and some individuals or groups faced challenges to their beliefs. However, characterizing the entire process as a result of intentional suppression oversimplifies the historical context.
Formation of Orthodoxy: The establishment of theological orthodoxy was a gradual process and involved debates, councils, and discussions among various Christian communities. The notion of heresy developed over time as a response to theological challenges, but attributing it solely to violent suppression is an overstatement.
Varied Christian Movements: Gnostic and other non-Pauline traditions were not universally eradicated. Some persisted and influenced later Christian developments. The Nag Hammadi library's discovery, for instance, revealed a cache of Gnostic texts that survived burial for centuries.
Acknowledging the complexities of early Christian history helps avoid a reductionist narrative - which you are guilty of - and provides a more nuanced understanding of the dynamic interactions within the diverse Christian landscape.
Several early Christian influencers and teachers emerged from non-privileged backgrounds, embodying the diverse nature of the movement:
Peter: A fisherman by trade, Peter became a prominent disciple of Jesus and a key figure in the early Christian community.
Paul: Though educated, Paul's background as a tentmaker and his initial opposition to Christianity before his conversion offer a different perspective.
Lydia of Thyatira: A businesswoman, Lydia was a seller of purple goods and one of the first European converts to Christianity.
Priscilla and Aquila: A married couple, Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers like Paul and played a significant role in early Christian missionary efforts.
Phoebe: Described as a deacon in the early Christian community, Phoebe was likely involved in various forms of ministry.
These examples illustrate the diverse social and economic backgrounds of early Christian influencers, demonstrating that the movement was not exclusively led by those from privileged classes.
We actually have a significant number of ancient manuscripts dating back to various time periods.
These manuscripts, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Codex Sinaiticus, and the Codex Vaticanus, provide us with a wealth of textual evidence for the New Testament.
The sheer quantity and diversity of these manuscripts make it impossible for any group to confiscate and change all of them without leaving any trace.
Moreover, the early church fathers, such as Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen, wrote extensive commentaries and references to the biblical texts.
These writings, along with the translations of the Bible into various languages, further validate the accuracy and consistency of the biblical text throughout history.
Additionally, the process of textual criticism, which involves comparing and analyzing different manuscript copies to establish the original text, ensures that any discrepancies or errors can be identified and corrected.
Scholars have dedicated their lives to studying these manuscripts and have developed rigorous methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the biblical text we have today.
Considering the vast number of manuscripts and the widespread dissemination of the Bible, it is highly unlikely that any group could successfully manipulate or confiscate all copies and commentaries without detection.
The evidence we have at our disposal affirms the integrity and preservation of the biblical text throughout history, enabling us to have confidence in the accuracy of the Bible we possess today.
Therefore, when considering the logical and historical evidence, it is reasonable to conclude that the claim of a group confiscating and altering all biblical manuscripts and early church commentaries is simply not possible.
The availability of ancient manuscripts and the extensive writings of the early church fathers provide strong support for the authenticity and reliability of the Bible as we know it.
Slyver, you’re smart enough to know that the Church was around long before Constantine arrived on the scene.
As far as “proving it” goes, you’re the one making the positive claim that the Bible has been changed beyond recognition and trustworthiness. Therefore, the burden proof rests squarely upon your shoulders to provide evidence of such a claim. Give us some reputable, primary source references that we can all go to check your claims.
plenty of evidence…
fuckton of evidence…
Yet you provide or quote NONE. Just fanciful assertions under the guise of “knowledge;” Gnostic knowledge at that. Let the reader beware, this type of reasoning is what will be used to persecute those who do not conform to the New Age/Golden Age (Beast) system.
The claim that numerous books were considered canon by various Christian groups contradicts the historical reality. Early Christian communities did have some variations in their canons, but there was a gradual consensus, and many books were widely accepted across different regions.
Authorship of 2 Timothy: You suggest uncertainty about the authorship of 2 Timothy (by citing a Wiki page <eyeroll>) and assert it may have been created during the construction of a Church hierarchy. While authorship debates exist for some biblical books, attributing motives solely to the establishment of Church control oversimplifies the complex historical and theological factors involved in canonization.
Which specific council are you referring to, exactly?
"There are WAY more scrolls, books, texts etc than just 66 books in the Bible. Many amazing books were removed to preserve the power and control of the church and its leaders."
While it's true that there are numerous ancient texts beyond the 66 books of the Bible, the process of canonization involved careful consideration and theological scrutiny. The decision to include certain books and exclude others was not solely driven by a desire for power and control. Early Christian communities sought to preserve teachings consistent with apostolic tradition and the message of Jesus.
"They also removed central tenets of Christianity to give the church and its leaders the false attribute of being needed by the individual, when clearly, you do not need others to have a connection to the Creator and the Holy Spirit."
The process of canonization aimed at preserving the core tenets of Christianity based on theological criteria. While individual connection to the Creator and the Holy Spirit is emphasized in Christian spirituality, the organized church plays a role in providing communal worship, fellowship, and guidance. The removal of certain texts was often due to concerns about their theological consistency with established doctrines. However, the belief in a personal connection to the divine doesn't negate the importance of communal aspects within Christianity. The exclusion of specific texts does not inherently invalidate the profound individual connection to God that many believers experience.
The assertion that conflating Pauline writings with the teachings of Jesus is a misdirection and that the Gospel of Thomas aligns seamlessly with Jesus' recorded sayings requires careful consideration of both Paul's letters and the content of the Gospel of Thomas.
Distinctive Messages:
- Pauline Epistles: Paul's letters often focus on theological explanations, Christian doctrine, and practical instructions for Christian communities. They are distinct from the Gospel narratives, emphasizing themes like justification by faith and the role of grace.
- Gospel of Thomas: This non-canonical gospel consists of sayings attributed to Jesus. While some sayings may resemble canonical Gospels, others differ significantly, presenting a more esoteric or Gnostic flavor.
Theological Emphasis:
- Pauline Theology: Paul emphasizes concepts like justification, redemption, and the role of faith in Christ. His writings contribute significantly to the theological foundation of Christianity.
- Gospel of Thomas: The Gospel of Thomas contains sayings that often focus on hidden knowledge and spiritual insight, aligning more with Gnostic perspectives than the overtly theological emphasis found in Paul's writings.
Jesus' Teachings in Canonical Gospels:
- Unique Emphases: The teachings of Jesus in the canonical Gospels, such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, cover a range of topics including love, forgiveness, the Kingdom of God, and ethical conduct. While some themes may overlap with Thomas, the contexts and nuances can differ.
Authorship and Historical Context:
- Authorship of Thomas: The authorship of the Gospel of Thomas is debated, and attributing it to the brother of Jesus lacks strong historical evidence. Its dating and origin are subjects of scholarly discussion, and it likely emerged from a different theological milieu than the canonical Gospels.
Here are a few examples that highlight the distinctive nature of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas compared to the teachings found in canonical Gospels and Pauline writings:
Example of Hidden Knowledge:
- Gospel of Thomas (Logion 2): "Jesus said, 'Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.'"
- This saying emphasizes the seeking of hidden knowledge that leads to a higher state of understanding.
- Gospel of Thomas (Logion 2): "Jesus said, 'Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.'"
Example of Gnostic Themes:
- Gospel of Thomas (Logion 114): "Simon Peter said to him, 'Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.' Jesus said, 'I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'"
- This saying introduces a Gnostic theme of transcending gender for spiritual enlightenment, reflecting a departure from traditional Christian teachings.
- Gospel of Thomas (Logion 114): "Simon Peter said to him, 'Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.' Jesus said, 'I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'"
Example of Spiritual Insight:
- Gospel of Thomas (Logion 3): "Jesus said, 'If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you.'"
- This saying encourages a deeper, metaphorical understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing spiritual insight over literal interpretations.
- Gospel of Thomas (Logion 3): "Jesus said, 'If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you.'"
It's important to note that the Gnostic flavor in the Gospel of Thomas lies in its emphasis on esoteric knowledge, spiritual transformation, and unique perspectives on gender and salvation. These aspects distinguish it from the more straightforward ethical teachings and narratives found in canonical Gospels and the theological focus of Paul's letters.
All the books not included in the 66 book cannon actually have doctrine that contradicts Christ's and the Apostle's teachings. The early Christian community recognized this, which is why those books were never included in the cannon to begin with.
People think they're exposing the Beast System by exposing all the "conspiracies" revealing the "prison planet" we live in, but, in reality, they're only exposing the Harlot System (the Chooish led NWO).
The Beast System, according to Revelation 17 (17 you say?) is what turns on, and destroys, the Harlot system. We are witnessing this very turning in this current Age.
The Beast system, however, is what brings the Anti Christ onto the scene.
This entire video - as good as the information in it is - is exposing only the Harlot System. The Harlot System will be destroyed - by the Beast (Kingdoms/Nations) whom she rode. This is all laid out in Rev 17.
The Harlot is identified by John (the author of Revelation) as Jerusalem in Rev 11:8.
Jerusalem = the Harlot/Mystery Babylon who rides the Kings of the Earth (Beast), but then the Kings of the Earth (Beast) turn on her and destroy her.
Notice the Great Awakening is awakening us to the oppressive Matrix led and run by the choos?
I'm beginning to think O'keefe is a 1st tier Matrix guard.
Excellent comment! I would add one small distinction:
USURY is the beast system.
USURY is the Harlot system
Great info. I would add a slight distinction. You say:
The New World Order will be the Antichrist’s counterfeit of Christ’s true coming kingdom during the 1,000 year millennium
I would clarify that the "Great Awakening" we are witnessing is exposing the Jewish led NWO, not the Beast system. The Awakening is [unbeknownst to many] helping to usher in the Beast system. The Beast system is what ushers in the reign of the AntiChrist. The Anti Christ will usher in an age (a short age) of Peace and safety ("...he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many." Daniel 8:25)
See Revelation 17 where the Harlot (Jerusalem) rides the Beast (Kings of the earth). The Harlot = the Jewish led NWO.
The Beast then turns on the Harlot and destroys her. We are witnessing this turning....
Name checks out!
Leggo my ergo!
Looks like they’re branding them with numbers before they drown them, too.
Makes sense…
What you see in this article is Beast Propaganda against the Harlot (NWO).
Christians: Read Revelation 17 now.
The Harlot System (NWO/Talmudic World Order) is what the false "light" is exposing. The NWO is not the Beast system, it's the Harlot system. Luciferian slight of hand is at play here (who disguises himself as an Angel of Light?). Discernment needed.
The Beast, whom the Harlot rides, will turn on the Harlot and destroy her. We are seeing the "turning against her" right before our very eyes.
Light vs Dark is an oooold Occult (Satanic) trick.
In 1823, the Rothschilds took control over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide. They became the official bankers of the Holy See and managed its debts, assets, and investments.
In 1832, the Rothschilds arranged a loan for the Holy See, which was in financial distress after the Napoleonic Wars. The loan was for a sum of £400,000 (equivalent to £4 billion in 2021) and was negotiated by James Mayer de Rothschild and Alessandro Torlonia, acting for the Pope Gregory XVI
In 2020, the Rothschilds formed an alliance with the Vatican of Pope Francis, under the name of 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican'. The alliance claims to promote a more sustainable and equitable economic system, but some critics see it as a dangerous and secretive partnership.
Catholic Church = Chooish Controlled
Here are additional verses that highlight the personal nature of the Holy Spirit:
Grieving the Holy Spirit:
Teaching and Reminding Role of the Holy Spirit:
Intercession by the Holy Spirit:
Sending by the Father in the Name of Jesus:
These verses provide additional insights into the personal attributes and roles of the Holy Spirit, portraying the Spirit not merely as an impersonal force but as a distinct person within the Triune Godhead.