Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Loudest laugh of the day! And GAW has made me laugh a lot today.😂😂😂

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +4 / -0

Best idea coming out of DC I’ve heard in a long time. But I agree with the anon who said it should be “instead of” rather than “with.”

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Based on the 1955 novel by Vladimir Nabokov. Guy marries the mother of a 12-year old girl named Dolores. His nickname for her is Lolita. Mom reads her husband’s journal and finds out he only married her to get to the girl. Distraught, she runs into traffic, gets hit by a car, and dies. Pedophile runs off with the girl, passing her off as his daughter. Eventually he tires of her as he is not attracted to anyone over the age of 14. Very disturbing book.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

The division of people into “agentic” and “communal” rubs me the wrong way. I, for example, am very nurturing and caring. I am not into control or power. Yet I was perfectly able to see through the fearmongering “messaging” and had no trouble not complying. I feel that standing up against deception that destroys lives is a very caring way to live one’s life.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel you and I also feel your children. They are seeking a higher purpose in life—at least higher than the gerbil wheel for pay pellets. Your daughter is a beautiful soul who wants to be loved and respected. I’m guessing she found work cold, probably mean, and made her feel de-humanized. I know exactly how she feels because I was once just like her. She is right. However, I was also in survival mode and didn’t have parents that I could move in with. It was either work in the world as I found it or live under a bridge.

Perhaps you could encourage them both to start a small business doing something they love, even if it won’t make them rich anytime soon. Gently tell them you know the way the world works is not ideal but we have to play the cards we are dealt.

I also have two adult children. My oldest tried real hard to fit into the work world. Literally worked 60-80 hours a week his whole short adult life. Got stressed. He also had adult ADD and tried to self medicate. He is now in the spiritual world. Other son, after 2 years of being in grief for his brother, went to community college to learn a trade and is now employed as a welder. He’s doing ok but if he decided to move back in to re-evaluate, go back to school, read books, play music, or raise goats, I’d be glad I can offer him a place to be. A home and a bit of property is what my husband and I earned for a lifetime of corporate slavery. If I can pass to my son a little bit of freedom from being absolutely beholden to a job just to pay bills and taxes, I am grateful.

I think your kids will find their way. I’ve heard worse stories of how people got their kids back after sending them to college. Sounds like your children are good human beings, and to me, that is a treasure.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope Catturd is wrong for once in his 9 lives. But he’s probably not wrong.

Learna_Trade 31 points ago +31 / -0

Well, I mean, what kind of people would attend a Hillary event? Now this guy is fantastic - perhaps a red-pilled Dem? I love the passion in his voice.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m part 4, 5, and 6 depending on what day it is. We better get as many people to stage 6 and quickly as possible. Stage 6-ers don’t participate in World Wars.

Learna_Trade 10 points ago +11 / -1

Me too. Crossing Newt off my approved list. I admit I haven’t paid any attention to him for years.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just listened to audiobook of “Live Not by Lies” by Rod Dreher. The book gives stories and advice of Christian dissenters who survived Soviet totalitarianism. Also good advice for all dissenters, Christian or not. Gave me a lot to think about.

The central message is to get firm in your beliefs and principles and try to avoid saying or doing things you don’t believe for the sake of expediency. Sounds like you are doing that. Avoiding repetition of lies will preserve you from becoming corrupted and brainwashed. Also, form connections with others who are like minded, as we are doing here in GAW - but should also seek to do in our local communities.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bullets or not, use periods after complete sentences. If the bullet is a phrase that is not a sentence, don’t use periods. A group of bullets should be either all phrases or all sentences. Sorry - my job is being a technical editor. The struggle is real.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will pray. Best wishes. I recently had shoulder replacement surgery and know how you feel!

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +4 / -0

Possible response: “I will sign up in exchange for 5% of Pfizer profits as reported in its 2022 Annual Report. Agreement must be legally signed and certified prior to participation in trial. Also funds must to transferred to my account with time allowed to exchange for gold bullion and placed in trust for my family. I reserve the right to change my mind for 90 days after agreement is signed. Deal?”

I gotta say though, even if they took the deal, I’m pretty sure I’d back out.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

If only our military rank and file would refuse to fight.

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +4 / -0

I rarely watched TPIR but did grow up watching “Truth or Consequences.” So I remember a cheerful handsome dark-haired man.

Learna_Trade 9 points ago +9 / -0

Brings to mind certain parables such as that one about the wheat and the tares. Matthew 13:24-30. At some point there is supposed to be a great separation. In ordinary times you can’t easily tell the good from the evil because souls hide behind social facades. Then things happen to cause truth to be revealed. Obviously we are living in such a time and Trump is a catalyst.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

What has happened in America is an insult to Banana Republics. Our “leaders” are rich and powerful. America is looked to by the world as a beacon of freedom. The damage done by this so-called govt’s corruption is exponentially greater.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Babylon Bee called the new variant “Electionyearicron.”

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in a rural area where the county board is trying to pass a rule to limit solar panels to 1% of county acreage. The people here are against it. Solar companies are spamming me and framing it as a “property rights” issue. To me, allowing your property to be used for solar panels is damaging the property values of your neighbors while ceding your property to corporate and govt control. A neighboring county has miles and miles of solar farms and they turn absolutely pristine rolling hills into a creepy hell scape.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was it this one? Kay Griggs - https://youtu.be/mS4-aEYhLd8

Learna_Trade 4 points ago +4 / -0

Me: young, ignorant, and lib til 1990. 1990-92 - transition period; got married, learned more about how world works. 1992 - birth of first child. 1993 - 2016 - Christian conservative; heavily involved in parenting and church; thought 911 inside job was a liberal conspiracy theory to smear W, but knew JFK was killed by insiders. June 2016 - redpilled over a single weekend like a lightning bolt; suddenly saw everything anew; awake (but still learning) ever since. I suspect this is a fairly typical character arc, except many of you were never liberal. I inherited that.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like Aldi’s. Been shopping there for years. I live in Appalachia now where they’ve been smacked down by globalism since Clinton signed NAFTA, so people who were poor are even poorer. I leave my cart free of the quarter chains. I used to get coffee beans there for 3.50 a bag; now the product is $5.95, still cheaper than other grocery stores. Olive oil has gone from 2.99 to 5.99. So Aldi’s is affected too, but still better. I also see lots of elderly folks there.

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