Learna_Trade 11 points ago +11 / -0

The thing about ballet is it’s a highly precise art form that requires years of training and the right body type. The female ballet body type is one that trannies will never have. Without excellent technique, athleticism, and the right body type, anyone trying to perform ballet is going to look silly.

Now, if a male wants to be a ballet dancer, there is a corresponding training program suited to male dancers. They learn leaps and lifts and they also require a certain body type. This person on the right would not look great as either a male or female ballet dancer. However if he wishes to play at it, it’s a free country. I would prefer to be free from watching him do it. 😂

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

The headline says “…government seize…” but the actual quote says,”We may even need to evoke eminent domain…” Last I checked, JPMorgan was not the government. Of course, elsewhere the article blathers on about government, corporations, and NGOs “aligning” or some such unConstitutional nonsense.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

She delivers the horrible truth so sweetly, sugaring the message with the British version of “Bless your hearts.” It’s delightful and terrifying at once.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

If doctors can make a man into a woman, surely they have skills to turn a partially transitioned woman back into a woman. If there is a lack of resources for that, it must be a lack of desire to take her case. Sounds like the problem is social or monetary pressure, not a lack of resources.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope this isn’t about demonizing China and officially kicking off WWIII, deflecting attention from all their crimes that are currently getting exposed….I sincerely hope it’s not that.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven’t watched Fox in years so it was new to me.🙂

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesse also just referred to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas….

Learna_Trade 18 points ago +18 / -0

I have not watched Fox since election night 2020. Never wanted to again. But I had a guest tonight who wanted to watch Tucker, so I let her log into her Sling account and we watched. Did not know tonight was the night. If I wanted to see one Tucker show this was it. What a coincidence.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure how old your son is, but it doesn’t matter. Let him “unschool” for 2-4 weeks while you research and put a program together that fits your family. He can read or work on projects that interest him - art, music, observing nature, science experiments, food prep, writing code. Writing scripts, decorating the school room or corner, fitness, etc. I guarantee he’ll be learning.

You can buy an online program, a boxed system, develop your own from scratch using the abundance of resources available, or do a combination. You mainly want your child to learn what he needs to know at his stage of development.

As you go along you will naturally adjust as needed. Be patient and cheerful. I found homeschooling to be 100X less stressful than public school with all the barrage of homework, forms to sign, and creeping leftism. And my kids were in school way back in the 2000 - 2014 period.

Learna_Trade 12 points ago +12 / -0

I love it. This little meme expresses something profound. Some of humanity is transitioning to a higher vibration. We are immune to propaganda. We are still trapped in the world fear-based system, mainly through the fake fiat financial paradigm but are getting ready to burst free even of that. We will be living according to higher law based on love and truth. We are already happier than most and it drives ‘em nuts. “They” — those in power—try to destroy our happiness because it doesn’t depend on them. They are losing their grip on that effort.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah but I care and hopefully many actual humans seeing this also care. I also had two sons. Lost one bad drug combo — not fentanyl. I can’t even imagine losing both. My heart goes out to this lady.

Learna_Trade 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin is the book that really made me understand the federal reserve. It’s a horror story that will make you sick, a horror story currently reaching its climax in real time. I recommend it.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me too. I have a deep desire to find honest strong leaders on the side of goodness and humanity. I want Elon to be on the side of good — but there’s just something off about him…. Best case scenario is he started in darkness, entered the deep state, and eventually saw the light and now he is using his dark knowledge for good. Oh how I’d like to believe that.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone with an account can list about anything on Poshmark for any price they like. If trafficking is going on, management should be policing those suspicious listings. I have bought and sold stuff on Poshmark but may have to stop. I quit shopping at Wayfair when I saw the thinly disguised human trafficking ads.

Don’t know how relevant this is, but Poshmark was recently acquired by South Korea’s largest internet company: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221003006050/en/Naver-to-Acquire-Poshmark/

Learna_Trade 6 points ago +6 / -0

This author just recently figured out that the ability to make a living is essential to non-elitists and that we accept risk on a daily basis. Apparently elitists use money and power to insulate themselves from anything unpleasant. The comments unintentionally prove the author’s point. One says a policy isn’t wrong because people dislike it. They really don’t see a problem with imposing a harmful policy on the people against our will.

Learna_Trade 12 points ago +12 / -0

Update: Safe for pregnant and nursing persons. Also, now approved for newborns.

Learna_Trade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me too! That first post sucked me in. Strangely, I seemed to have been spiritually prepped for it, having been red-pilled in June 2016 and going down rabbit holes since then.

Learna_Trade 17 points ago +18 / -1

Um… seems like such a warning should not be necessary. That it is necessary is highly disturbing. I’m always trying to figure out how we normal human beings are supposed to process the magnitude of evil we know is happening. I “know” it intellectually but cannot, and perhaps should not, integrate it into my heart and understanding of reality. To fully incorporate such evil into my soul would have to corrupt me. Not sure I am using the right words here. I guess I need to keep the knowledge of evil locked in its own room to keep it from seeping into my normal life so that I can function and be pleasant to people instead of viciously angry and bitter all day long.

Learna_Trade 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was commonly circulated in the ‘60s and ‘70s. I saw it repeatedly as a child.

Learna_Trade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Believe or not it wasn’t 911. I was brought up working class liberal and in 2001 was a newly minted conservative. My mom told me it was an inside job but I thought the libs were saying that out of crazed Bush hatred.

No it wasn’t til June 2016. Out of nowhere a picture popped into my mind of the school photos of all the cute little Sandy Hook victims and I got this strong feeling that something about those pictures wasn’t right - as if the kids were selected by central casting. Little ones, the cutest ones - no plain, ugly, or weird ones, like the child actors who are not quite like real kids.....

Now at that time I barely knew what YouTube was. I knew my son had learned to fix cell phones by watching YouTube videos and that’s about it. But after searching the internet, a bunch of Sandy Hook videos popped up and I spent all weekend watching them and feeling my reality slip away under my feet. The one where the grieving father was also on the SWAT team and didn’t know how to hold a gun... That one really did it for me.

I dont know what or who poked me to look into it and open my mind. Perhaps 8 years of Obama primed the pump. But I was ready to be awakened. After that the world looked all swirly and surreal for about week. I remember telling a coworker that I had found out something that altered my view of reality. Then I started down one rabbit hole after another. By the time Q came on the scene in late 2017 I had ears to hear.

Learna_Trade 7 points ago +8 / -1

I’ve read a lot of spiritual literature - NDEs and automatic writing from spirits telling what it’s like to be “dead.” Letters From the Afterlife (first pub. 1914) by Elsa Barker is a good one. Anyway, those who have passed on describe trying to interact with the living and being frustrated when no one can see or hear them. This is when they first leave their bodies. Then, in most cases, they move on and find their new reality and their new people.

Anyway that’s what I thought of when I read Dr Malone’s post. Awakening is in some sense dying to the old order. We need to move on and find our own people. Perhaps the experience will make us more ready for the that next big transition that we will all go through. We are eternal souls, the old world will fall away as we are told in the NT, and the sooner we embrace the new reality the happier we will be. I am someone who has lost a child, so I know what it is to walk through grief and darkness and find the light on the other side of the tunnel of grief. It’s one reason I seek afterlife literature. The truth will set us free.

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