Letthepiecesfall17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hey now, my son works at Starbucks, and he’s voting MAGA 😉. But yes, for the most part…

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is “fake news”. I went in and tested their system, and it had the same message for both “Harris” and “Trump”. Not to say that one could have been blocked sooner than the other, but in Coke’s defense, and as a business owner myself, you never want to have politics associated with your brand. So I’m calling B.S. on this one. Test for yourself. https://www.coca-colastore.com/personalized-can

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had the privilege of experiencing this in person. Very powerful.

Letthepiecesfall17 6 points ago +6 / -0

This all sounds great, except what I don’t love is the prospect of U.S. land being completely opened up for purchase. Fine to a degree, but I’m a lover a nature, and want to be able to keep big swaths of land protected from development so my grand children can enjoy the beauty that I’ve been able to.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow, it hadn’t dawned on me until reading your post that I haven’t seen as many Trump flags in my area as in 2020. Not that my predominantly conservative town is any less supportive of Trump, just that it hasn’t been as big of a “thing” like before (flags on houses, trucks, etc.). Is it just me?

Letthepiecesfall17 0 points ago +1 / -1

He basically says he didn’t know who a Jeffrey Epstein and that he later found out he was on those flights and the plane was owned by him. THEN, later on he says he saw Epstein with young girls. He is full of shit.

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

For SOME….doesn’t enforce the laws for SOME! Damn straight they will enforce the laws for the people who call them out.

Letthepiecesfall17 6 points ago +6 / -0

I feel your same frustration. I don’t dare talk anything other than rainbows and unicorns because our relationship can’t handle ANY world events. I think she may be one of the 6% who will never see otherwise (although I do pray for her).

The best is when she accuses me of being “boring”…If I could only speak what’s going through my brain, boring wouldn’t be the word. lol. The phrase “you can’t handle the truth!!!” comes to mind.

I want to know what this husband said to his wife that started her down the straight and narrow?

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what we all need to be doing more of. Have the courage to walk with those of all backgrounds and courageously (and lovingly) explaining the truth. This is the only way.

Yes we are in a bubble here, but maybe in a good way, so long as we use this bubble to regroup and gain understanding as we go out into the normieverse to spread truth and unifying, thought provoking information

Letthepiecesfall17 12 points ago +12 / -0

Fuck yeah! I’m proud to have helped elect this man as my rep. I sat just 20 feet from him, Steve Bannon, and Kari Lake less than a week ago. He’s the real deal.

by BQnita
Letthepiecesfall17 7 points ago +7 / -0

Camp Yesu sounds wonderful. Blessings to you in making this a reality!

Letthepiecesfall17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honest question (please educate me)…why is it, then, that at all the liberal universities, groups of protestors are pushing pro-Palestine? I’m so confused.

Of course, there’s the possibility of elites wanting to create more divide, but why are jews so hated by liberals now when jews are mostly liberal?

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stage 6 is a great place to be! I highly recommend it.

Letthepiecesfall17 4 points ago +5 / -1

Same here. Great awakening ain’t happening fast enough. Lol

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

If talking about it is being megative they have already admitted its an issue

Great line

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I foreclosed around 2008, and it sucks to give up all your equity. I’ve heard of programs where investors will buy up properties of those facing foreclosure which at least helps get some of your equity back. I don’t know how these are doing with the higher interest rates but worth looking into any and all options you might have! So sorry to hear.

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heartbroken for you. As a fellow business owner, you put so much heart and soul into a new business (it really is like a child). Sorry fren

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t know that walking out is going to make any change. Instead, they should create their own girls bathroom somewhere in the school and pee and poop in buckets. That’ll turn some heads.

Letthepiecesfall17 16 points ago +16 / -0

I don’t have any tips on how to recover from the vax. But I do wanna give you kudos for thinking for yourself and persevering. I hope you live long and hard to champion truth and righteousness to your kiddos for many years to come.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. LDS inc denouncing him makes me trust him more. LDS leadership is tied to the cabal for sure…even if blind ignorance.

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