MD anon here, thank you for writing this up. I love NAC and it's also good to add that it chelates basically all heavy metals, so technically it can probably even help negate adverse effects from excessive heavy metals. Been using it daily 900mg twice daily, along with CoQ10 and low dose methylene blue for the ultimate mitochondrial stack.
We're not all bad, there's a good amount of based docs that I am friends with who did not get vax and many who actively fought it the whole way.
This guy's legit. He also predicted XRP will go to over $10k a coin when it was only like .40.
What about pussy boy Vance who voted for the original shit bill?
There are more based physicians than people realize, but many are still asleep. I find the good ones and I slowly incept the others into thinking more critically.
I've seen and filmed one (last night). Looked like the saucer from ET (not kidding). Many people here are anti aliens and/or too into the manmade side of religion to understand how it reconciles, but there's a subset of anons who are aware of Galactic Federation and know that the government has been hiding disclosure of extra terrestrials and their involvement in our history.
These "drones" are the first step to full disclosure and ascension into 5D/Biblical Rapture, that will happen under Trump. That is why he's prophesized to be the "last president".
The Elohim have officially returned.
MD Anon here, I don't think I have to tell you guys, but don't give any vaccines to your children or take any yourself. The amount of aluminum alone is concerning
This, even here in the great awakening, not many are making the Pleidian/Galactic Federation connection. Yes Jesus Christ is coming back, but it's not mysticism and religion, but a soul awakening involving our help from above...
Everyone still talking about George Soros when Larry Page has taken over for him as first point of contact with demonic entities.
They're limited by TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS. They cannot exceed this or it will be blatant cheating and called out.
Satanic ho, nothing new.
I like for supplement information. There's links to studies too.
There is a lot of group think lefty bs but also a lot of smoke and mirrors as to how dominant they make it seem.
This isn't even remotely close to enough. Should have gotten 40+
As a doctor and anon, this is top level copium garbage. Was it maybe the best thing he could do at the time when given the options he had? Ok fine, but no reason to continue to talk about it, especially bragging about it.
Also there was no military vaccine to cure you if you've taken the vax or got covid. That's fake and gay. Where did that come from? There's absolutely no evidence of this whatsoever.
Read turtles all the way down if you have time. MD recommended ;)
I second turtles all the way down!
Side note, there's crazy shit in medicine like HIV and Lyme most likely having been bioengineered. Possibly many more as well. COVID wasn't the first.
There are literally pictures of Hawking on the island. So many of these "revelations" are OLD NEWS
Young MD here, was always skeptical of vaccines bc of poor safety data and suspicious "these are amazing, we will not even discuss the possibility of adverse effects" rhetoric that flooded us in medical school.
That being said, I have requested and obtained religious exemptions for the clot shot and flu. Never again. As for my kids, I don't think so. Found a good pediatrician who is based af and agrees that most of these are not necessary.
I just tried it and it wouldn't go past saying it's a baseless and absurd theory.
The clip from the Ellen show is still on her official youtube and is probably one of the best things to show someone.
How does this Qpost connect to the events? Is there a delta I'm not seeing?
Probably going to get downvoted for this but, the Bible has been tampered with for centuries by the very groups we are fighting against now. These methods include the omission of certain texts from biblical canon, and (deliberate?) mis-translations.
Can't always just go with whatever the Bible says, still need to think that it is man's interpretation of God's word and man's interpretation of real, biblical and historic events.
It doesn't for me, but it can happen