One of those guys was a prankster. The interview was hilarious but taken down very quickly.
Yeah I'll get excited when I see tribunals. This is a big yawn. Sorry.
Yeah but it's a slow news week
Thanks for saying it, someone had to. His girlfriend's last name is Rockefeller
Kanye is not exactly eloquent but an interesting interview nonetheless. Good insight into the celebrity world behind the scenes. It seems to me like he's just trying to be his own person and do whatever things people tell him he can't do.
True the vote, Mike Lindel's symposium, project veritas...
I'm pretty sure it was a bunch of devout Muslims from Afghanistan. This can't be correct.
Congratulations, even though I don't know you I'm very happy for you! I'm very fortunate my wife and I have always seen eye to eye but I'm pleased that you can know the same happiness.
I just gained even more respect for Trump for the way he's able to sit there and listen to Hannity drone on and on without losing his cool.
I think it's goofy I don't like it but I also don't think it's a big deal
I come here for info, not for my mood. My mood is based on tangible things in the reality my body inhabits. I don't mind if this is mostly negative since its primary purpose is to awaken people to the evil that's been controlling our society for a long time. I go other places for a pick-me-up. My joy is found in Christ and I get that from church, not here. I don't like his people post more positive things but I probably won't read them because it's not why I'm here.
My system is freezing up trying to respond to that
I'm pretty sure it would be more cost effective for me to buy canned goods than try to set all that up in time to reap the benefits a year from now.
Be careful about looking for a church that is too practical. It might not seem like it but there are other elements of being human besides the current great awakening. You should also be getting things that are timeless. If you don't get a deep grounding in what the Bible teaches about all areas of life, you'll end up with a very shallow myopic Christianity that will quickly fade away. If you're not being challenged to be a better person every week by caring about those around you, and you're not talking about eternal salvation and a relationship with God through faith in the atoning work of Christ, and you're just talking about political issues, you're missing most of what Christ has to offer.
They're conditioning people to accept his inevitable removal.
I believe God has his plans while the white hats have theirs. I hope they're not arrogant enough to confuse the two, but regardless it's only the former that gives me hope.
You said, "EDIT: I told you - I will not argue. It's pointless - people who are set in their ways are NEVER up for argument, especially about a) homosexuality or b) religion." It goes both ways. You're not open to the other side either, so there's really nothing to say other stop being a fag. Thanks for the moralizing though!
Free salvation paid for by Christ doesn't "look good to outsiders"? What a bunch of ungrateful bastards. I guess they deserve to go to hell.
Nowhere does anything in this post suggest that you don't do anything to help your neighbor. You just reading that into the situation. He's just pointing out that things are getting bad and that this is probably necessary for people to wake up. Also OP never claims to be a Christian. You've clearly got some ax to grind.
Phil is a classic example of constantly moving the goal posts and hoping nobody notices. He's made so much money off of his silver MLM charging people for overpriced specialty silver when they could just be buying regular bullion. He's got a weird sort of charisma but I think he's fake.
I remember about a year ago he said it would all be over by November. He's also making oodles of money selling products of questionable value and he puts all sorts of scam ads on his telegram feed. Then he winks and says it's "comms"...
I'm not rude, but I ignore them unless they initiate conversation, which doesn't happen. But if they take the mask off or even pull it down a little I will immediately start talking to them in a friendly way as positive reinforcement. I've tried making small talk a few times early on but it's just too weird.
That's great advice! It's a steep learning curve. When I first started I asked a ton of questions that looking back would sound like a doomer. Now I pretty much just browse here but I do red pill people in real life.
2020 and 2022 will be fixed. Why is everybody freaking out after the recent elections? The white hats can't do EBS tomorrow instead of last week? Chill.