MAGASTORM17 38 points ago +38 / -0

What happened today is exactly what you want if you want the masses taking the time and learning for themselves about this abomination.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

goat fuck youssef is the traditional spelling.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holograms can't be projected? I've been in the advanced display industry for almost 25 years, including working alongside consultants who've designed major theatrical productions in Vegas of dead artists "performing" via projected holograms.

Steering a projected image on a fixed 'screen' from a moving satellite is no more technically challenging than what satellites do today with cameras fixed on a geolocation. When a cloud layer obscures the light source, that light source would be undetectable.

I said this is a possible scenario; drones could also achieve the same result.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent post!

The Durham DOJ plane post always stuck with me. For some reason I always assumed the pic was Haiti's airport, but nope - it's San Juan, PR...closest major airport to LSJ Island.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

A patent owned by Disney:

“ Aerial display system with floating projection screen”


MAGASTORM17 3 points ago +3 / -0

One possibility that is achievable today…Sat-based laser projection onto an aerosolized projection screen laid across the sky by planes.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm taking a "let's see what happens" view of the Durham Sussman trial.

Looking at Durham's past as a DS cover-upper (appointed by Eric Holder to quash CIA torture crimes, for starters) makes me pessimistic. Important to note his scope was purposely limited by Holder in that case to protect Bush, et al.

The key difference here is his 'unlimited scope' and the extent and length of the filed indictments, which point directly to a larger RICO case.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Viral/guerilla marketing for Luvox? Luvox is the brand name for an SSRI called fluvoxamine used to treat OCD. Like most SSRI’s once you’re on it good luck getting off.

Nice try deep state/Pharma.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Follow the white rabbit.

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not saying there’s a definitive relationship but blue and gold are colors associated with the NWO, owing to their affinity for ancient Egypt. Epstein Island temple, Rosecrucians logo, AIr Force One (this is why Trump pushed to change AF1’s color scheme)…could just be a coincidence.

MAGASTORM17 4 points ago +6 / -2

Bullshit Goddard Luciferian crap. Placeboes and magical thinking are NOT NEARLY as effective as many thousands of actual proven treatments, whether that’s Vit D or HCQ or IVM.

MAGASTORM17 5 points ago +5 / -0

They’re using large sensor cameras on gimbals with wide aperture lenses, for many of the ‘candid’ shots. This creates that shallower depth of field where only the subject is in focus. It generally makes the picture quality a little softer which is more flattering when filming people, esp in 4K+

MAGASTORM17 1 point ago +2 / -1

The information may be accurate but she does not speak like a doctor.

Why tape a live interview until you’ve produced or published measurable findings or even a hypothesis about what you observed? She began crying? Is she a rep for Pfizer? (Only Moderna and J&J were tested?) To add to the credibility issue, her eye movements in the final couple minutes says she’s lying or otherwise uncomfortable with something.

MAGASTORM17 4 points ago +5 / -1

WTC towers 1 and 2 were designed SPECIFICALLY to withstand a passenger jet impact because of the proximity to major airports.

The added weight was miniscule, and once the top floors were incinerated, the lower floors had LESS load than before. Progressive collapse was a physical impossibility because the collapse went down through the path of MOST RESISTANCE. Explosives are needed to bring down high rises this way.

ae911truth.org has hundreds of expert videos explaining all of this from an architectural/structural engineering standpoint.

MAGASTORM17 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just a wild guess but China controls our State Dept and is running the Biden Admin through blackmailed Clinton/Obama proxies like Jake Sullivan?

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

In Barbados, in disguise, sipping on a frosty beverage, enjoying his $25M windfall courtesy of the Clinton Foundation?

The guys been a deep state hack who squashes investigations his entire career. Appointed by Holder Reno and Barr….and Sessions

I hope and pray I’m wrong. His appointment by sessions the same day of Qs first drop is an enticing tidbit but probably purposeful misdirection.

PS. Still comfy, God wins.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sons of American Revolution are a Masonic linked org. Like Freemasonry it doesn’t mean they’re all bad people. But they’re a rich target for infiltration and subversion. Look at their symbols (Maltese Cross) and research their members. I believe this Russell Jay Gould stuff is pure Masonic disinformation.

MAGASTORM17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Streisand effect.

Regardless of where you fall on this issue, JFK Jr being killed under suspicious circumstances is a potential huge redpill for intelligent normies. Let them learn about Trump’s friendship, about Jr’s untimely death in the midst of a Senate race against Hillary, his dad’s assassination by the deep state, etc. I look at it as all part of the awakening.

MAGASTORM17 24 points ago +24 / -0

Could it be a tag team effort with Catturd being a cover? The President’s phraseology is very unique, even when disguised with Spanglish.

MAGASTORM17 53 points ago +53 / -0

This account has evolved over time and is sounding more and more like him every day.

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