- Nixon phone call.
- The lunar module (looks like 6 year olds made it)
- Video of Buzz admitting to little girl he never went to the moon.
- Photoshopped pic of earth from moon. Stanley Kubrick admitting it video.
- The non-reflective surface on the moon compared to what your own eyes see at night. The moon gives off its own light. Obvious to anyone with eyes to see.
- No photos of the moon landing site from earth (but they have the bullshit “photo” of deep space- wake up!!!)
- We never see one side of the moon (how can anyone believe the rotations of the moon and earth would work this way?! It’s called indoctrination.
- The moon and sun are virtually the same size as viewed from earth. Just another crazy scientific anomaly, huh?
- We pay NASA 60 million dollars a day. 60 million. For what? CGI bullshit.
- We can send things to Mars which is millions of miles away but not the Moon anymore which is considerably closer. Meh, the Moon is too passé I guess.
- The moons surface reflects the land on earth. Look it up.
- The moon and sun can be in the sky at the same time at like 4pm and you could see the “earth’s shadow” creating a half moon. Um…that’s impossible.
- Astronauts gone wild. There are videos out there of a pesky reporter trying to get astronauts to swear on the Bible they went to the moon. All the astronauts are ornery and violent. Look it up.
- Buzz admits on Conan that Conan never saw him on the moon.
- The abundance of lies and trickery NASA has done since.
- What does NASA mean in Hebrew? To deceive.
- Newspapers around the world had oddly timed photos from the first moon landing.
- The moon is within the firmament (read the Bible)
I know I sound crazy but it did make me wonder about someone who gets sick (not COVID) after getting jabbed and THAT sickness spreads to another person who isn’t jabbed. It was a concern and why I came to this forum to asked. I learned some great things from asking, including your honey method. I hadn’t heard too much about shedding for awhile now. Didn’t know if it was a thing still. Thanks.
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