MadDad 1 point ago +2 / -1

The quickest and best way to quit smoking. Buy the book “Alan Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking”. Believe me.

MadDad 3 points ago +3 / -0

I only recently learned the power we hold through Christ. So much asking and pleading in the past. That’s not how it’s done. God is in us. We have the same talents as Jesus, and more.

MadDad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well then he would be really telling the truth.

MadDad 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's fantastic TV

MadDad 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the name I Jesus, let this anon’s heart heal quickly with the acceptance and understanding of God’s plan. Thank you. Amen.

MadDad 3 points ago +3 / -0

In The name of Jesus, transmute introvert17’s issues into blessings this month. Thank you. Amen.

MadDad 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a masterpiece of information. I feel blessed to understand now. I wish there was a section on here that can save high energy posts like this.

MadDad 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Nixon phone call.
  2. The lunar module (looks like 6 year olds made it)
  3. Video of Buzz admitting to little girl he never went to the moon.
  4. Photoshopped pic of earth from moon. Stanley Kubrick admitting it video.
  5. The non-reflective surface on the moon compared to what your own eyes see at night. The moon gives off its own light. Obvious to anyone with eyes to see.
  6. No photos of the moon landing site from earth (but they have the bullshit “photo” of deep space- wake up!!!)
  7. We never see one side of the moon (how can anyone believe the rotations of the moon and earth would work this way?! It’s called indoctrination.
  8. The moon and sun are virtually the same size as viewed from earth. Just another crazy scientific anomaly, huh?
  9. We pay NASA 60 million dollars a day. 60 million. For what? CGI bullshit.
  10. We can send things to Mars which is millions of miles away but not the Moon anymore which is considerably closer. Meh, the Moon is too passé I guess.
  11. The moons surface reflects the land on earth. Look it up.
  12. The moon and sun can be in the sky at the same time at like 4pm and you could see the “earth’s shadow” creating a half moon. Um…that’s impossible.
  13. Astronauts gone wild. There are videos out there of a pesky reporter trying to get astronauts to swear on the Bible they went to the moon. All the astronauts are ornery and violent. Look it up.
  14. Buzz admits on Conan that Conan never saw him on the moon.
  15. The abundance of lies and trickery NASA has done since.
  16. What does NASA mean in Hebrew? To deceive.
  17. Newspapers around the world had oddly timed photos from the first moon landing.
  18. The moon is within the firmament (read the Bible)
MadDad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oops. Looks like someone never researched this

MadDad 4 points ago +4 / -0

You’re exactly spot on. People here need to expand their minds more. You can’t believe everything you here from NASA. That’s the same as believing everything from the CDC. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO ON AN EPIC SCALE.

MadDad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. Research it. A local sun within the firmament would do exactly this. Spinning daily faster than the speed of sound is… LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

MadDad 0 points ago +2 / -2

Uh, earth is flat. Look into it.

MadDad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Great advice. Thank you.

MadDad 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know I sound crazy but it did make me wonder about someone who gets sick (not COVID) after getting jabbed and THAT sickness spreads to another person who isn’t jabbed. It was a concern and why I came to this forum to asked. I learned some great things from asking, including your honey method. I hadn’t heard too much about shedding for awhile now. Didn’t know if it was a thing still. Thanks.

MadDad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I like that. Conspiracy therapist. Lol. A therapist for sheeple who are waking up.

MadDad 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a litany of examples that prove the earth isn’t a globe. All globe proofs come from NASA (meaning: to deceive)

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