MalonLabe777 4 points ago +5 / -1

Is Fauci bad? Yes...evil to be exact and yes, he's a mass murderer. However, he is far from the biggest. NO, the biggest mass murder in world history by far is the US Government. This entity is arguably responsible for more death in the 20th Century alone than all other empires, and governments in recorded history COMBINED! A good book to read on this subject is Death By Government by Rummel...

Fauci is a cog in the destructive wheel of our murderous Federal Government. I would go so far as to say that any and every Federal employee should be considered a "Mass Murderer!"

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

The asswipes in DC are just completely INSUFFERABLE! A registration is just precursor to the draft...we all know this...like gun registration is precursor to confiscation...AND the draft is nothing more than indentured servitude! I just hate government! Local government is bad enough, but we need some form of local government because the unruly do exist and want to stifle the rights of others...HOWEVER...Central Federal Government is absolutely the height of inhuman, ungodly and institutionalized tyranny!

What government has caused more death and destruction world wide in the last 100 years? Washington DC! The Federal Government...the epitome of which you just witnessed in the clip above...is the most vile entity on the planet and has been for several decades! Now, this is the part that many of you on this forum (I call you Constitution Worshippers) will hate me for saying...

The one document that has made our Federal Monster what it is today...the loose document that gave wicked politicians the leeway to play fast and loose with our Liberty IS the Constitution! Friends, we are indeed here BECAUSE of our Constitution NOT in SPITE of it! Let that statement sink in!

No one ever talks about this pink elephant in the room. The main reason why there were so very many of our Founding Generation opposed to it's ratification in 1787-88 was exactly because of the type of activity we are witnessing in this clip! Politicians voting to take Liberty away for a large section of our nation in the interest of National Security because our Constitution and it's horrifically loose language fails to hold same legislators accountable within its structure!

Patrick Henry warned his constituents that if the Constitution was ratified the states would be relegated to nothing (no power) in comparison and that it was nothing more than "Masked Aristocracy!" In other words our Constitution would create a ruling elite right under our noses! And indeed that's what has happened!

As with everything else...when you are studying a topic or issue, YOU NEED to look at both sides of the story. All we ever hear about in our Conservative, Right Wing bubbles (and I include myself in this group) are people like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin go on and on about the Federalist Papers! Why is it they never say anything about the Anti-Federalist Papers. Look on Amazon...see how much easier it is to find a copy in various forms of the Federalist Papers. But, when you look for the Anti-Federalist Papers...not nearly as conspicuous. Again, truth has been withheld from us...we have been lied to about the nature of the Constitutional Convention of 1787-88. That group of men had a mandate ONLY to fix the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and nothing more. There was never a mandate to scrap the Articles of Confederation and replace them with a "Top Down Central Federal Government!" But three unsavory individuals hijacked the Convention and an all out coup took place that REPLACED the Articles with our current Constitution. Please don't come back at me saying I'm "Unpatriotic" or some other emotional label until you have done your research on this subject...

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just wondering two things...do you remember the 2020 Election and has anything really changed in a positive way with regard to how the next election is going to be held? Hint: there's still massive "Mail-In" ballots and the rigged machines are going to be in full force this coming election. Unless...for some reason...Jesus decides it's not time for America to go down, chances are the demoncraps are going to make sure what's left of our fair nation is burned to the ground before the year is up...

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah...it's very ironic how the so called Patriot community...supposedly those who love Liberty, Free Speech, and the "Constitution"...when it comes to honest question or disagreement...act NO different than the Leftist they claim to be against? I have been on many forums...4 chan...Twitter (X)...YouTube...etc. and none of them has ever kicked me off even though I have said some pretty Politically Incorrect things...especially against the Catholic Church, Israel, satanism, our government and Freemasonry. Greatawakening.win is the only place that has permanently banned me and forced me to create a new account. The mods on this site use "dooming" the same way our government uses "National Security!"

MalonLabe777 0 points ago +1 / -1

No...because the White Hats are in control and in order to wake up normies to the truth and for them to see how injustice works and what a Banana Republic we live in, the White Hats will assure that Hunter doesn't do any time at all. You see...Dave on x22 will say this was intentionally orchestrated in order to wake more people up! In other words, let's divert justice as we see fit because even with the White Hats, the end justifies the means!

MalonLabe777 14 points ago +14 / -0

One thing that never sat well with me in regard to all the Q stuff. If we are quote, "Watching a movie," and many Deep State traitors have already been executed...Hilary, Bill, Biden, Obama, etc., AND most of what we are seeing in the way of evil...rigged elections, DJT on trial, massive border issue, etc., are all just part of a movie AND if the White Hats and the Military are indeed in control...eventually the normies will find out that everything was either orchestrated or at least allowed to happen by the so called "White Hats" correct? I mean all they would have to do is go back and research this site to get that impression. If I were an normie and found this out, I would be even more pissed because deception is deception, no matter how you slice it or who does it!

If the White Hats/Military and DJT are just orchestrating this movie in order to wake normies up (which is what everyone on here believes and uses as an excuse...almost without exception) how in the world is that not even more evil? I mean, people are suffering more and more as each day goes by with this so called Movie and Plan. I think if the White Hats are truly in control...then the truth should have just been exposed...period...let the chips fall where they will. Either way...a certain percentage of the nation is just plain possessed and hate God. They know what's going on, but their service to their fake, wanna be god, will never allow them to do good. It doesn't matter how many "normies" wake up, we are still going to have the possibility of massive civil unrest and yes...maybe even war. In any case...this whole movie business has a major flaw and no one wants to admit the same...

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ask yourself this question...IF 80-90% of the voting population voted for DJT in this coming election...clearly showing to any thinking human being with an IQ over 60 that DJT won the election and the current Deep State Cabal openly told via the MSM that the election numbers were wrong and therefore we are going to "install" our candidate (be him Biden or him/her Big Mike), what would stop them from openly stealing this election as well? I can only base my future guesses based on past experience and my guess would be NOTHING!

I think they will either find a way to remove DJT, stop the election completely or they will just (for lack of a better description)...keep Biden or whomever in the White House regardless how obvious the election turnout support for DJT is.

Let's face it...they obviously stole the 2020 election. They have viciously imprisoned hundreds of our precious MAGA Patriots. They have put DJT through the worst kinds of lawfare horror...and what has anyone done to purposefully rectify the injustice? NOTHING! Mark my words, Hunter will spend exactly ZERO days in jail or prison.

The only thing that will save America...and by "save America" I mean keep our country from completely falling like the Roman Empire and other empires have done...is Jesus Christ and His providence. If our nation turns back to God, He promised He would save our nation. This may be happening, but I am not sure because we are totally in the fog of war right now. Only God knows at this point. Be that as it may, we need to continue to pray and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with any and all! Jesus is our only hope at this point! And this is not a bad thing...Jesus was always and is always the answer...

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

In addition to my last comment, the abomination of desolation spoken of here by Daniel and our Lord happened when Titus (the leader of the Roman armies that descended on Jerusalem) and the Roman standard (which to the Jews was the greatest abomination of Rome...to the point where in earlier times...before 70AD...the Jews forbade the Romans from carrying their standard even in the city, let alone allow it near the Temple). However, during the destruction in 70AD, the Romans were so irate with what the Jews were doing to each other (this was an even greater horror than what the Romans did to them) that they marched right into the Holy of Holies with the Roman Standard! This was indeed God's sign to the Jewish leaders that they were indeed being summarily dethroned, judged and wiped from earth...permanently!

Millions and millions of Jews died at the hands of each other and Rome during this horrific time, however, as the "secular" Josephus explains in his testimony, not one known Christ follower was killed during this most brutal period. Even the unbelieving Josephus (he was a secular Jew/Roman) could see how God made sure to provide an escape route for His people into the hills before the Roman siege began.

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

The best book to read to give you an excellent, detailed explanation using primarily the Bible, but also much fill in information from the testimony of Josephus is in the 1877 work by Rev. Wm. Patton called "The Judgement And Destruction Of Jerusalem." Getting a proper view of what exactly happened in 70AD and how it all fits into God's plan is going to bring you so much closer to our Lord and give you fresh eyes of faith into His plan and His amazing power!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

So true...God had a purpose for the ancient Hebrews that was fulfilled when Jesus was born, suffered, died and rose again! Now, God's true Church is those who accept His Son and the true and only Temple are the hearts of the people that make up His true Church. Modern Israel is a satanic, Rothschild backed fake that was set up with Rothschild money, the Balfour Declaration and through the genocide of 500,000 Palestinians...most of whom were Christians. There's no such thing as a bloodline Jew anymore as God scattered them.

MalonLabe777 6 points ago +6 / -0

The one thing I have learned during these trying times...since 2020...is the reality of Christ's victory on the Cross and how complete His destruction of the prince of darkness. I know we look around and we see the massive evil all around us. However, if you study what actually took place in 70AD in Israel, you realize that nothing has ever happed that matches what God did to Israel via the hand of Rome. If you are a Zionist Evangelical Christian...as are most Christians in America that attend one of the run of the mill, 501c3, government controlled churches...you especially need to re-read Matthew 24...specially verse 34 and also read what Josephus (the preeminent Jewish historian) said about the destruction of Israel in 70AD.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:21-22 that the horror unleashed (the Great Tribulation) on Israel at the behest of God by Rome would be the worst the world had ever seen and that..."no, nor shall ever be." In other words, the level of terror and destruction of this event would never happen again. And indeed, as a student of history...having studied in great detail what exactly happened in Israel...specifically within the walls of the great city of Jerusalem...was by far the worst spectacle of destruction and human suffering ever unleashed on humanity from the beginning of time until then...and has never been replicated since. Even the world wars, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, Vietnam, 6 Days War, the dropping of the bombs on Japan, the killing fields of Cambodia, 9/11...you name it...NOTHING compares to what Jesus said would and indeed did happen to Jerusalem in 70AD.

Most Christians are taught that Matthew 24 has not happened. Yet virtually EVERY pastor and layman Christian (Zionist Christian) just believes this propaganda being spewed from those 501c3 seeker friendly churches filling their mush with the regular dose of Rapture hopeum to keep their flocks in submission. In reality, if those same layman Zionist Christians and pastors would study what an eye witness (Josephus) had to say about the fall of Jerusalem, they would find that INDEED...each and every thing Jesus said would happen in Matthew 24 did happen...and it happened in spades and with the complete detailed accuracy we would expect from our Lord Jesus Christ! And yes...it all happened in the time frame Christ said it would...Matthew 24:34 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

I say all this to say that virtually all the great Early Church Fathers were on the same page about the future of Christianity and the power of Christ's Gospel Message...at least up until the late 1800's when a couple Rothschild stooges by the name of Darby and Scofield came on the scene and infected Christianity with the deadly virus of Dispensational hogwash! Up until then it was unequivocally taught that the simple, beautiful and supremely powerful message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (John 3:16) would eventually take over the world (Matthew 16:18) and it wouldn't be through a forced, military style conquering; but it would be through the pure love of Jesus message and it's being spread in love by those who have themselves shared in the experience of that saving message of John 3:16. The problem we have at this moment is that we are indeed in the fog of war...both spiritual and physical. We are having a difficult time seeing the wonderful things that God is doing in the world and how His Gospel is continuing to change lives all over the planet. Of course the media, governments and virtually every communication outlet on the planet is trying to hide anything truly good...especially the continuing good of the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men!

But...the reality is...God defeated the prince of this world 2,000 years ago with His resurrection and gave us a testimony to that fact by completely destroying the Old Covenant with magnificent end when Rome tore down Jerusalem brick by brick and made the most beautiful city to ever exist nothing more than a field of rubble. It may seem that the prince of darkness is still the prince of this world, but in reality, Jesus Christ reacquired the keys to the kingdom when He powerfully rose from the dead and was seated at the right hand of the Father and crowned King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen?

So...it is my belief that there actually will be no new world order or global government...there will be no Rapture to rescue us all from woes of this world...yes, men's hearts are still evil and the demons are still mad as hell because they know they've lost, but we need to continue to pray without ceasing and try to see through the fog the good that God is doing and continue to fight the good fight of freedom...political freedom and spiritual freedom. God promised the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against the message of the risen Christ!

A couple very good reads are:

The Judgement And Destruction Of Jerusalem by Rev. Wm. Patton (1877) The Complete Works Of Josephus (especially the section on the Jewish Wars) and it goes without saying...The King James Bible!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't know that...my bad! Feeling quite embarrassed now! But I feel better about Trump now. I was really miffed about the whole J6 thing...obviously! Sorry about my overreaction!

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +7 / -3


These poor civi's have been suffering on your behalf for almost 4 fn years...and you are now saying you will pardon them. How about you spend your billions on them as pay back for neglecting your duty toward them before you left office!

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

With regard to the JFK assassination I have always believed that...

  1. The physical evidence and much of the verbal evidence...eye witness testimony...overwhelmingly shows that Oswald didn't kill JFK.

  2. So...that means that indeed there had to be at least one other shooter.

  3. To this day the narrative of the Warren Commission as Oswald being the lone gunman is steadfastly in place and propagated within government, MSM, Hollywood, the Military, etc.

  4. What power on the planet is strong enough to control the all the world's intelligence agencies, all the world's governments, the DPD, the SS, the FBI, every MSM outlet, Hollywood, the Military and virtually all of Washington D.C. to continue to go along with this Oswald charade for neigh on 61 years now!?

  5. There's only one power on earth...Zionism...with the Rothschild Banking Cartel being at the tip of the spear!!! I believe it was the Rothschild Family who gave the order and put the intelligence apparatus in motion to kill JFK...and yes it was for Zionist (Israel) benefit...primary being that Kennedy threatened their fraudulent banking system that we all have been slave to since 1913!

*Good documentary, but I wish it had gone into Kennedy's effort to shut down the FED and the FED's relationship to the Zionist Rothschild Dynasty...

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a perfect example of why 1/2 the country that's liberal and woke need to think twice about continuing down this road of poking the Conservative, God fearing, gun toting right...although so far...incidents like this are far and few between. At this point, I wonder what the hell it's going to take...or what is the left going to have to do to us and our children before we decide enough is enough?

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just want to point out something here...

I used to watch FAUX News right up until the stolen November 2020 election. Of course occasionally I would watch that Jesuit POS Hannity spew his RINO garbage. It used to just piss me off when he would tell his audience how much he LOVED the FBI and that the rank and file were some of the best folks on the planet...that it was just the "higher ups" that needed dealt with! This Hannity propaganda is just so much bullshit!

People...think about this...who in the hell do you think is going carrying out the orders of the "higher ups?" It's the POS rank and file. They are the ones that are pushing the paperwork through that they know is illegal, they are the ones who are going to take that paperwork and...following orders like good little Jack Boots...carry out the illegal searches, raids and arrests...even murders! It's not the "higher ups" who are going to be pulling the triggers and kill their fellow citizens in their bedrooms and on their doorsteps!

NO HANNITY you worthless tool...the ENTIRE FBI needs to be disbanded and everyone even remotely associated with this sick agency (from the janitor to the head honcho) needs to be fired and put on trial for treason.

America will not be America until each and every past and present Federal Government employee is unemployed!

I support individual State Government, but will never support a Constitution that calls for or allows a Federalized Central Government. This is what Patrick Henry rightly termed, "Masked Aristocracy!"

A good read that discusses something I have yet heard anyone be willing to talk about...especially Conservative Patriots...is How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America by McClanahan. This well researched book shows how our CURRENT Constitution was designed and used by those who supported Monarchy to bring the only free nation on the planet under a very subtle tyranny designed to destroy individual State autonomy by setting generally subtle, but at times not so subtle precedent in Supreme Court decisions. Suffices to say one of the most important lessons we can learn at this point is America is in the situation it's in BECAUSE of the Constitution, not IN SPITE of it!

The Anti-Federalists (a group of Patriots and True Founding Fathers...which included the greatest of them...Patrick Henry) were terrified that if the Articles of Confederation were scraped in favor of the newly written Constitution, that because of the loose way it was written, it was ripe for overreach and it seemed to them to be designed to eventually lead to subjugation of the individual States. Well, as we can see, that has happened in spades my friends. We also need to read the Anti-Federalist Papers. Education is the key! Knowledge is power!

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly...I thought, "Really...Schumer is a piece of shit? I thought he was an incredible, Constitutionally oriented senator and upstanding Jew boy. I am so glad I saw this vid or I would have never known he was a PIECE OF SHIT!?

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly...if our treasonous government and illegal migrants can successfully take over our country, then they deserve to have it. We won America via violence from the English and the Native Americans. We fought a bloody Revolutionary War and an even bloodier war against the Native Americans in order to have this land between the Atlantic and Pacific. If we lose our country to a rogue government, globalists and illegals, we deserve to lose it. We should only be allowed to keep this land if we are willing to fight to keep it (as opposed to hoping there's a PLAN in place to save our country). So far...I am not seeing one iota of evidence that tells me Natural Born Americans deserve to live in America any longer...

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have friends, both are pilots, very intelligent individuals and successful in their chosen careers. However, they are both quite incredible examples of suffering from Cognitive Dissonance.

Over the years I have tried to Red Pill them and on many occasions brought up facts about the IRS and our corrupt tax situation in America. Today, as I read this meme, I thought about these two and realized that IF we indeed were able to flush the IRS, get our government under control to the point we only had to pay Constitutional Tax, my two friends would absolutely fight against it and ultimately find a way to pay the government based on the current system! I know this sounds like complete lunacy, but I am being very honest here. People are so conditioned to the way things are, they will find a way to maintain the status quo even if it ultimately destroys them!

Oh...and BTW...these two friends of mine are what I would consider Conservative Normies. Definitely not liberal. But the things they have said to me when we talk about the tax situation really leads me to believe they deep down feel it's their "religious" duty to pay income tax! This is what we are up against friends...severe Cognitive Dissonance!

MalonLabe777 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a great idea...where do I send the donations to build the cage?

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