MamaKnowsBest 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is no other part of the marine illuminated except his gloves?

MamaKnowsBest 12 points ago +12 / -0

I lost my dad last year 7 months afterwards. The first jab he was fine, after the booster he declined rapidly. My friend's 19yo daughter, who has never had any health problems other then seasonal allergies, is currently in the hospital with an enlarged aorta and ultracolitis. She got the jab last fall, not sure about booster(s).

MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

In my county (assuming it is state wide ?) the voting machines are touch screen. You do a write-in by touching the "other" button and then typing the name on the screen keyboard. The computer still tallies the votes regardless. After you finalize your vote you get a print out that you drop into a locked box for what it's worth. Only another computer can read the code in the event of a recount.

MamaKnowsBest 25 points ago +25 / -0

It isn't just Netflix.

MamaKnowsBest 9 points ago +9 / -0

Them asking to turn off the surveillance is sketchy. Thinking Trump's stupid enough to actually do that is even more sketchy. If they were really serious at this point, nobody verified that it was indeed turned off?! Again sketchy. Trump (or Trump Jr) talking about the tapes so much also seems off kilter. If there are indeed tapes (and it's not a bluff) I hope there are multiple copies in secured locations. Seems to me if the fibbers do it once illegally they'll do it again.

MamaKnowsBest 7 points ago +8 / -1

I'm sure it's just a little cowinkydink that the more processed and profitable it is, the "healthier" it is. Right?

MamaKnowsBest 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what I read too and that Mr. President watching it all remotely. Gotta wonder who's head is going to roll for not verifying that the surveillance cameras were actually turned off when the fibbers requested them to be.

MamaKnowsBest 5 points ago +5 / -0

You and me both.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Body double. Unless they're all sitting in the right-hand picture those people would have to be exceptionally tall, especially the woman. Plus the head shapes are different and the ears, though similar in shape, line up differently on each face.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. An industry that relies 100% on a person's lack of health is not in the business to get people healthy. It's a disease profit system. What's more twisted is they've created their own market.

MamaKnowsBest 9 points ago +10 / -1

Debated in some circles that the locusts mentioned could be the bean pods from a type of locust tree native to that region. Also known as a carob tree

MamaKnowsBest 5 points ago +5 / -0

CYB. Cover your butt. Necessary in a world of lawyers and insurance companies that love law suits and large settlement$. Most likely so they can't be liable if your mom catches it. My guess is that their malpractice insurance is requiring it.

MamaKnowsBest 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can only share a sandwich with someone who is hungry for it. If a person refuses the sandwich, you can't shove it down their throat and expect a thank you.

MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

This. I balled up a child's sock and put it in the arch of my foot. Then I wrapped my foot. Oh, the relief. Bliss. Only took a few days to heal after weeks of dealing with it. They sell special PF bands/socks you can put over your foot that has extra padding that goes in the arch but my arches are too high for those. Walmart, CVS, wherever foot care stuff is sold. Also they make a brace to wear at night that will keep the foot at a 90-degree angle that I've heard is helpful.

MamaKnowsBest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Curious. The 41%: is that who knew they had hiv? Perhaps the other 59% have it and didn't know? Doesn't hiv take 6 months before it can be detected? That may be old info. Anyway, I'm going somewhere with this. My mom was able to get her dr to give her a med exempt from the jab because of a previous condition that is now in remission. According to her Dr the jab would "wake up" that condition when it shut down the immune system. Is that basically what is happening and they are just calling it monkey pox, rather than fast track aids?

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