They have easy residence thats a good thing
He just signed his own political death warrant. The globos will come at him harder now and virgina is 50 % libtarted afaik
They act entitled to trump voters but i Wouldn't vote for depanties even if trump dropped out. I'd rather vote rfk jr.
The comments there are so typical lib cope.. LOL EVEN THE MSM is admitting it now because they want to avoid the gallows in 2025
Probably to hide illegal immigrants from eastern europe and israel
Its crazy that the whole world is basically at war and broke and we think we're evolving
Can't find the exact tweet what am i seeing?
From the mucky duck bar? Nice poem btw
Notice how little Russia has yet we're supposed to believe they're weak even though they have the most land in the world.
This blows i use the aquamox for myself and cats fuck the fda fish arent regulated
But walls and colonization are bad right FB
Powell may crash it soon
I pray to Almighty God, The only true God, Oh God of Abraham, for you and your pets IN THE NAME OF CHRIST JESUS. AMEN
They will argue they only pray in her name not to her tho
I think they're being honey potted but that means our gov't is guilty as well.
They worship the pope
But if they fund it they're supporting it.
He was elected by the Catholics for the Catholics and represemts everything about Catholics.
Same clowns wonder why people hate us.
Because these fuckers are treasonous
The Sephardic jews follow it too so do the mizrachi. Only the karaites do not.
Not really, the Orthodox jews still follow the Talmud. Its the karaites that reject the talmud for the torah. But they're few.
Awesome that Trump holds israel accountable for their atrocities. Biden hasn't but will soon follow
Beat em at their own game