But you have realize that The Plan may not happen and this is what we are going to have to do. We will have to have another revolutionary war. Not some glowy fag wanting bloodshed but it's a reality. We are either gonna have an internal war or a national divorce if Trump and the Patriots do not succeed.
That's one thing that really doesn't sit well for me. He KNOWS this shit is dangerous and he's still pushing it. Unless this is some 4D chess move, which I don't put past him, I don't understand. Safe to say, none of us here will ever do it. Which is funny because people like to poke fun at us and say we are in a cult. Cultists don't get to just deny their leader.
If I would've known what I knew now back in 2016, I'd be sounding the fucking alarms about the steal, stockpile the fuck outta guns and ammo, and red pill as many peeps as possible. I was cocky, naive, and comfortable that Trump won. I thought was America was returning to greatness. But the NWO had other plans. Nevertheless, we will fight these communist fucks.
My parents were in y'all shoes and made the same mistakes. I wasn't alive for HW but was a child for all of W. I wanted my parents vote for Romney just so Obama would be gone but fuck, Mittens was so gay and even I sensed it.
Shhhhh, don't let Big Pharma hear you! ThE jAb Is ThE oNlY DeFeNsE aGaInsT iT yOu ShOuLd TrUsT. God, my eyes have been opened to the evil that is the pharmaceutical companies. They don't give a fuck about your health, they just want more money so you get fucked and possibly die by a jab. Pure fucking evil. No wonder why they hate ivermectin and HCQ. Both have been around for decades and cheap af.
One of my best friends, who is a dumbass, voluntarily got the jab even though he already got sick and had the antibodies. Proceeds to complain that he felt like he got "hit by a train" for his second dose. Idk how my closest friends can say how much they hate the government and then willingly take the death jab. Blows my fucking mind.
Nahhhh, fuck the NRA. GOA and FPC are infinitely better and actually defend 2A.