Michael_Golfer 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes, the way they are being used right now they are mostly all scams, especially NFTs.

However, the primary speculation is that GameStop’s NFT marketplace will allow people to sell games they’ve downloaded. It will also create a marketplace for people to buy and sell in-game items they’ve purchased. If your kid buys a $1,000 Fortnite skin now you have a way to resell it.

Michael_Golfer 8 points ago +8 / -0

I know how you feel. I bet most people that come to this board have felt isolated at some point. It’s difficult knowing the evils that are truly going on in our world while everyone else is completely blind to it.

You said you don’t want to talk to anyone because you yammer about prepping and how everything is a lie. I’d recommend not trying to redpill everyone you talk to like that. It’s an incredibly difficult task to change people’s view of the world and you’re likely not going to get very far.

Like Q said, you can’t tell people the truth, you must show them. Trust the process. If someone is open to hearing the truth you can guide them. But don’t go overboard. It will just turn them away.

My advice is to simply do your best with getting on with your life. Focus your time and energy on hobbies you enjoy.

I think it’s becoming evident to most of us that the Q plan isn’t what we all expected it to be. It’s going to take some time. Be patient and try not to become too engulfed by it.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this real or is this satire? It’s impossible to tell the difference these days. I find it hard to believe that even the most liberal of the libs would read this and agree but maybe I’m just giving them too much credit…

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for your reply. That’s awesome! I truly do believe people are waking up. I feel like we still have a ways to go but there has certainly been some progress.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting. Post 4566 leads me to believe that maybe Maxwell is the first arrest?

Post 4566:

Impressive, most impressive. Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example] Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today. ONE LEADS TO ANOTHER TO ANOTHER TO ANOTHER. ONE LEADS TO MANY. Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening]. Have faith in Humanity. Q

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is he actually a democrat or is he trying to redpill people?

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hadn’t really thought of it before but it makes a lot of sense. There are plenty of LGB people who just want to live a normal life. They don’t want to be associated with the crazy left. They want to be treated the same as everyone else.

Michael_Golfer 11 points ago +11 / -0

Are there actually normies starting to catch on? I haven’t really seen much personally.

Michael_Golfer 0 points ago +1 / -1

The reason you are opposed to legalization is because you don’t like the smell..? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe most places it’s legal have laws that say it’s not allowed in public.

Let’s be real, most of the people who would buy it from a legal dispensary are already buying it now, illegally. That’s a lot of missed tax revenue while supporting drug gang activity.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow! What’s this in relation to? Is there something new that’s come up?

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Too much date fagging and they realize they don’t have anything to worry about since nothing ever actually happens…

Michael_Golfer 5 points ago +5 / -0

There’s actually an interesting sub on reddit that is made up entirely of bot accounts that post and interact with each other. A lot of the things they say are completely absurd but it’s interesting. I can’t remember the name of the sub though.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. I’m shocked they are trying to do this now after seeing how poorly it went with so many other companies.

Of course this is easy for me to say, but you really should be looking for a different job. Your best case scenario is if enough employees fight back and they reverse their decision while you stay under the radar.

However, if it turns into a legal battle you will end up being the loser regardless of the outcome. Even if a court rules in you favor and they let you keep your job, what do you think your future with the company will be like? It’s going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for you to get promotions and raises. And they obviously don’t really care about you as a person if they are willing to force a vax mandate on you.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

In your opinion, what do you think happens next? Russia has proof and the UN won’t listen. They need other countries on their side…

Where does China fit in with all of this? They’ve been on Russia’s side about these biolabs. Was China truly the one who released Covid? If not, then why did they try and say that it came from a bat? Maybe the Ukrainian biolabs have nothing to do with Covid’s origins?

Does Durham have incriminating evidence?

It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out…

Michael_Golfer 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have a feeling this is going to be another “disinformation is necessary” tweet… I really hope I’m wrong but it seems like there’s still a lot that has to play out. I don’t think this tweet means what we are all hoping it means.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it’s in reference to killing a trans person because “it” is not wanted, just like unborn babies, then yes I would be strongly against calling the trans person “it”.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

A few points to make:

  • All of the liberals are extremely opposed to this, and not just the politicians. Musk has even called out Soros and his “dark money groups”.

  • The globalists don’t give a shit about saving the planet and net zero. Yes, that’s what they say, but in reality they are after control over energy and resources. They want people to be dependent on them. If Tesla is able to mass produce electric vehicles at an affordable price it destroys the globalist agenda.

We don’t have to pick sides with Elon just yet. He might not be either a white hat or a black hat. At this point he is saying all of the right things and he’s certainly dropping some red pills along the way.

I’m interested in seeing how this all plays out. The jury on Elon is definitely still out.

Michael_Golfer 0 points ago +2 / -2

OP you’re using dissociative terminology that makes this living person seem like an inanimate object versus a living human being, which is exactly what the pro-choice people want to happen.

Replace “fetus” with baby or child, and replace “it” with he or she.

Baby born at 21 weeks and she survived. Democrats support abortion for any reason at this stage.”

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

It ends with a light punishment for the fall guy while the true criminals walk free. It’ll be a big deal for a few weeks until the next current thing comes along and everyone moves on and forgets about it.

Don’t mean to sound like a doomer but that’s just the way everything has played out so far. I’m confident we’ll get justice eventually but I feel like there’s a lot of time left on the clock for the Q plan to fully play out. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Michael_Golfer 12 points ago +12 / -0

It would be pretty difficult to trick people into doing something like that. If they found out it wasn’t an exercise they could easily just bail. Hard to risk an extremely important extraction with something like that.

In my opinion they probably did what the DS does best - blackmail and bribery. They’ll kill their family if they don’t do it. And if they are successful they’ll be richer than their wildest dreams.

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t disagree with the idea of starseeds but I think most people can likely relate in some way to the traits on the checklist… maybe that just means we’re all starseeds.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone is expecting it right now and is prepared for it. Now isn’t a good strategic time to invade.

I think it could play out something like this:

My guess is that Xi is working with Putin. Putin will release more and more evidence of US biolabs eventually to the point where it’s impossible for the US to deny.

It will then got brought to light that there are US biolabs in Taiwan. At that point China has a “reason” to invade Taiwan to protect their country from an intentional or accidental release of deadly pathogens. The US won’t really be able to do anything about it since the US essentially just got caught red handed.

Then we will eventually find out that Covid was created in a lab funded by the US and intentionally released in China.

Then after that the show will really begin!

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