Am I seeing this right, there is over 15 million people over the age of 100 drawing a pension from the US Gov?
Or is this just voting numbers?
If these numbers are right, no wonder they shitting their pants over an audit.
Your right though, if the judge breaks the law he can still be arrested right? I'm not to savvy on the laws, but is there a law that states that a judge cannot be arrested for breaking Federal laws?
Exposure is the surest way to topple crooked judges
You do have a point, most people are to lazy to back up their assertions.
I'm more of the opinion that the only reason we don't have people on the moon is due to artificial technological constraints.
I'm a sure that they've actively suppressed technologies for "national security" reasons.
I think we'll see a surge of innovations during the Trump presidency.
Of course this is my shallow take on the matter.
Yep, my guess as an idiot would be the algo can't just be changed over night. And to drop all censoring would invite the most rampant sexual deviances posted on FB.
People expect an over night change, they will be disappointed.
Well to be fair, considering the stink that's in the Catholic church, it would not surprise me if they have been engaged in similar activities.
The Catholic church is a captured entity that needs a cleansing.
This isn't shitting on Catholics themselves, just pointing out that the rot is deep in the Vatican.
Didn't Q say that people needed to be shown to be able to believe this?
I guarantee that if Trump made the move during his first presidency the conflict would have been a red hot civil war.
From my perspective watching this unfold over the 8 years, it's only now that I can see a mass awakening happening.
The people are ready now as they are, unlike 4 years ago.
It might be hard to grasp if you've been awake to this horror for awhile, but large chunks of US citizens were still under the sway of the deep state propaganda machine.
Even as much as a year ago it would have been hard to trigger an awakening.
For a lot of people, 2024 was a eye opener.
I too thought disclosure would happen much much earlier.
But after standing back and looking at it from a distance, I could see that while I've been ready for this since 2020, most people wouldn't even accept it even if you showed them pictures.
Timing is everything if you want to wake people up.
This is awesome! So much is happening around the world right now! The deepstate is being uprooted