MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Holy shit...just checked the followers and its like a who's who of Q/Red pillers.

That. Is. Significant.

MordenGeist 48 points ago +51 / -3

See, everyone thinks this is a poke in the eye to DC.

Step back and see the bigger picture....40,000ft view, someone once said.

They're still bussing illegals into the interior, but now people think its ok because "Muh Dem cities and shit". It isn't. They're still illegals, still getting free rides, and still infiltrating the USA. It's fckin bullshit.

Abbot is aiding and abetting illegals aliens to disappear into the interior....INTO Dem strongholds where they can use them for more illegal voter rolls, sucking up welfare (YOUR Tax dollars), and getting benefits you'll never get. THAT is if they even stay there, which they won't. These MFers traveled across Mexico and broke sovereign laws crossing the border to get here. They know how to walk to better places.

Stop cheer-leading Abbot, he's a fkin cuck for the DS. No laughing matter.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeh Makuloco is, in fact, part of the research I did. Everything he said matched what I found and then some. Excellent channel for the down-n-dirty👍

Edit: LoL the downvotes on my post above. Someone likes their Ford and got their fee-fees hurts. Awww..truth's a bitch🤣🤣

MordenGeist 0 points ago +3 / -3

Except the Ecoboost is a pile of crap.

I had a 2013 Ford F150 FX2 with the V6 twin turbo 3.5L Eco in it. First problem was a leaking Rear Diff Pinion Seal at 47k miles; like WTF. At 85K it began cascading failures: transmission Lead Frame, Throttle body, Turbos, and finally I got rid of it due to a head gasket fail (oil looked like creamed mocha coffee). I babied that thing, never drove it hard and never towed a single trailer but did use the bed to help move a few people to new houses and my own home projects.

Did a lot of research into those engines once things began failing and they're just crap, many failing before 100k miles. Never again. Traded in for a RAM Laramie 4x4 with the 5.7 Hemi. Couldnt be happier. Missed that V8 rumble.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

so the beaches have to be beautiful

Oh yeh...fine granule white "sugar" sand far as the eye can see in both directions and pretty clear, slightly blue-green, water when storms haven't stirred things up. Why it's called the Emerald Coast!!

Hope you find what you're looking for!

MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

Borrowed, not adopted. They are kids of friends of theirs and used to make the illusion of a black family instead of just a Gay Muslim insurgent and his Tranny pegger.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Navarre Beach is between Ft Walton Beach and Pensacola. Used to live there. Strong military presence as Hurlburt Field is about a 15min drive and Eglin AFB is about a 30min drive. Mind you, this was back in the 90's. Wasn't dense with people and was a great neighborhood and literally a stones throw from the beach.

Niceville/Valparaiso is (was?) full of retirees, on the East side of Eglin, situated on an inlet to the ocean, is also a great place to be. Also very high Military/retired Mil presence.

Traveling along the coast eastward, you have Destin. Ok place to live, but it's got a lot of party places catering to the military so it get a bit rowdy.

Further along HWY98 (Gulf Coast hwy) you have Sandestin. Lot of money in this town (or was) with nice houses, streets, people.

Last one I know (knew?) fairly well is Panama City. This place is crazy during Spring Break. Great place to visit but unless you're into a flood of drunk and horny College people once a year, I waffle a bit on living there. As I said tho, it IS a pretty fun city to visit.

In between all these main towns and cities are smaller towns. They didn't offer much in the way of conveniences so you'd have to travel a bit if you wanted to get everything in one or two stops, but that also was their charm. Navarre used to be like that until it "blew up" in popularity.

I reiterate, this is opinions based on 1992-1998 and what I experienced while stationed at Hurlburt Field at Ft Walton Beach. There's online guides to these places you can look into for just about any question you might have on them; i.e. property taxes, housing costs, schools, crime rates, etc.

Good luck!

Edit: oh and, BTW...these are ALL on the beach ;-)

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wrong. The UCMJ states the legal means to refuse an unlawful order. It is unfortunate most have been conditioned to just do what you're told without knowing this.

Forcing someone to take a deadly vax is an unlawful order and is everyone's right to refuse.

Source:me. 24yrs retired military.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Signed up. Let's see how this rolls...

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Liberal World Order: LWO

Q says mirror: OWL

What does Q say about OWLs? Many things, beginning in drop 182

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stepped outside in the last 10 years? Women with butts that big are a dime a dozen. Just a cruise thru a WalMart parking lot will prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anons said this was going to happen as early as December 2019.

It was the final thing that got me banned off Twatter.

I'd say "He who laughs last, laughs loudest", but this is no laughing matter. Terrible to see the freight train coming down the tracks at full speed and no one listens to get off the tracks.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

SO many innuendos in this context and "Roll Tide". Imma just let imaginations wander on that...

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

and their piers!

Agree. Piers Morgan is a proper cunt.

I think you meant "peers", however.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Highly interesting and in to esotericism myself. Lot of things out there people just would not comprehend...hell on some of them I'm still boggled.

That said, I have a different spin on "looking glass" that may or may not tie in to Q drops but an interesting tidbit none the less.

Looking Glass was an EC-135 Doomsday plane flown by the Air Force that had an interesting mission. Declassified and easily researched under 10 seconds.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hope they all close. That's some of the nastiest "coffee" in existence. Tastes like a mug a of burnt ass, which is why they upsell all the flavor enhancers to mask it.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, you pretty much articulated most of what I was going to say. The only other prediction within the next six months is: I'll have that 3-vehicle carport finally installed.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeh that's what I meant by being "valid" and I'm seeing it was maybe too vague. Mea Culpa.

Specifically, he ran Repub to appeal to the massive number of Conservatives that just wanna be left alone, all over the country, that outnumber the illusory Democrat numbers. By running as a Repub, this "validated" him in a massive majority of those Conservative people who were/are just fed up with political bullshit and wanted a human wrecking ball to smash things up a bit.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

We tried telling everyone over 2 years ago...

The Truth always comes out, eventually. It's unfortunate it happened like this.

MordenGeist 18 points ago +18 / -0

Often debated during his Presidency.

My take, based on his policies and actions, is he is neither Democrat nor Republican. He had to choose Repub during his run in order to be "valid". He burns both sides with a blowtorch and doesn't give one rats ass what anyone says about it.

Trump is not part of the two-party system. He is outside it, which is why both entrenched sides fuckin hate his guts...and scared shitless of him at the same time.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ohh, that's going on TS and AU. Thanks for sharing, I'm stealing it.

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