MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mhm, it's true. Been telling people this for so long, I don't actually remember exactly when I found out πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜…

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK, that's fair. They were just made on the next line overπŸ˜†

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Retards like that rarely made it to adulthood 25+ years ago.

...then they put warning labels on everything to warn them what is typically common sense. Far too many made it past the evolutionary blocks nature provided because of it.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

Jokes on you: same Chinese Factory, just rebranded to cost more.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple of lawsuits does not a problem make. It was a few people with a few babies.

Ok, I was wrong. You're a pedantic narcissistic asshole AND insane.

These days, I suppose I should expect nothing less....but wow.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

This should absolutely happen via unanimous vote. Here's sending hope and manifestations your way!!

MordenGeist 4 points ago +5 / -1

There is absolutely nothing that is redeeming about Disney or anything/anyone attached. Hence, not surprising to hear this news. They had the World bamboozled for decades...

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

I admit, I LoL'd at that second definition. Have an updoot!

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ahhh, that reaction when your niggling itch that something doesn't seem right gets bukkaki blasted in your face after watching a single truth/fact filled expose'.

I remember that feeling back in 1990. Took about a decade to cool off enough to not sound like a raving lunatic trying to tell everyone WTF was going on and whats to come.

These days when someone asks me about something they just found out, I just nod with a wistful smirk and utter quietly, "Yup, it's all true. Wait until you find out about how your Birth Certificate is used as tradeable commodity on the stockmarket and is worth millions. ....and how by your parents signing it you become a ward of the state...for life. That'll knock yer socks off."

I then direct them to watch "Sgt Hortons: War Castles" for another bukakke blast.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

The "~" means approximately; i.e. within every 100 years. Ergo:

  • 1776- the US was born, a total reset

  • 1860- Civil War begins, another reset

  • 1929- stock market crash/great depression, another reset

  • 2022-? A reset coming.


MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or a Camaro. Awright Awright Awriiiight.

by BQnita
MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

And get deported. Get so tired of their negative circular reasoning bullshit.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

If there was any shit on Trump, it would have been flung around by the [DS] like a troop of rabid chimps.

Think logically: what has happened to EVERY individual that was against or no longer useful to [them]? Destroyed reputations or suicide. How many times has that rabid troop of chimps flung shit at Trump, only for it to ricochet right back on [them]?

People trying to say no way Trump is clean forget to take this into consideration: the literal WORLD tried (and still trying) taking Trump down with every dirty trick and lie they could muster. All failed. Use your head for something other than a hood ornament.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mhm, just like the stock market crash of 1929.

Consider: every ~100yrs a major reset event happens.

Buckle up.

MordenGeist 10 points ago +10 / -0

Big brain break downs are what I love most and this one, far as I can cross-check and verify, is on point.

Thanks for this; great reminder of the how puzzle pieces fit together.πŸ‘

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, takes a million millions to make a billion.

He IS a multi-millionaire though and, if he plays it right, can grow it to a Billion pretty quick.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I posted no opinions, I posted actual links to actual Lawsuits. Added were links to show other problems. This is called "Sauce" on the site.

I dont care about your pedantic bullshit, as it's completely irrelevant in this specific context and once again shows you're making this about you.

Read the very first post. Be less a narcissistic asshole.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Am I? Let's not ignore who responded to my post to begin this dialog on your own personal opinions while simultaneously ignoring the core message.

Don't like this? Don't make it about you and understand the bigger picture next time.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ, not saying you weren't/didn't. Good for you.

You missed the entire point of the reply and original post though, which is the formula has changed from then to now. Just like vax schedules for newborns to 5yrs old; both have become quite toxic and, in some cases, lethal. Some genetic make-ups can handle it, some get destroyed by it. Read the articles if you need to and don't believe me, I don't care. Just making awareness that is IS a thing, despite what you personally didn't have to endure, others did.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

OR....was he one of the good guys all along having to "double agent" the [DS] to stay alive, as it were, until the time to strike was at hand? Playing the game, so to speak.

We've all seen bad guys on good guy teams do the exact same thing. Why isn't it a possibility that good guys are capable of the same type of infiltration?

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Mobility Issues"

Yeh I reckon being dead does that to a lizard....er, I mean uh...person.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

LoL, very few will understand the reference!

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