Compare both of those to a "Q-Minute" :-D
Nothing-burger unfortunately.
May I ask which State you landed in?
Mensa measures "raw" IQ - but IQ doesn't mean all that much in the grand scheme of things...
Not a test of IQ - a test of Manipulability.
Sheep got the shot.
Shepherds did not.
Sheep dogs did not.
Wolves did not.
Which one are you? ;-)
Yandex isn't a bad search engine (all in all) - just remember it's Russian by nature. I use it often.
Please! No more Hopium tonight - I’ve had enough!
Hahahaha! That’s not how this whole thing works.
You are not alone.
Nothing will happen. People will go back to their lives, back to their jobs, back to mindlessly scrolling away on their phones. The general population has the attention span of a goldfish - there’s a brief moment of disbelief (or even outrage) before “life” pulls them back under.
They reversed it. :-D Typo? or a reflection of the level of idiocy in the world?
I have friends with family in Kiev. Bombing is taking place. No panic - but resistance.
Actually, the demon is very much alive. The host is dead.
So - are we admitting that he's riding on AF1?
Stop listening. Enough people stop and he’ll either change his tune or vanish altogether. I can’t listen to him anymore - I swear he’s just an AI at this point that just mashed daily news together with “Davisms” and sprinkled liberally with commercials.
Living in LA? You are surrounded by more friends than you know. We’re ALL underground here ?
“Who is John Galt?” John Galt is Q!
Maybe they have leaked it. What has the world done in response? Pretty much nothing. We may not be complicit, but we are too lazy/distracted/helpless to really do anything about it.
So how many innocent children should we lock up to wake the normies? Perhaps a round of torture and killing as well? Hopefully we are not all thinking it’s okay to use the tactics of the enemy (and turn them up to 11) in order to wake up some sheep...
Love this. Thank you, Patriot.
He wanted to take credit for the success. I consider his ego his one big weakness (and also one of his greatest a strengths).