Narg 38 points ago +38 / -0

Well, no argument here. Old hat for those on this board.

But it's electrifying to see this being posted in plain sight on Twitter, to be shared from and to anyone.

The Great Awakening is entering its Quickening phase.

Narg 15 points ago +15 / -0

With Trump's speech yesterday outright threatening the Cabal with his plans to "aggressively prosecute" employees of EVERY federal agency who violated citizen rights and to restore free speech and other freedoms, plus Tucker Carlson talking about the C!A and Kennedy's murder on national MSM television, plus Elon running Twitter as a Red Pill dispenser -- and with so many more signs that we are near the Go point -- I feel more certain than ever that we'll get to actually SEE some justice, and fairly soon.

If you've not seen Trump's speech, it's in the second half of this excellent mash-up of video clips, Tweets, and more (no, it's not a music video despite the URL suggesting otherwise) -- https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZXVVjtf4/scotty-mar10--talking-heads--psy/c/

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nicely put together video. I thought it was just going to be the Talking Heads.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes. Money is almost as addictive as Power.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah. I appreciate the detail. Makes sense -- also, by the time they got the branching done, the cat would be long out of the bag, I imagine . . . and the original branch would still be up, wouldn't it? So yes, a lot for them to overcome.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thanks for the explanation, fren.

No questions other than your own: could Trump's NFT collection include data that would bring down the corrupt Social Credit Score-enabling Ethereum, and if so how would it be inserted and then accessed? With steganography being so well known, I don't find it difficult to believe it could happen, but then I know nothing about the underlying tech of NFTs.

Narg 14 points ago +14 / -0

Solid post, and I can see medical and pharmaceutical professionals being impacted the way you describe (also other groups, but arresting Fauci would, I imagine, be a massive blow to this particular group).

In addition to the three personality characteristics you list, I'd add a sense of being an Authority, of being a healer, of being wiser than the average person, of being looked up to, of being SPECIAL.

The huge downgrade of their status -- to being suspected of serious criminality, of being malicious rather than benevolent, of becoming pariahs -- will be very hard to take, even if the courts never come for them.

Narg 20 points ago +20 / -0

I'm still not seeing it: How do Trump's NFTs being on the same network as Ethereum "destroy their own network"?

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the transcript.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are multiple elements to the precipice, I believe.

  • Tipping point for understanding "Vax" Truth: You and your entire family (in many cases) have been poisoned, some are already dead or seriously injured, and all of you likely have shortened lifespans and are probably infertile.

  • Tipping point for understanding the malice behind most "governance" and within most corporations and other formerly trusted institutions

  • Tipping point for economic pain

  • Tipping point for understanding of the depravity and evil of the elite and those they've corrupted or enabled.

And plenty of sub-points following from those, such as awakening to our universally corrupted elections, to the near-complete inversion of the relationship between government and individual citizens (thanks Ayn!), to the awareness of how the media, including most large internet media, have been lying to and gaslighting us, and so on.

All of these and more together will constitute the Precipice.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a visible (under the microscope) difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed blood; the vaxxed have blood with visibly misshapen red blood cells.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Solid post, CanadianPedeMan1571. And I agree with MidwesternDoctor that the dam is about to break on this issue . . . and I believe that will have even more important knock-on effects than he describes: it will bring a quantum leap in the overall Great Awakening.

A minor housekeeping tip:


That's the URL for the Substack article; everything after that, from the ? to the end, is just tracking information; you can paste the whole thing in when creating a post and then just delete that tracking data (the stuff below).


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

What your daughter wrote is seriously impressive. I've lately been reading The Master and His Emissary, The Matter With Things, and The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning by Ian McGilchrist, which describe the two very different worlds created by the Left and Right hemispheres of the brain -- and your daughter has somehow developed a similar understanding.

McGilchrist is a scientist, among other things, and his writings are based upon decades of research. I believe the framework he has developed is an important one and that it can help to shape a healthier and more human world.

A few snippets:

The left hemisphere is not in touch with the world. It is demonstrably self-deceiving, and confabulates - makes up a story, when it cannot understand something, and tells it with conviction. Michael Gazzaniga first demonstrated this in split-brain patients. Subsequent research shows that, unlike the right hemisphere, which tends toward self-doubt, it takes a distinctly flattering view of its own capabilities. The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning, p. 31

It [the left hemisphere] is not reasonable. It is angry when challenged, dismisses evidence it doesn't like or can't understand, and is unreasonably sure of its own rightness. It is not good at understanding the world. Its attention is narrow, its vision myopic, and it can't see how the parts fit together. It is good for only one thing - manipulating the world. Its world is a representation, a virtual world, only. It neglects the incarnate nature of human beings, reducing them to the equivalent of brains in a vat. It reduces the living to the mechanical. It prioritises the procedure, without a grasp of its meaning or purpose. And it requires certainty where none can be found. ibid, pp. 31- 32

The left hemisphere tells us that the quest for meaning is meaningless, because it is not equipped to deal in meaning or understanding, but manipulating and processing. ibid, p. 33

Meaning emerges from engagement with the world, not from abstract contemplation of it. ibid, p. 36

The hemispheres have different answers to the fundamental question 'what is knowledge?' -- The Master and His Emissary, p. 135 (Chapter 4)

. . . the main point of hemisphere difference (is) division versus cohesion. Ibid, p. 140

. . . context [the right hemisphere's domain] implies change and process. ibid, p. 141

The left hemisphere is not impressed by empathy: its concern is with maximising gain for itself, and its driving value is utility. ibid, p. 145

Altruism is a necessary consequence of empathy: we feel others' feeling, engage in their being. ibid, p. 146

It is mutuality, not reciprocity; fellow-feeling, not calculation, which is both the motive and the reward for successful co-operation. And the outcome, in utilitarian terms, is not the important point: it is the process, the relationship, that matters. ibid, p.147 [comma replaced with semicolon above for readability]

And in case anyone should think that empathy necessarily means being soft on others, those right-sided regions include the right caudate, an area known to be involved in altruistic punishment of defection. ibid, p. 147

Things are not whatever we care to make them. There is a something that exists apart from our own minds, and our attempt to apprehend whatever it is needs to be true to, faithful to, that whatever-it-is-that-exists and at the same time true to ourselves in making that apprehension. No single truth does not mean no truth. ibid, p. 150

. . . the right hemisphere is more in touch with reality, and the left hemisphere more concerned with the internal consistency of whatever virtual model of the world it happens to be working with at the time. The Matter With Things, p. 104

In the absence of the left hemisphere, things come alive. Ibid, p. 160

We need the union of division and union, of multiplicity and unity; the left hemisphere needs ultimately to act as servant to the right hemisphere master, since, unbridled, the left hemisphere is capable of destroying the world. ibid, pp. 1281-1282

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Terrific summary.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

So far. The "vaxxed" have a 26% higher mortality rate than the unjabbed SO FAR.

Of course the actual rate of mortality is always 100%; nobody lives forever.

It's a common annoyance for me that mortality rates DURING A PARTICULAR TIME PERIOD are reported WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THAT TIME PERIOD, which makes the statistic meaningless.

Here we've got May 2022 referenced in the chart, which presumably means people who GOT the jab were XX percent more likely than age-matched non-jabbed controls to die BY THAT DATE.

Going forward, will the jabbed continue to have a similarly higher mortality rate? An even higher one? Will the disparity even out instead? Time will tell, but I don't expect good news in this situation.

Narg 16 points ago +16 / -0

Holy crap.

I expect any day to read that "Records show Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and every other vaccine manufacturer knew that the COVID-19 vaccines would extinguish all life on Earth, but hid the information to prevent harm to their bottom line."

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

How many times can a perp be hanged?

Edit: Too quick with the snark, as often the case. My bad. Your point is a good one and if nothing else, the victims and their families and friends deserve to know the truth about any of Fauci's crimes that impacted their lives.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Great quote. Basic human nature doesn't change.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

I just watched the 8-episode "season one" of Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix.

It's a five-star presentation of a paradigm-busting theory. Hancock himself comes across as intelligent, thoughtful, open-minded, and as someone with integrity. During the series, we see his new paradigm coming together over decades as he researches sites around the globe and puts what he learns together in convincing fashion.

ANY entrenched paradigm generates resistance to being overthrown -- people were arrested and even tortured and burned at the stake for espousing theories that threatened prevailing scientific and religious paradigms during the Inquisition -- Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Giordano Bruno come to mind -- but ridicule and censorship have been enough to do the job in more recent times.

The series is a red-pill because it shows solid evidence and perfectly reasonable theory being pointedly ignored and belittled by "experts" who should be engaging with that evidence and examining and attempting to falsify that theory.

Beyond that factor, Hancock's theory includes something I haven't seen mentioned yet: he believes the core REASON for the huge ancient monuments around the world -- all positioned to call attention to the heavens in one way or another and with other shared features -- is that a near-extinction event for humanity occurred near the end of the last ice age, about 12,600 years ago. The thin dark band of sediment in the geological record from that time, similar to the one marking the asteroid or comet impact 66 million years ago that ended the non-avian dinosaurs, is the piece of evidence that sealed the deal for me, but the vast man-made underground tunnels and living spaces at various places around the world also fit the framework.

The apparently much larger number of vast tunnels and underground living spaces constructed by militaries and others recently come to mind, including perhaps in Antartica. Is one purpose for those to prepare for and shield (the few) against an incoming bombardment of cometary fragments like the one that may have ended an advanced civilization (or civilizations) millennia ago? Not a high-tech, semiconductor-enabled civilization but rather an ancient Egypt-level civilization in a time where much of humanity remained at the Stone Age level? If so, that might be a major reason for keeping a lid on Hancock's theories all by itself.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. It will be someone far better known, since he/she "will trigger mass pop awakening." SBF isn't in the running, IMO.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 17:03:45 ID: 4e4d4a 8kun/qresearch: 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q

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