Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

I recall an interview with Rockefeller in the '80s when he foretold that "travel will become more difficult in the future" and in other ways hinted at what was being planned -- without admitting such things were actual PLANS.

BTW, in those days there was no TSA, and you basically just bought a ticket and got on the plane when it boarded.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

In the mid-1950s,

Soda machines dispensed Cokes and other soft drinks for 5 cents

Candy bars were likewise a nickel

McDonald's hamburgers were 15 cents; cheeseburgers were 19 cents.

Until Franklin "Detention Camp" Roosevelt confiscated (in practice, anyway) nearly all of America's gold and devalued the dollar, a twenty dollar bill was legally THE SAME AS a one-ounce $20 American GOLD coin.

Most people have NO IDEA how much wealth the Cabal has stolen from the hard-working Americans who CREATED that wealth. Much of the booty was spent on war.

Narg 27 points ago +27 / -0

I hereby propose a "Legislative tax" on politicians that charges any politician $50,000 for introducing or voting for any new or increased tax -- plus 1% of the total projected take from that tax annually.

The bill would also give a tax CREDIT of $50,000 to any politician who introduces or votes for any major tax reduction (to be defined in the small print) that actually passes and goes into effect.

(This line added as a last-ditch attempt to fix a formatting error that won't go away)

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't kid yourself -- their multiple mansions with full-time staff, their personal organic farms and their personal kitchen staff, their zillion-acre personal holdings, their yachts, and all the luxury that money can buy DO matter to them -- a LOT. Power may be MORE important to them, but they crave wealth and were it taken from them, they would feel it deeply. They don't plan to be ruling the world from a cracker-box house in Appalachia.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Although I wouldn't say stealth was the ONLY weapon [they] had -- massive stolen wealth was certainly another. But without stealth, it all falls apart -- and for that matter, stealth is what they used to increase their wealth to such staggering levels.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The entire nation needs this -- and one-day in-person voting, with ID, full transparency, and final counts within 24 hours . (Of course)

Narg 2 points ago +3 / -1

EVERYTHING [they] do is backfiring on [them]; every evil plan is waking people up because once you get clear on the consequences [they] are trying for, you see it all -- Agenda 21 / Agenda 30, DEI, Black Lives Matter, Woke prosecutors, Trans propaganda, etc etc -- for what it is: a way for [them] to destroy Western civilization, dramatically reduce world population, turn those still alive into serfs and slaves, and rule over the resulting Hellscape forever, unopposed.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Excellent! A little phase-shift like this makes it almost impossible to miss the point.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Humans are complex, for crying out loud. Musk apparently still believes the Climate Change Lie, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's on Team Cabal. I know people -- smart people, too -- who are highly focused on job and family, aren't Woke, and have read the junk/corrupt "science" on the topic and who thus believe we're heading for a climate catastrophe. THEY aren't Cabal, believe me.

Not everyone with a good heart and good motives believes the same thing on every topic. We aren't regimented drones. I'm not saying Musk ISN'T compromised, and he's clearly gotten along with the establishment well enough to have become a top government contractor (Space X in particular comes to mind). But I think condemning him on the basis of Wrongthink in a particular area is short-sighted.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

And she gave you at least as much as you gave her; being able to help, and DOING so is a huge blessing in and of itself.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

I hope something (or many somethings) in here helps:




Flavonoids are polyphenols (found in fruits, vegetables, red wine, and tea) that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Flavonoids have been associated with improved lung function (Garcia 2005). The following flavonoids/ flavonoid-containing plants have been studied in the context of asthma:

Quercetin. Part of quercetin’s chemical structure is similar to cromolyn, a mast cell stabilizer sometimes used to treat asthma (Weng 2012). In one study, a high dietary intake of the flavonoids quercetin (found in wine, tea, and onions), naringenin (found in oranges and grapefruit), and hesperetin (found in oranges and lemons) was associated with a lower prevalence of asthma (Knekt 2002). Several animal models of asthma have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory properties of quercetin. In one study, a single-dose oral administration of quercetin caused significant broncodilation, both in culture and in vivo (Joskova 2011). In another study, oral administration of quercetin significantly reduced levels of the inflammatory cytokines IL-5 and IL-4 as well as inhibited mucus production in the lungs (Rogerio 2010). In yet another animal model, quercetin significantly inhibited all asthmatic reactions when it was administered before an asthma-inducing substance (Park 2009).

Proanthocyanidin. Proanthocyanidin is the main constituent of Pycnogenol®, an extract from the French maritime pine bark. Proanthocyanidin is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals (Cos 2004). A randomized, placebo-controlled trial found that children with mild to moderate asthma who received Pycnogenol® for 4 weeks in addition to daily and/or rescue inhalers had significantly improved lung function and asthma symptoms compared to the placebo group. Also, the treatment group was able to reduce or discontinue use of rescue medication(s) more often than the control group (Lau 2004). Similar results were found in a more recent trial among adults with stable, controlled asthma who used Pycnogenol® as an adjunct compared to inhaled corticosteroid only or placebo (Belcaro 2011).

Ginkgo biloba. A flavonoid-rich extract of leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree appears to be an effective asthma therapy (Mahmoud 2000; Li 1997; Tang 2007). In one study, ginkgo biloba extract was added to corticosteroids for 2 weeks. Researchers found that the sputum of patients on the ginkgo therapy had significantly less inflammatory cells compared to the drug-only or placebo groups, suggesting that ginkgo extract may relieve the airway inflammation associated with asthma (Tang 2007). In an animal model of asthma where an allergy challenge was followed by treatment with ginkgo, the extract inhibited the release of eosinophils in the lung tissue and mucus-secreting cells in the airways (Chu 2011).

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nice! You've come up with a thoughtful way to get more TRUTH from these Woke-programmed demons.

daemon2 | ˈdēm(ə)n | (also demon) noun Computing a background process that handles requests for services such as print spooling and file transfers, and is dormant when not required.

I'll try this with Leo, the sometimes-excellent and always suppressive-on-Cabal-interested-topics AI that now comes with the Brave browser.

Narg 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you! It's a good meme on an important red-pill subject; with the sauce I can send it to others (without getting the same complaint I made here! 🤣)

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfect meme-song.

The "hypnotic" commands at the end to stream this and to follow on social media made me LOL.

Narg 2 points ago +3 / -1

Really! Without sauce, I can't send this around to anybody. I believe it's probably true, but this meme is just an unsupported accusation.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Government "regulation" is mal-regulation, every time.

Corrupt, insanely expensive, serving special interests instead of the People.

What part of "Everything government touches turns to shit" do people not understand?

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome post!

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd get a second opinion (on ANYTHING before having surgery for the issue). But it sounds like you may be at the point where surgery is the best or only life-saving option.

There ARE risks to surgery and my experience is that doctors tend to downplay risk in general; stroke is one (death is another, of course). That's not to warn you away from surgery: EVERYTHING, no exceptions, has risk. NOT having surgery in your situation has risks.

Some things might help improve your situation WITHOUT surgery, or provide better chances of a good outcome following surgery. Here's one example:

Nattokinase (from https://www.lifeextension.com/protocols/heart-circulatory/stroke-cerebrovascular-disease)

Nattokinase is an enzyme extracted from fermented soybeans. Research generally supports nattokinase supplementation as safe and promising for cardiovascular disease risk reduction162 and functional protection after stroke.163,164 In preclinical and clinical studies, nattokinase has been shown to break down the protein fibrinogen, which contributes to blood viscosity and clotting. It has also demonstrated lipid- and blood pressure-lowering activity, as well as neuroprotective effects.163 In a randomized controlled trial published in 2008, individuals who received 2,000 fibrinolytic units (FU) of nattokinase per day for eight weeks experienced reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of about 5.5 mm Hg and 3 mm Hg, respectively.165 In an open-label trial in 45 subjects, supplementation with 4,000 FU of nattokinase daily for two months resulted in decreased levels of blood clotting factors, including fibrinogen, factor VII, and factor VIII.166

And speaking of risk:

Safety note: Cerebral hemorrhaging was reported in a patient concomitantly using aspirin and nattokinase for secondary stroke prevention.167 Therefore, a risk assessment by a healthcare provider is warranted before individuals taking an antithrombotic agent initiate nattokinase supplementation.

There are many things that can improve the odds of surviving surgery (or stroke, for that matter) with less damage than otherwise. I'd look into PQQ, CoQ10, Vitamin C, and a whole raft of other things. You'd naturally want to talk to your doctors about this -- especially about anything taken shortly before surgery, or that might conflict with medications you're taking or would be given during or after surgery -- and I would also talk to medical and medical-adjacent people who FOCUS on nutrition and supplements, given that many MDs are largely ignorant and/or biased about anything non-Rx.

You've been working hard for a long time at keeping yourself healthy -- most don't, of course -- so I believe you can make the most of the information out there and chose the best path for your particular case.

Best wishes, BerlinWallCrosser.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

My bet is "jab reactions plus anything else they can cook up."

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which one's gonna be First Lady?

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

You make the spike proteins after an mRNA jab because YOUR OWN DNA now contains instructions for doing so. (Or not; you can find both claims supported with a little research -- but since the spike protein shows up for at least six months in a jabbed person's blood, SOMETHING seems to keep the supply coming, so I'll assume "changed DNA" is in play).

Various supplements, drugs, and actions can apparently mute or disable or eliminate the spike protein particles that are produced, but unless or until a way is found to either change one's DNA back to normal (or at least to remove the bad instructions) or to, epigenitcally, silence the spike-making gene(s), you'll keep making spike protein forever.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Government agencies, including the CDC, were found to have conspired with social media companies to censor a wide range of speech, including posts that provided accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines. As part of that effort, the CDC passed on misinformation to Facebook, documents showed. The agency has also offered misinformation about vaccines in presentations and on social media.

The government likely violated constitutional rights with its efforts, courts have ruled.

The Supreme Court is set to soon take up the legal case that uncovered the conspiracy.

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