Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The more government money is thrown at "health care", the higher the costs go -- much like government student loan "help" raises the cost of tuition. More money being thrown at the same amount of goods raises the price of the goods.

from https://health.costhelper.com/chemo.html --

The price of chemotherapy drugs varies widely, depending on the drug. For example, according to research[3] from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, one course of a drug for chemotherapy for breast cancer can cost about $900-$15,000, depending on the drug(s); and, if growth factor support is added to lessen side effects, that increases costs from more than $4,000 to more than $30,000. According to an article[4] in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, combination chemotherapy regimens typically used for advanced colorectal cancer can range from almost $12,000 to over $30,000 for an eight-week course, depending on the drugs. But new drugs usually cost more: for example, Adcetris[5] , a recently approved drug that treats recurrences of some types of lymphoma, can cost more than $120,000 for a course of treatment, and so does Yervoy[6] , a new skin cancer drug.

Note that many of the "not new" drugs are off-patent, some are actually from the 1950s, and likely cost pennies per dose to produce.

Narg 1 point ago +2 / -1


R. J. Rumell spent his career researching mass murder by government, particularly in the 20th century. Here are the top three mass murderers of that blood-stained century and his estimate for the number of victims of each (this is NOT war dead; just people lined up and shot, burned to death, buried alive, etc).


  1. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
  2. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
  3. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State

Yes: the Holocaust was real. Jews were only one of the groups in the victim class.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the upper-right corner, to the right of the URL line, is a set of four symbols; the first is a square with a thick right edge. That's the "show sidebar" icon. Click it and the sidebar appears; at the far right is now a vertical list of icons, and the asterisk in a circle (or actually in a small quote balloon) is the Leo icon. Click that and the sidebar becomes the Leo pane. At the bottom is an "Enter a prompt here" box.

You may need to update your copy of Brave; Leo is a new feature. Goto Brave, About in the menu bar at top left of screen to update.

Narg 4 points ago +5 / -1

In the early days of Q, I remember Alex Jones slamming Q as controlled opposition. I had the feeling Jones was trying to discredit the Q drops for no reason other than that HE wanted to be the source of information and "leader" for the conservative and patriot movements. I had a strong negative reaction to his behavior and demeanor. Also -- not really important, but another reaction I have to him -- his gravelly voice and overly dramatic demeanor have always annoyed me.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

. . . a government that is only the fraction of the size we have now

That's EXACTLY what America started with, as we all know. First the Articles of Confederation (1781 - 1789) and then the much more centralized and authoritarian government under the Constitution. Still, that government was tiny compared to what we have today.

Here are the federal agencies that DID NOT EXIST for the first sixty years or more after the Constitution was ratified:

  • Interior 1849
  • Agriculture 1889
  • Commerce 1913
  • Labor 1913
  • Health and Human Services 1953
  • Housing and Urban Development 1965
  • Transportation 1966
  • Energy 1967
  • Environmental Protection Agency 1970 (elevated to cabinet-level in 1990)
  • Education 1979
  • Veterans Affairs 1987
  • Homeland Security 2002

Your thought, Horsinaround, that "it’s possible the Government as we know it might cease to exist", is something that needs to go viral. A small American government will inevitably once again become a vast American government, and the free people it governs will increasingly again become oppressed.

Narg 0 points ago +1 / -1

AI already IS useful to a lot of people. I know the head Tech person at the 911 center in a nearby city and he uses ChatGTP to quickly write emails, computer code, prepare reports, and so on. The place is (of course) understaffed and everyone is overworked, and he tells me ChatGTP is astonishingly quick at doing things that would take him many minutes or even hours, and so far it has been accurate and needs little or no editing.

Then again, he's not asking it questions about topics the Cabal wants censored.

As a way to quickly summarize a new topic (as with the Kastrup example above), AI can help someone decide if they want to dig into that topic and might point a researcher in directions they might not otherwise find without days, weeks, or months of research and reading.

The time-saving comes with the risk of misinformation, but that's ALWAYS a risk, no matter where you get information from . . . take everything with a grain of salt (or a bagful) and use multiple sources to give greater likelihood of an accurate take on things.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. My impression is that the Supremes will find reason to hear a NUMBER of pro-freedom lawsuits when the timing suits The Plan.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. But the normies aren't ready for that part of the truth yet. It's coming, though.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Transparency, accountability -- and a lot less malice.

Narg 7 points ago +8 / -1

The Constitutional authorization for a Federal, national police agency is right there in, uh . . . in Article, uh . . . .

Well, it's in there somewhere, right?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, fren! (And quick service!)

I'd call the results "shallow and data-poor but reasonably balanced" -- miles ahead of what I see from typical search engines, anyway.



contrast with:


Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's my question:

Are the COVID vaccines safe and effective?

With search engines, anyway, that question cuts thru the crap pretty quickly.

If page one is nothing but MSM and other Cabal lies and narrative, you know you won't be getting much of the truth about anything the Cabal cares about. I expect similar levels of censorship to show up in Cabal-funded or -adjacent Large Language models.

I'm curious to see how Grok handles the question.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

wondering if of the so called diseases are actually deficiencies

Many are.

Also, there's a big difference between "adequate to prevent disease" and "enough for robust health."

The RDA for vitamin C is 75mg for women and 90mg for men -- laughably low, imo. For pregnant or lactating women, it's 85mg and 120mg, respectively -- ALSO absurdly low.

Enough to prevent scurvy? Yes.

Enough for robust good health? Enough to deal with fighting off a disease or with other stress? Not really.

Your DOG makes about 2,000 to 3,000 mg of C per day (if it's a largish breed, about the weight of an adult human), and it's at the low end of what mammals typically make per day. Goats (again, adjusted for human-adult bodyweight) make about 20,000mg -- twenty grams -- daily, and can make more when stressed or ill.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. You can be perfectly healthy on a vegetarian diet (esp. if you include eggs and dairy, as opposed to eating completely vegan), but you must eat carefully. Some nutrients, such as B12, are less common (and typically less dense) in vegetarian food sources than in meat, but they CAN be obtained.

Humans are omnivores; our teeth, digestive systems, and other genetic characteristics prove beyond doubt that our ancestors ate meat, vegetables, and fruit -- giving humans a good chance to survive in almost any environment on Earth. An omnivore diet, with a variety of mostly unprocessed or minimally-processed food is the easiest and healthiest way to get the major, minor, and micro nutrients we need, but it's certainly possible to be healthy on a diet without meat. More difficult, but not impossible.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

The UN is just another example of tyrants imposing themselves on free human beings -- exactly what the American Revolution was fought to free us from.

And by "free us", I mean -- ultimately -- the entire human race.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

. . . watching with curiosity to see if the flu will wreak extra havoc this year (and from now on) due to the effect that the jab has had on people and their immune systems.

Yes, extra havoc incoming. There is already a boatload of data showing immune system damage from the jabs (see Steve Hirsch, Dr. Jessica Rose, and over a dozen other credible sources who have dug out and compiled relevant data from VAERS, from studies, from a wide range of sources. "Turbo Cancer" has entered the lexicon precisely because of the reduction in the immune system's surveillance function in so many of those injected with the COVID "vaccines."

Flu season? Yeah, that's not going to go well for the jabbed, as a group.

And your advice on vitamins etc is well worth considering by all of us, jabbed or otherwise.

As you (changeagent) and most on this board surely know, the common "censorship engines" like Google or Brave or whatnot DON'T give honest, uncensored results when you search for anything the Cabal wants to control; I recommend Yandex at this point. Check the link on Turbo Cancer above, then do the same search with your current search engine to compare. On this particular search, the difference between Brave Search and Yandex is jaw-dropping.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

It must be getting harder every day for them to walk down the street.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. A SINGLE BATCH had 21% fatality rate (so far); every other batch, even in the "top ten", was significantly lower than that -- still horribly unsafe, but far from 20%.

And the OVERALL death rate (so far) from the injections is MUCH lower than 20%.

Very misleading.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are many natural, over-the-counter supplements that are known to extend both lifespan and healthspan. Among the least expensive is Taurine, which is abundant in the human body -- but levels drop as we age. Several recent studies show remarkable benefits for middle-age and older people and animals from supplemental taurine; for instance:




Taurine is CHEAP; I buy it at Life Extension (I'm a customer, nothing more) but you'll find it at any good health food store and, of course, at Amazon and elsewhere on the web.


Dirt cheap: $8.10 / bottle in qty 4 or by autoship at LEF.

Also: plenty of other supplements slow aging and improve health; do some research and you'll be amazed. No need to wait for Big Harma to come up with an expensive artificial drug.

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